Chereads / The Elements of Fury / Chapter 61 - 60 No

Chapter 61 - 60 No

"Rakara can I speak with you privately for a moment?" Etty asks after we've finished prepping the pastries to be cooked and handed them off to Dinah.

"Of course Etty." I lead the way to the office and close the door. "What's the matter?" I ask concerned.

"Do you know who Clara is?" Etty asks me looking worried.

"In reference to?" I ask her confused.

"Derek, Mr. Chambers, we've been talking and he went to introduce me to his parents and his mother was calling me Clara. Even his father asked what happened to Clara. You seemed to be some what familiar with Mr. Chambers, do you know who she is?"

Clara? I racked my brain when realization hit me... I was Clara....

"Oh Etty, you don't need to concern yourself with Clara. They were not seeing each other for long, I think it was a total of three dates. She left him for another man." I inform her, telling as much truth as I could.

"Okay. I was worried, I really like him and don't want to be played for a fool." Etty lets out a breath and I see her shoulders visibly release their tension and fall slightly from relief.

"Was that all, Etty?" I asked her and she nodded smiling, a little embarrassed. "Next time you should ask Derek if you have those kind of questions. I have no doubt he would answer you honestly." She nods and thanks me before we go about our other opening tasks.

We were not open for long and I was in my office doing paper work when Etty and Elaine called me out.

I walked out to be surprised by a lovely bouquet of purple and yellow flowers.

"Because it's Wednesday... Wow, Rakara... He's so romantic.." Elaine crooned to me.

"Oh stop teasing me, Elaine. " I blushed and took the flowers to my office and hid in my office till ten.

I headed over to the new shop to check on progress and to go over the tile choices, paint colors, and other details from knobs to faucets.

"Eric, I don't mind these tiles for the kitchen and bathrooms but can we do something like put a couple decorative tiles around the upper portions or scattered throughout? Like for every nine square feet there is one decorative tile? Will that make the cost too high?"

We had been looking through the tile samples that the masonry made and really liked a few different options they provided that were decorative. I thought they would be a nice touch to the shop. After going over the numbers we decided to a few in strategic areas in each area. Which these changes only raised it by a few hundred Silver. I picked out the detailed and elegant fixtures for the shop and picked out less expensive ones for the apartments and the kitchens.

Time flew by and as soon as we finished choosing the options, I was bidding Eric to have a good day. It was tea time and I needed to hurry to get to the shop. I was heading out the door to leave when I collided with a solid chest.

"OOF!" I bounced off, knocking the air out of me and started to fall backwards when a pair of arms caught me.

"I got you." A familiar voice said as they righted me.

"I'm so sorry sir, I was in such a hur...ry...." I paused and realized who I ran into.

In front of me was the man known as Elias Thorn.

My father.

"Mr.... Mr. Thorn?" I struggled to find more words than that as my legs suddenly felt like they would give out from under me.

Eric had rushed over and grabbed my arm to steady me and led me to a chair to sit down.

"I'm sorry sir, but this business is not open yet." Eric said to him.

"I realize that, good sir. I was looking for Ms. Langridge and was told to come here to find her."

Eric was looking at Mr. Thorn with a keen eye. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

Mr. Thorn shuffled his feet and stood a little taller, his fine clothes alone said he was from the Gilded district, but I could tell he was trying to seem more imposing when he introduced himself.

"Mr. Elias Thorn, sir. I am the Overseer Of the Office of Charitable Acts, husband of Iris Thorn, Ms. Langridge's friend."

Eric merely nodded and looked to me asking a question with out saying anything.

"Well you found me, Mr. Thorn. How can I help you? Is Iris okay?" I ask trying to regain my composure.

He shuffles his feet and says rather bluntly, "No, she's not, but I hope she will be soon, thanks to you and your Fiance my dear."

Confused I say speak my thoughts out loud, "Thanks to me and Bav... OH! The medicine!" I stand up from my seat, "You said she is not doing well? What's the matter with her?" I'm wringing my hands in worry, she went bad fairly quickly from the last time I had seen her.

"She is having trouble breathing and she's swollen all over her body. When I saw her state this morning, I immediately went to Mr. Fairchild and asked him about the medicine that Iris had informed me of that you had mentioned. I've given some to her already and in just a few hours the swelling in body is starting to go down. Her pulse is still weak and her breathing is difficult though. Would you come with me to visit her? Just in case it's too late?" He begs me on the last part with his eyes and demeanor.

I do not wish to travel with him at all. I hesitate and he adds more to it.

"She's been asking for you."

Knowing that... Damn this man before me! Iris is a good woman, if she is asking for me then so be it.

"Very well, Eric. Could you send a message to Mr. Fairchild or my shop to let them know I've got to see Iris Thorn please?" I ask turning to Eric.

"Sure thing, Rakara. As long as you are alright?" I know what his question is implying. This is the man I'm supposed to be getting dirt on for the cogs to take out the bootleggers. He may have found out and could be luring me out and could kill me or a multitude of other situations.

"I will be fine. Just please let Mr. Fairchild know as soon as possible. We were supposed to have tea together today. I should get going though, in case time is of the essence."

Mr. Thorn opens the door and holds it open for me to leave first as he tips his hat at Eric.

I'm already heading straight to the lift, not waiting for Mr. Thorn who has to jog to catch up.

"I thank you for your concern, my dear, concerning Iris's health." Mr. Thorn starts to say.

"She is my friend, Mr. Thorn, how could I not be concerned about her health?" I say stepping faster, hoping it will make him out of breath and stop talking to me.

