A brunette girl in a straw dress walked in.
"I am Rosalinda and I will be the exchange student for the Kaiser Clan as my father has agreed."
Cody looked at her.
"I will take you to our school then."
Cody led her out of the camp. Chief Blake looked at me.
"Let me take you to your tent."
We walked up to a blue teepee.
"One of our customs is to have our guests have bunkmates. You will meet him later though."
"Where is he at right now?"
"He's getting ready for our tribal ritual."\
"Ritual? To appease the gods you believe in I suppose."
"Yes. Tonight you will be introduced to the tribe by joining in our rituals."
"Okay, what does that require?"
"Don't worry about it. Tyler will explain it to you in a moment."
5 minutes later,Tyler appeared in a red headdress. He was holding a light purple dress.
"What 's that for?'
"You will be wearing it at your tribal initiation tonight."
"Yeah we do that for all our new tribe mates."
"Really? Your tribe is nicer than I thought they were."
"What did you think we were like?"
"Mean and unwilling to compromise."
"Why? Because we were shooting up your school?"
"We're both in the same boat. We thought all of you worshipped the devil."
"Well I guess it's true that you should never judge a book by its cover."
"Yep you guessed it."
Tyler handed me the gown.
"Now get ready, the ritual starts soon!"
Tyler left the tent. I slipped into my gown. I left the tent and raced to my initiation.
I sat down as they started the fire. Chief Blake stood behind the fire as they threw a ram into it. He raised his hands to the air.
"Oh great and powerful Kaiser, god of the earth, we praise you as we welcome