"That's perfect! Thank you ever so much, I'll come by and deposit the amount day after tomorrow. Yes, Thank you, sir. Good day."
Hanging up with the porcelain maker, I write down the amount due on a receipt for Evangeline, separate from the linens and tea for her and Mrs. Stargo's parties. I collected the paper work up into a book, and told the girls I'd be out the rest of the day, to lock up without me there.
It's Dinah's second day and she's working out perfectly. She shadowed me yesterday all day, but by the afternoon, she had everything down. This morning she was leaving me in the dust in getting things done, while be clean with her work area. She cleaned up well and was enthusiastic about her job. She was also grateful. This was the kind of worker I was hoping for. I needed to give Elaine a little bonus for offering her as an potential employee.
Mr. Milton, Eric, came by yesterday and after going over the plans, I agreed and paid him the remainder of the balance owed. Sunday coming home from Bav's, I had stopped at Leo's and received my portion of the profits from the tungsten job, plus extra for the slag and reducing the contract amount with Derek.
My savings were depleted pretty bad, but everything was paid in full and after collecting from Evangeline and Mrs. Stargo I would be comfortable in my savings again.
I watched as the delivery service loaded up the last of the boxes of linens and joined Eric Button, from the delivery service, up front in the motor carriage and head to the lift for the Gilded district. I was in a version of my favorite yellow and ivory dress, just done in finer fabric and adorned with little clear gemstones on the lace. Even Eric had a fine uniform of dark blue, with a white hem line.
Bav had my dress made for me and had presented it to me Sunday, along with a few other dresses that were made for wear in the Gilded district. I rented the finer uniforms for Eric Button's delivery service employees. Thankfully they were relatively cheap to do so. Checking to make sure I had our papers in order for the guards at the lift to the Gilded district, I had Eric get moving on our way.
I looked down at my left hand, subtly, letting the light catch on the diamonds making them sparkle. I can not help but smile sheepishly thinking of just a few days prior and how wonderful every minute of it was. I can still feel his touch on my skin and kiss on my lips.
"You have got it bad, Ms. Langridge." Eric sitting next to me says, catching me unawares.
"I beg your pardon?" Confused, "Got what bad?" I ask him which makes him chuckle.
"The sighing sickness, ma'am."
"Whatever are you rambling about? Sighing sickness?" I inquire rolling my eyes at his nonsense.
"Oh, I knows it when I sees it, Ms. Langridge. Symptoms of sighing sickness, include excessive sighs, starry eyes often not focused on anything in front of them, rosy cheeks, and muscle spasms that cause you to smile constantly. I heard some people suffer from bouts of humming and breaking out into songs, but most just suffer from a positive disposition." He's serious the whole time explaining this to me and I can't help but role my eyes and laugh.
"Doesn't sound like a sickness to me, Mr. Button." I chuckle.
"OH but it is! The worst symptom yet, is the person who catches it, tends to be in love!" He exclaims indignantly.
I chuckle, before breaking into a healthy laugh, "Oh, Eric, you silly man. You tease everyone like that don't you?"
He laughs himself, "Only when they've caught it. Ms. Langridge." He winks to me as we arrive at the lift.
"Papers." The guard comes up with a hand out and I hand the papers over.
"Ms. Langridge, we have something in the office for you, please remember to pick it up once you get up to the Gilded District level ma'am."
"Thank you kindly for informing me." I reply as we now ushered onto the platform for deliveries.
None of the employees of Eric's have ridden on this platform before, and Eric has only done it once.
The windows and vents are in easy view of everyone's eyesight. I promptly busy myself with looking over my paperwork as Eric's men start exclaiming about the view. I'm struggling to not look, or think about how high we are, when Eric places his hand on my arm.
Surprised, I look up at him and he leans over and says quietly. "It's alright, to be afraid of heights. Just remember what the cables and gears are made out of. Graphenemium carbide. The strongest carbon based compound made into cables that are lifting us on gears made of the same material. We have nothing to worry about."
"Thank you." I pat his hand and he removes it, as we continue to go up.
"At least we do not sway in the wind, like they would when the cities were first built."
I shudder at the thought, "Yes, we thank the elements for their strength and stability."
I take deep breaths as we finally start to slow down, reaching the top to the Gilded district. Once we are secured and driving out of the lift, I'm surprised by a familiar face waiting just outside.
Bav is standing there smiling, a bouquet of flowers in one hand. His charming and dazzling smile are blinding, that all I can see is him.
"I was wrong about the sighing sickness, you two both caught a case of the honeymooners." Eric says under his breath for only me to hear.
"Oh, not yet, we have not set a date yet." I mumble back to him as Eric slows the motor carriage down for me to get down and greet Bav.
"Good morning, my dear. You look absolutely stunning today." Bav takes my hand and kisses it, not letting go of it as he slides it to his arm.
"I'll be right back Eric, I need to grab whatever they have in the office first," I let Eric know and he nods to me.
We walk to the little building near the lift with the sign marked, Lagford Office of the Districts -Gilded Lift Divison. Everything in the Gilded district is pristine. From the doorman's uniform, to the waste receptacle, every thing is clean, shined up, and in perfect order.
Inside the office is a guard who stands to the side of a receptionists desk. Another guard sits at the desk, filing papers in the large wooden filing cabinet behind him.
"Please give me one moment, I just need to put this back in place." The guard says over his shoulder going meticulously through the files to put the one in his hand in the correct place.
Closing the drawer with a bang, he turns around asking us, "What can I help you with today... Hello, Mr. Fairchild! This must be Ms. Langridge! We have heard so many good things about you! In fact, my wife visits your shop for tea every now and then."
