Chereads / The Elements of Fury / Chapter 65 - 64 Co+U+Si+N+S

Chapter 65 - 64 Co+U+Si+N+S

"Oh my!" All of girls were giggling at the stage where a comedic play was being acted out, but had a lot of licentious innuendos. The male actors were all good looking muscular men with tight pants and suspenders on over bare chests. The females were all scandalously clothed in barely there, see through skirts with merely underwear and a corset to protect a fraction of modesty.

The women had just had a dance routine and sang about milking the cows, but one clueless woman kept talking about her cow only having one udder and not producing enough milk.

The entire audience was laughing as the woman had showed her friends the "Cow with one udder" who was just two of the guys dressed in a cow suit. Every time the girls would take turns to milk this cow, one of the guys face would pop through an opening on the side and make a face.

My sides were splitting in laughter along with everyone else when the song and dance came to an end and the men jumped out of the suit scaring the women off stage. The curtains closed and everyone of the performers came out and took a bow. We rose up clapping enthusiastically with the rest of the crowd who was there, our private box though kept anyone from seeing us as we sat back down and enjoyed some more wine. Iris had a few sips, but would not drink anymore for fear of it messing with her medicine she had to take.

I was on my third glass, feeling the warmth of the alcohol in my cheeks as we waited for the audience to clear out. Our booth was greeted by a servant who introduced two of the male actors to us.

"Evening Ladies, I am Ivan and this is Roland. Did you enjoy the show?" They asked politely. These two were easy on the eyes, with thick muscles and strong cheek and jaw bones with pleasant eyes, nose and hair. One was blonde with brown eyes, the other is brown hair with hazel green eyes.

Sitting down and talking with us, they had been curious who had bought out the private box and wanted to receive our opinions. After some facial reenactments and trying out some new ones, we were in tears as the servant came back to let us know our motor carriage was ready and waiting for us.

"Thank you gentleman, for such a lovely and entertaining evening." I thank them as I stand to go.

"It was our pleasure, ladies." They bow as they leave and Evangeline watches them shamelessly as they walk out.

She looks to us, grinning, "I don't know about you ladies, but I would not mind looking at either one of those men a little longer." She fans her face, as does Elaine, as we all giggle.

Once escorted to our carriage, Anana has us taken to a building I have never been to or seen before.

"Where are we at now?" I ask looking up at the giant stained glass clock that decorated the front of the building, it's gears exposed tastefully on one side.

"Oh." Evangeline looked excited as she turned to me, "This is Elemental Time. It's a gambling house."

Anana chimes in, "Yes, but it's more than just a gambling house. It's also has a relaxing hot spring bath downstairs. So ladies shall we gamble and then go relax before going home?"

"Oh, why not?!" I roll my eyes as they all gave me puppy dog eyes, since it was up to me. Once we have made it inside, I'm shocked to find that it's packed with people.

"It didn't look this busy from the outside." Iris stated as we walked in to be greeted by an employee.

"Welcome to Elemental Time, ladies. You must be the Fairchild party. Please follow me, we've already set up your area for use."

We were led upstairs between the groups that gathered around certain tables where someone was either winning or playing a close game. Upstairs was not nearly as crowded but still held a fair amount of people.

"Here you are ladies, as was requested, you have all been given a starting balance of one million each to play with. Your table man tonight will be Roland. He's on his way now, with your barman, Ivan." With that he helped us into our seats as us girls each gave one another side eyes.

Those names.....

"Well fancy that, good evening again ladies!" Roland and Ivan said in unison, rolling a bar cart with them. They immediately got to work setting up for the games and drinks, making every drink quickly as it was ordered.

A game of Baccarat was set up and soon we were all having a good time. After a half an hour the game was changed and we played seven card stud, cheat, and blackjack. By this time the majority of us were feeling the effects of the alcohol and were having a grand time with the boys who were quite fun and while they were flirtatious, it was not over done. Iris, Etty and myself were the sober ones out of the bunch. Even though Etty and I were rosy cheeked from drinks, we still had drank no where near as much as the others had.

Regardless, everyone finished the last round of Blackjack and we all had done well tonight.

"Well ladies, we shall be your bartenders at the hot spring down stairs, if you'll follow Roland, he will take you there and I will be there shortly." Ivan bowed to us Roland took lead. We were escorted to the lift this time, thankfully. I was not sure how Cecelia(Mrs. Stargo) or Anana would have made it down the stairs without falling with how many drinks those two had ingested.

"So Roland, you and Ivan work at the theater and here. How long have you worked like this? Elaine asked shyly.

Roland gave her a smile, eyes sparking that he was asked a personal question. " We've worked the theater for over eight years, both places about four. However, we also are waiters three days out of the week for lunch time at the Pleasant Delight Cafe."

Elaine's eyes grew wide, "Well, you both work quite a bit. Why three jobs?"

Roland sighed, a far away look in his eyes replaced his focused gaze for a moment. "We both wish to save up enough to buy a small plot of land to farm and live outside the city on. We prefer the quiet and peace that we would experience out there. It's very expensive to buy a farm plot though. So we decided to both work extra and then our wages from the cafe and here at Elemental Time can be saved for the plot."

Something struck me as they were talking, but I let the question reside in the back of my head.

Were they brothers? Family? Friends? Lovers? It took a small fortune to buy those plots of land and they both were going to split the costs?

I may have kept most of what went through my head to myself but I did give him a compliment. "There's nothing like experiencing the reward after you've cultivated the fruits of your labor, Roland. Both of you men should be proud of your hard work for a common goal."

