Chereads / Unrequited Love - Eng Ver / Chapter 14 - 14. In The Emergency Room

Chapter 14 - 14. In The Emergency Room

"Hello Dania, what's up?"

"Sister, where are you? Desia is in the emergency room of the hospital where I work." Dania talked in a hurried voice.

"I'm still on the way to go home. Why Desia?" Dinda panicked tremendously when there was news about her family entering the ER.

Arya who was driving the car clearly saw Dinda's panic and pulled his car to the nearest roadside.

"Arya, my sister, Desia is in the emergency room. Can you please take me there?" Arya's pleading request was granted by Dinda. Arya nodded and drove the car to where Dania worked after Dinda told her the name of the hospital.


"You are really something, Desia. You are a girl but you act like a boy and you can fight with a bunch of men," Dania grumbled uncontrollably while applying antiseptic medicine to some parts of her sister's body which were bloodied.

"The man that you have just said is a rogue, sist. Should I just stay silent if I get robbed?" The quarrel between two sisters in the emergency room that night surprised everyone who saw it.

Meanwhile, 6 beds have been occupied by the perpetrators of the robbery who successfully suffered serious injuries due to kicks, fists, and slams of the tomboy woman. The police who came to the scene took them to the emergency room before going to the police station because of their injuries. Only first aid and an hour later, they had to be transferred to a police station using a police car for further inspection at headquarters.

"Excuse me, can you come with us to the police station? We need your existence because their boss is on the run." A young policeman approached Desia who was still sitting on a medical bed with her sister who was still busy applying for medicine here and there.

"Huh, what a long night." Desia sighed between tired, hungry, and sick in one. The policeman smiled. Unique women can beat a group of robbers who have long been a DPO (List of People Search).

"Desia, why are you in the ER?" Suddenly his eldest sister came with a panicked face accompanied by her boyfriend behind.

"It's okay, sist. I'm fine. Hehehe...." Desia smiled shyly because she was surrounded by many people at the same time.

"Desia beat up the robber. She's fine, but the robber is battered. See!." Dania pointed to several beds where a flock of patients who were victims of Desia's malignancy lay tonight.

Dinda and Arya looked around and shook their heads in disbelief.

"So what now?" Ask Dinda.

"I'm going to the police station in a moment to give a testimony. It won't take long, right Sir?" Desia hoped that the examination process would only take a short time because she was already extremely tired.

"Trying to do it as soon as possible. We'll excuse ourselves." The police officer resigned.

"Alfian?" Arya called the officer who was just about to leave.

"Yes, Are you Arya?" The two men pointed at each other with doubtful looks.

"That's right, hahaha... long time no see." Arya and the police officer named Alfian shook hands vigorously. It turns out that two old friends are reunited by accident in an unexpected place.

"I'm sorry I can't stay any longer. We will talk much later, okay?" And they also exchanged cell phone numbers.

"Who is he, Arya?" Ask Dinda.

"Alfian, our friend goes to the same school. He used to be an IPS 3 student." Arya explained and took her beloved woman's shoulder who looked tired tonight.

"I'm sorry I don't remember." Dinda pulled her lips straight and smiled innocently.

"Yes, you used to be only Tasya's friend." Arya squeezed Dinda's nose in exasperation.

"Aw, it's hurt. However, my male friends are only in 1 class." Dinda defended herself. They chose a long chair in front of the emergency room to rest their backs.

"I know that. Anyway, so what will happen to your sister?" Arya asked.

"Desia? The police said that she was only being asked to testify as a witness because the boss of the robbers escaped. If she had any injuries to her body, my other sister has already treated her. She is one of the nurses at this hospital." Dinda sounded more relaxed because Desia was not the first time to beat a robber.

Previously, he had knocked out a group of robbers who almost took money from customers who had just taken money from the bank. The amount is not kidding, worth 1 billion. If it weren't for Desia, maybe dozens of home industry employees would have their salaries delayed for several months or even their home factories would be closed.

"Sister, I'm going to the police station for a while. You don't have to wait for me, If mother asks you, Please just say there's overtime. I'll be escorted home by a police officer in a normal car." Desia appeared from behind with Alfian, her brother's friend.