"Most of the people she's made as friends, since we entered the Gilded district have... not even bothered to call on her since the deterioration of her health. I'm just trying to say thank you." He huffs out as we arrive at the lift.

I go to pull out my passport, but the guards merely say, "Good day. Ms. Langridge. Mr. Thorn. Back up I presume?"

"Yes please, thank you." I respond as they allow us onto the lift. I close my eyes once we start going up and of course he starts talking again. After receiving no response from me, he says the one word that tells me he knows that I am aware of who he really is and is admitting it.


The nerve of this man!

"Do NOT, call me that, Mr. Thorn." I spit out vehemently between clenched teeth, as I try to take deep breaths to calm myself as we go out.

I can feel his eyes on me, staring intently at me. I take a deep breath and open my eyes to see him still staring, but I can see hurt behind his eyes.

What do I care though? All the times he beat me and momma for no reason, he deserves some pain back.

"Ms. Langridge, are you alright?" He keeps his distance from me but is trying to show some concern towards me.

"I'm fine. I don't care for the view as the lift goes up." I say keeping my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes, but don't look out the window at the heights, look at the horizon. It will help."

He says quietly.

He knows that I know who he is and have known for quite some time. I can feel it in the tension in the air. I keep my eyes on the floor, just in case I need to be mindful of an attack, but he keeps his distance.

"Your fiance, Mr. Fairchild, seems like a good man." He grunts and takes a seat.

"Because he is a good man." I sigh, looks like he's not going to give up on talking to me. Who knows maybe this will be his last opportunity? I mean, a girl can hope.

"You have done real well for yourself. I have to admit, I'm pro.." I hold up a hand and motion him to stop.

"I do not need any affirmation of what you feel about me or my life. I have ingrained deeply within me, what kind of emotions you harbor about me and the scars as evidence. So, please, do us each the courtesy of refraining from anymore heartfelt conversations that you feel so inclined to attempt, Mr. Thorn. I do not have the patience nor ability to feign that I am interested in such a conversation with you." I was doing my best to keep my emotions in check, considering that my anxiety was already setting my nerves on a knife's edge from the heights. I let out a deep breath as the lift began to slow down and come to the top.

"I know it doesn't change anything, but I ..." He started again and I turned my gaze ablaze with anger.

"DO NOT DARE SAY YOU ARE SORRY!" I fumed at him.

He shrank back from me and shook his head, " I have changed." He looked like a wounded puppy and it was making me sick to my stomach to look at him.

"Yes, I've heard all about it." I rolled my eyes and turn back to the lift gate, as the door begins to open and I plaster a smile on my face.

"Hello, how are you doing today?" I say to the guard opening the door who's here most days.

"Very well, Ms. Langridge. How do you do, Mr. Thorn." The guard responds as we step off the lift and begin to head to Mr. Thorns and Iris's home.

Mr. Thorn whispers low enough for just me to hear once we are walking along, "If there is nothing but negative feelings for me, why are you friends with Iris?" He inquires.

"It's not her or Mathias's fault for something that you did. I don't hold it against them." I say my nose in the air, walking along quickly to make it to the house.

Upon arrival, the butler answers the door, taking Mr. Thorns jacket and a maid joins to take my own. Mr. Thorn and the butler are speaking quietly to one another, while the maid leads me to Iris.

I enter her bedroom and gasp in shock when I see her. She's puffed up, in her arms and feet which are out of the blankets and elevated.

"Iris! My Elements!" I go to the side of the bed, about to touch her hand when her personal maid speaks up.

"No ma'am! Please do not touch her skin right now. It's dreadfully painful to the touch. That's why she has no blanket over her legs."

I nod, shaken as I my eyes grow tears as Iris gives me a weak smile. "Hello, Rakara. I'm sorry you must see me in this state. I just had to see you though...."

She's interrupted by a knock on the door.

"My dear, are you decent? Mr. Fairchild has just arrived as well." Mr. Thorn says through the door.

The maid pulls out a lightweight material and gently shakes it out over her lower half, making Iris hiss in pain but nods once as she bears the pain.

"She's decent now, Sir." The maid opens the door and there is Bav and Mr. Thorn who take a step into the room. Mr. Thorn walks around the bed and sits down next to Iris, but doesn't touch her.

"Are you feeling any different yet?" Mr. Thorn asks, concern clouding his gaze.

"I have had to trouble everyone to help me use the bathroom more often but other than that, I can breathe a bit better." She forces a smile towards Mr. Thorn as Bav informs them.

"It will take some time, but the medications that I gave you will help you. From what I was able to explain to the doctor that gave those medications to me, that you have heart disease. He does not know how bad it is though unless he was able to see you and do tests. However, your health makes it unsafe to visit Earth and I can't help him come here due to complications. I will discuss how I may be able to help you out more the next time I am able to speak with him. We will do what we can for you Iris." Bav wraps his arm around my shoulders and gives her a weak smile.

Iris begins to sniffle, "Thank you. You both are blessings from the Elements." Tears fall from her eyes and I take my handkerchief to lightly dab the tears from her eyes.

"Do not cry, Iris. It will take time, but soon you'll get better." I smile warmly at her and she nods in response.

"The biggest thing is that you get plenty of rest, Iris. Now, don't stress yourself out by crying and get some rest. I will come back in a few days to visit you." I inform her to have her nod back to me.

Bav takes my arm and we go to leave. As we are putting our coats on, Mr. Thorn comes down the steps.

"May I ask you both some questions?"