A week has passed since the accident happened. Rumors started circulating inside the campus some saying the dead student will hunt the school or will hunt her classmates making people avoid our room and the students inside of it.

I entered the room and felt the gloomy atmosphere in the room. I sat in my usual seat and took out my phone. It was 8:00 in the morning and only a few students attended the class. Out of 30 students, only 15 show up and the rest are absent. Half of the room was missing.

As the teacher entered the room he sighs deeply like he was expecting this to happen. He gathered all of us 15 in the front seats and started to talk.

"I know that this is hard for you guys… We all did not expect this to happen. If you are wondering why others are absent… Their parents gave an excuse letter to me. I am thankful to all, after all that happened you guys still decided to go to school." Mr. Lad said.

After the speech of Mr. Lad, he did not give homework nor discuss his lesson, but he counsels other students who are traumatized about what happened.

It is lunch break and few students are going to the canteen to eat, but I decided to eat here in the room since I have a lunch pack inside my bag.

Since only 4 people are in the classroom, One of which is sleeping and the other two are talking, I can overhear their conversation. As I'm eating my lunch.

"Hey, El you know... I was very curious about what happened, it does not make any sense..." Alica murmured.

"What does not make sense about it?" El asked.

"You know... Lorelai's dead. It just- just does not sink into me even though it has been a week and the cause of death is very vague to me." Alica mumbled while drinking her milk via a straw.

"Hmm… you're kinda right, now you mentioned it, her injuries are far more severe than us," El replied.

"Do you know what that means?" Alica asked.

"Means what?" El confusingly said.

"Mystery!" Alica exclaimed.

I choked on my food as I tried to swallow it, getting my Tumblr from my bag. In a time like this, she dares to say that, but she's kinda right actually.

"By the way, Jade and the others are still in the hospital. Wanna visit them later? " El asked.

"How about the mystery." Alica pouted.

"We can ask them questions about what happened during that time," El replied.

"Fine… by the way would it be lonely? Since it's just the two of us?" Alica asked.

"Maybe we can ask Kheres later when he wakes up since he was a close friend of Lorelai and the others as well," El said.

"Okay! That would be fun!"