"Fian, I'm sorry I don't remember you. My friendship is not wide, hehehe. Take my sister home, okay?"

"Don't worry Din. By the way, you're very different now from when you were in school. It's better now." Alfian raised two thumbs up at Dinda.

"Ehem..." Arya interrupted. Alfie laughed.

Finally, the car driven by Arya stopped right in front of Dinda's house. The light bulb on the terrace lights up brightly, a sign that someone is already home, which is none other than Dinda's parents. The atmosphere around was already quiet because the clock showed almost 12 at night. The road in front of Dinda's house is wide enough to fit two cars left and right without intersecting. Each house is fenced and the size of the surrounding houses is quite large. Mango trees adorn almost every terrace of the house.

"Thank you, Arya, sorry to bother driving me here and there. Be careful when driving. Don't sleep, don't play with your cellphone, and don't open the window if someone knocks you in the middle of the road." The long-haired woman's advice was like a fussy mother in Arya's eyes. Arya smirked and chuckled.

Arya raised her left hand and pulled Dinda's neck gently towards her face. Their lips met for a long time, both of them gasping for air. Dinda's lips have been an addiction for Arya for a long time. He wanted to feel it every time he met his lover.

"Dinda, I will immediately bring papa mama to meet your father and your mother. I want to make you my wife as soon as possible. Because I want to be with you every day every moment every second." Their foreheads pressed tightly together as if they didn't want to be separated.

"Arya, are you sure? Aren't we going too fast?" Dinda looked at the face of her lover who refused to let go of her hand.

"In fact, I feel very late. If we had met a few years earlier, we would be a husband and wife by now." Arya smiled at the simple beautiful face in front of her. Maybe Dinda is not as beautiful as the women who usually surround Arya under the guise of being a friend, patient, co-worker, or even just a brief acquaintance. But, for Arya, real beauty is what makes her feel at home near and looking at her for a long time. Dinda is not the type of girl who is spoiled and likes to show her weakness to be protected by men.

"I'll go down first, okay. It's late. We'll talk again tomorrow if the doctor has free time." Dinda smiled and took the bag in the back seat.

"Hmm, tomorrow I don't have an operation scheduled. The usual practice is until 2 pm. I can try."

"Sip, thank you again. Be careful on the road." Dinda opened the door on the left. And, waving to her lover who still hasn't left. After Dinda entered the house, Arya's car was heard slowly leaving Dinda's house.

What an extraordinary day, thought Dinda.


The busy city of Jakarta seems to never stop. Morning afternoon and evening, the pulse of life is still bubbling in every wheel of human life who wants to change the fate for the better.

Arya was busy with the arrival of patients who consulted one after another. There were even some female patients who even asked for a handsome doctor's cellphone number for their daughter. This incident had made the koas chuckle.

Dinda drowned herself with dozens of emails as if she didn't want to make her fingers rest for a moment. Dinda is a marketing senior so she just stands by in front of the laptop while occasionally checking her junior's work.

Dania is off work today. The time is used by doing his hobby, namely gardening. The various vegetables in the yard of only 4x5mtr have become a beautiful green that is refreshing to the eyes. There are lettuce leaves, long beans, chilies, tomatoes, pandan leaves, and there is even grass jelly tree vines along the bamboo fence on the left.

Desia has been going back and forth to the police station for two days. The three sisters did not tell their parents about Desia beating up a gang of gangsters at night. As long as they can be handled, they will not burden the minds of parents who are easily distracted from even the smallest things.

Rico and Aline remain a couple who regularly go in and out of the discotheque every night after work and spend long nights at Rico's apartment which is already Aline's second home. Sometimes Rico still thinks about Dinda, who for some reason often comes into his dreams. Dinda used to blush shyly when she passed him, Dinda who used to steal glances when lessons were in progress,

Dinda who remained faithful to be single even though she had changed boyfriends many times. Now, Dinda seems to be reborn and forgets the past. In the past, Rico did not ignore Dinda's presence, it was just that the female friends around Dinda were more attractive to him. Maybe this is called KARMA. When he wants to get closer, he is even shunned. Like he used to treat Dinda. I have no idea