Humbly feeling awkward in the spotlight, I thank him, "Thank you, very much. I'm happy to hear your wife enjoys my tea. The guards in the Works Division mentioned you had something for me up here?"
He pauses in thought before a light goes on in his mind. "OH YES! I swear, my old brain is somewhat dusty, may take me a few seconds but still gets the job done." He stands and goes to a shelf of neatly organized papers. Grabbing a few, he turns to his desk and pulls the files in front of him, thumbing through till he finds one with my name on it.
"Here we are, I have your official Gilded Passport right here. This is good to visit any Gilded district on Jakesha. We have a copy here, but if you go somewhere, DO NOT LOSE IT." He stressed this last part until I nodded that I understood.
"IF you do, a ring on the tube to here should clear you. Now, here is your business passport to do business in the Gilded district, but this is only good for Lagford. In order for you to do business with a different city, you must visit and go through their Office of the Districts and apply for it. Now, I need you to fill out these two papers here, for your business information, it just goes over more in detail what you sell, where you sell, how you sell, and who does your accounting, taxes, suppliers, etc. You can take those to fill out at a more convenient time, just get them back to me within the week, so all your paperwork is in order and we do not have to concern ourselves about anything later. I gave you the passport a little ahead of schedule so you could deliver these items to the clients, I know how demanding some of them can be. So the sooner the better my dear."
"Thank you, sir. I do have a question, regarding the paperwork. I just purchased a new building but it is being renovated but it will not be open for business for at least six months. Do I still put that down or how would I mark this?" I ask him after I had scanned the paperwork he had handed me.
"Just mark the address and add a note, 'under renovation until such date', and it should be fine. If you buy, sell or move to a new location you are required to update your paperwork. Also, when you get married, if you change your name that is, you are required to update the paperwork as well. Just so you are aware Ms. Langridge."
"Thank you so much for your advice and help. I shall return these as promptly as possible, sir."
"Excellent, have a good day Ms. Langridge, Mr. Fairchild." He stood and bowed to us before we left, the door man opening the door to usher us out.
"Shall you ride with us to deliver the goods?" I ask Bav as we head to the motor carriage.
"I would be delighted, as long as there is room." His brilliant smile continues to light me up from the inside out. He makes me so happy, I can not believe my luck that he loves me.
"Eric, Mr. Fairchild wishes to ride with with us, if there is room to do so."
"Sure thing. Come on up." Shortly we are on our way and arrive at Mrs. Stargo's.
She invites us in while the order is unloaded and we settle the bill. She fills out a ticket from her book and pulls part of it out and hands it over to me. I take it confused but Bav is quick to help me out.
"Thank you, we can take this to the bank later after we visit Mrs. Sawyer."
I smile warmly and put the ticket with my paperwork, and Mrs. Stargo gasps and grabs my hand.
"YOU TWO! Is this what I think it is?"
I blush and turn to Bav who takes my other hand smiling warmly at me, "Yes, Mrs. Stargo. We are engaged." Bav confirms it, his tender gaze filled with so much joy, makes my heart melt.
"I am so happy for the two of you! Evangeline will be ecstatic for the you as well! Have we set a date?" Mrs. Stargo asks me and I shake my head.
"No, not yet. We will let you know once we have decided."
"Thank you dear. Your workers are done, so I shall not keep you. Expect your invite for the tea social party when you get back to your shop." She waves us out and we continue on.
Evangeline is already outside waiting for us, when we arrive, bouncing lightly with joy.
"Cecilia just gave me a ring on the tube! Oh my GOODNESS! I knew it! I could see it in the way you two were looking at each other something was going on! Let me see the ring!" Evangeline was giddy with delight as she pulled us inside, telling us about Mrs. Stargo's call.
She already wanted to know all the details, how he proposed and when the date was, where we were having the ceremony and reception.
"Evangeline! Slow down!" I laughed, "When we talk and go through the details, I will let you know."
Evangeline giggled, "Apologies, weddings are just so exciting! I remember planning and doing everything for my own and I loved it! You will too I think." She sits us down as we handle the receipts and she hands me a bank note written out with the amounts as well.
"Evangeline, this is too much! Do you want me to apply the remainder to the porcelain tea service settings you asked for? I doubt it will cost that much though." I see the amount and it is three zero's too many on the amount!
Laughing airily she shakes her head at me, "No! No, no, no. That's your tip and a little engagement gift for you."
I'm shocked, humbled, and I quickly tell her, "Evangeline, this is really too much. I do not have the vocabulary to formulate an appropriate response, at this moment."
Like the sun's rays shining out from behind a cloud, she beams at me, "Thank you, I believe, are the words you may be looking for. Now, truly it's nothing! I also have here your invitation to my tea party social. It is a few weeks after Cecilia's, but they both are fundraisers for the poor that will have some items up for auction at mine. Cecilia's is having ticket tables set up for her items, so it will be a lot of fun!"
I thank her graciously and we immediately RSVP her that we will be there. We leave shortly after, with promises of visiting longer next time and have Eric button drive and drop us off at the bank.
"You go on, Eric, I'll be alright and will come by tomorrow to settle our bill."
"Alright, Ms. Langridge, we'll see you tomorrow then." He bows his head and does the same to Bav, "Mr. Fairchild. Good evening and take care of Ms. Langridge here. "
"Mr. Button, She is in capable hands. Enjoy the rest of your day."
As Eric drove away, Bav whispered for only me to hear, "Are my hands capable, my love?"
Blushing from head to toe over his boldness, I mutter, "I can not recall, maybe you should refresh my memory later." With that coming out of my mouth, I stand a little straighter and walk towards the door as the doorman opens it, leaving Bav slack jawed and wide eyed.
Rushing in after me, he states, "Challenge accepted!"