I knew I was going to leave a nice tip for their excellent performance and job done well for this evening. Not one person in our party was not smiling and enjoying ourselves, they earned one.

"Thank you, ma'am. Here we are." The lift slowed to a stop and we exited into a humid room, with a manned desk in front of a vast amount of shelves labeled with numbers and towels.

"Evening, Harold. This is the Fairchild group." Roland stated to the man behind the desk.

"AH Yes! The Fairchild group! Please tell me, which one of you lovely ladies is the lucky bride to be?" Harold asked looking at each one of us in turn.

"I am, sir." I said warmly, a big grin upon my face.

"Very nice, congratulations to you. I have your spa gown and robe here, please, makes sure you remove your jewelry before entering the water. We have locks on each wardrobe inside the changing rooms, please make sure that you use the wardrobes marked Fairchild. When you're ready to leave, we can open them back up for you all. Enjoy your time in the hot springs ladies! Remember if you feel too hot, to get out of the water and don't fall asleep. Your servers are there to help anyone who may need it."

We thanked him, taking our spa gowns and robes from him and headed to the room marked for us to change into.

"I've never been to a hot spring spa before. This should be nice." I exclaim setting my jewels into the wardrobe as instructed to do so and began undressing with the others.

We step out and Roland is waiting already dressed in a Spa suit and robe with Ivan dressed the same with a newly stocked cart.

"This way ladies." Ivan escorted us with Roland bringing up the rear with the cart.

"This feels amazing!" Etty leaned back in the hot spring pool that had smooth lounge like stones and seats scattered throughout the water. The water was hot but not scalding as a waterfall with cool water decorated one side of the pool. We were located midway from the waterfall so it made the water just right. It reminded me of the area under the waterfall that Bav had taken me to in the park.

Ivan and Roland made sure our drinks were always taken care of even as most of their attention was being taken by Elaine and Evangeline.

Elaine was talking quietly with Roland, who's hazel green eyes sparkled like dewy grass as they smiled at Elaine with whatever they were conversing about. I looked towards Evangeline who was giggling at something Ivan just said to her.

Smiling into my glass, I took a long drink from it, finishing it off. I looked towards the clock and saw it was eleven in the evening. I glanced to Cecilia, who was beginning to look tired and Anana who shared the same tiredness in her eyes. Iris was looking rather well, enjoying the water and smiling as she relaxed deep in thought.

Chuckling inwardly I stood up from my lounge and this caught everyone's attention. " I think it's time for us to go home, I am getting married tomorrow." I beamed, hardly able to contain my excitement. Anana and Cecelia quickly agreed, Etty murmured her approval too. Elaine and Evangeline looked disappointed but still nodded in agreement.

"That's right, the bride must look her best tomorrow!" Ivan exclaimed, giving me a wink.

Roland nodded, "Go ahead ladies and dry off and get changed. We will escort you out and make sure your motor carriage is ready for you when you leave." He smiled and made his way to exit the pool, along with Ivan.

We dried off and got dressed, me pulling out and checking the amount of coins I had on me. I knew here in the gilded district that people tipped considerably. I wanted to give them an adequate tip but what was adequate for tonight?

"Evangeline?" I turned to her, seeing her write something on a little card she pulled from her purse.

"Yes?" She asked, sticking the card in her pocket quickly.

"Sorry, but my brain is not wanting to work right now. What should I tip the men? I mean they were at the theater and our servers here, what do you think would be fair?" I pulled the bank note pad out and a pencil to fill it out.

Evangeline chewed on the inside of her lower lip for a moment. "No less than ten thousand gold, each, I mean it is for the entire evening. They were quite wonderful and deserve it."

My heart stuttered, ten thousand gold? Each?!

I was using Bav's money and felt horrible to give so much gold away.

Anana must have caught my look , by the way she quickly grabbed my hand, pulling me with her. "Come on let's go take care of that while Iris and the rest finish getting ready."

She swiftly pulled me out and spoke softly for my ears only. "Go ahead and give them a higher tip than that dear. Those men know that we each were given a million to play with each. We won more tonight than what we were gifted to play with. Remember as a gilded citizen you are to uphold a reputation for not only yourself but Bav as well. Plus like Evangeline said, they deserve it. Bav will not be upset, I promise."

Looking towards Anana, seeing the seriousness on her face, I took the older woman's advice. As we approached the desk, Ivan came out of the men's changing room, followed by Roland.

"Gentlemen, if I may ask for your full names, so that I may show my appreciation for your excellent service and entertainment for tonight."

"Roland Atwater and Ivan Atwater." I mumbled as I wrote their names on the bank notes, followed by an amount that I would have fainted to have received as a tip a year ago. A thought came back to the forefront of my mind, though as I was about to hand the notes over.

"Are you brothers?" I asked curiously.

"Cousins, my lady." They took the bank notes and immediately put them into their pockets.

Roland bowed deeply, "We thank you for generosity." Followed by Ivan doing the same.

As the rest of the girls joined us, Evangeline handed over a banknote that looked like it had something with it as well before we left in the motor carriage.

We waved goodbye and the carriage started off down the road. I looked back to see them checking the notes and their excitement was noticeable from the carriage as we were ushered away. I giggled as they started jumping up and down, hugging each other in joy.

Anana saw their reactions and leaned over, "How much did you give them?"

I smiled, "I split between them my gambling amount allotted."

Anana's jaw dropped but slowly spread into a wide smile. "That's my girl."