The sound of hands hitting against one another filled the entire hall with soft chattering. Numerous people were standing on their feet, their faces covered with glamorous masks.
Female or men, all of them were wearing glittery clothes as if they wanted to shine brighter than the stars this night. And in the middle of that sea of ambitious people, I stood in a plain-looking white suit and tie.
But disregarding my attire, with a fraudulent smile on my lips, I proudly stood up and gave a bow to everyone around.
In the midst of all that joy, one woman came and parted the whole crowd. With a simple raise of her head, the noise quietened down and all eyes were fixed on her.
With a long and dazzling gown, accompanied by brilliant pearls around her neck and her hair, she was undoubtfully the star of the night. She had a nice smile on her lips as she gracefully glanced around the people praising her beauty as well as the greatness of her child.