"Excuse me?!" I can't believe he just said that!
"I'm going to continue to pursue you madam. I enjoy the thought of working hard, especially when the reward is so special." His cocky grin as he leans closer towards me at the table has me leaning away from him.
"I will ask you to refrain from it, Mr. Chambers. You will only be disappointed in the end."
Frustrated he slaps his thigh, "Why do you say this? Am I repulsive to you? Are you really so cold of heart to not give me a chance? A real chance to at least get to know who I am aside from my other work?" He seems genuinely hurt, making guilt start to gnaw at me.
Fidgeting with my napkin in my lap, I watch him sit back in his seat still looking at me with wide, hurt eyes, the corners of his mouth caught in a frown.
Throwing the napkin on the table, I lean forward, "I have iterated numerous times to you, that the only relationship you will have with me is a business one. You are the one who insisted and you are the one that used under handed tactics to get this dinner in the first place. Now, I will not sit here and be made to feel that I am wicked for refusing your advances! I had no intention of causing you any emotions to have you behave in this manor, Mr. Chambers. It is not my fault you can not accept my words previously. That I am not looking for anything more than a business relationship as truth. So, yes, I am cold of heart to you!"
I stand pulling a gold coin from my pocket, "For the meal, sir." I smack it on the table and turn to leave.
Suddenly my arm is grabbed and I'm spun back into Mr. Chambers arms.
"What are you doing?!" I start as he has me pinned against his chest.
My mask moves up and he's kissing my lips!
Struggling to get out of his arms, I stomp his foot and he releases me. Pulling my mask back down over my lips, I take a deep breath and hold it in.
Mr. Chambers, seems dazed as he touches his lips looking at me with a smile.
"DO NOT TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN!" I bellow, as I clench my shaking hands into fists. My left hand is numb from slapping him.
He's cradling his face that already red and swelling, a drop of blood wells up in the corner of his mouth. Leaving his shocked, silent figure there, I rush out of the restaurant and into the alleys.
Feeling disgusted from his lips on my own, I rush to get back to my alley and into my shop. I storm up the stairs and remove everything. As the bath fills up, I'm scrubbing my mouth and lips as if the plague was on me.
I can't get the touch of his lips off of me, making me feel nauseous.
"Oh NO!" I cry out as my diaphragm twinges and then contracts violently. I'm heaving my guts out, bawling, when the tube rings.
Rinsing my mouth quickly, I answer the ring.
"Rakara? What in the dear elements is wrong with you? You sound like you're sick?"
'It's Leo. Of course.'
"Must have been something I ate, I have been vomiting." I turn to look at the tub and see it is close to full. "One moment Leo, I don't want my tub flooding my home."
Setting the tube down, I quickly turn the water off and get back to him.
"What can I help you with, Leo?" I can't say outright that I do not want to talk right now, so I get right to the point with him.
"Day after tomorrow, you are to be my plus one for our little get together. Meet me at our usual cafe, eight thirty in the evening." He instructs me.
"I will be there."
"Good..... Bye, love."
I let my my tears flow again, sobbing as I get into the tub, trying to scrub the feeling of Mr. Chambers hands around me, and his lips on my own.
I feel so violated, why do these men just assume that because they have feelings that they are entitled to make advances without a woman's consent?
I hear a tapping at my bedroom door, making me jump in the water, splashing it onto the floor.
"WHO IS IT?!" I shout grabbing my Dressing robe and throwing it on and reach for my blades.
"It's Viekar, Ms. Langridge. I was picking up the letter and heard you crying. Is everything alright?"
I open up the bedroom door to talk to Viekar, "Yes and no. There was a man who kept trying to change my mind and let him court me. He grabbed me and kissed me.... I slapped a few elements out of his face for it too. Still, it makes me feel dirty....." I rub my arms and shudder.
Viekar sighs and slumps his shoulders, "Are you going to tell Master Bavarthos about this? If you are, may I suggest doing it when he gets back. He needs to finish his work there first, but if you are concerned I can offer some bodyguards for your protection."
"That won't be necessary, but thank you, Viekar. Is there a letter for me?" I ask hopeful to read about how he is doing.
"Yes, I have several actually. It's been over a month for him." He pulls a stack of envelopes from his inner pocket and hands them over.
"Oh wow! So Many! Thank you!"
"Good evening, Ms. Langridge."
"Good evening, Viekar. Thank you."
"Tis nothing at all, Ms. Langridge."
He disappears and I take my letters into the room. Once I'm sitting in bed, I open them up, one by one. Each one was filled with words of longing for me, my company, my touch, my kisses.
My face heats up reading his recollection of the night before he left. I fan myself recalling how badly I wanted him and how he would touch and caress me. I could feel my arousal from the tingling and moisture that began to collect in between my legs. To try and take my mind off of it, I got up and went to my desk to write him a letter back.
Before I climbed back into bed, I heard a commotion happening out in the street nearby. I glanced out the window and noticed three figures arguing in the street. I was going to shut the window when the light caught one of the men's faces.
'Mr. Chambers!'
I stop and try to make out what they are saying. Not able to catch all of it, I run and grab my hearing tube. Pointing the conical mouth piece in their direction, I place the receiving cone to my ear.
".... I am allowed to look around the streets! They are public?! " Mr. Chambers voice comes through.
"There's been a few girls in the neighbor hood been assaulted lately. Know anything about that?" One of the figures asks, crossing his arms in front of him.
"No, I told you, a friend of mine lives somewhere over here. I'm just trying to figure it out."
My heart stops.
'I was not careful coming home. He may have followed me, just not seen me disappear into the shop's hidden entrance. OH NO! He knows that I must be somewhere in the area!'
"Not much of a friend if you don't know where she lives Mr. Chambers." The other figure states.
"Look Officers, she left her broach at the restaurant, it must have fallen off. I'm just trying to return it."
'I left a broach?' I run over to my clothes and examine it. 'Bloody elements!'
I did leave one of my brooches, It contains a sleeping solution, between the stone and the metal work.
"Look Chambers, we realize you are merely trying to be courteous and return the item, but you will have to do it another time when you see each other again. Now, GO HOME or we will take you to the holding cells and name you as the suspicious character we were called about." One of the officers tells him sending Mr chambers on his way.
I put my hearing tube away, take the letter for Bav and place it on the table for Viekar, before climbing back into bed. I felt restless, worried about Mr. Chambers discovering where I live and who I am, and then missing Bav and the written words he confessed to me.
How I was 'a light in a dark world' and refreshing mimicking an oasis and cool breeze in a parched desert. That my beauty brings him to his knees and all he wishes to do is worship me.
Giggling to myself at the thought of Bav on his knees worshiping me like a goddess, I flip and flop frustrated.
'I miss him...'
I sigh out longingly, climbing out of bed and looking in the mirror.
'What is it that he sees?' I'm in just my nightgown looking at my reflection, turning from side to side, letting the outside lights illuminate my reflection.
I take off my gown and take a good look at myself to see how I look naked. My body is full of curves, from my full bosom to my wider hips and plump rear.
"Bav wants to worship this?" I run my hands over my sides when I notice something in the reflection of the mirror.
Flipping around I almost scream in fright.
His hand covers my mouth. "SHHH.... It's just me. I'm only here for a few minutes, but I couldn't take how much I missed you a second longer."
His hand falls from my mouth, "Bav?" I fall into his arms, holding him tight against me. "How long are you here for?" I ask leaning back to look up at him.
"Not long just a few minutes." He stares down into my eyes like a hungry predator.
Swallowing hard, I remember that I was looking at my naked body in the mirror. "How long have you been looking at me like this?" My face reddens as I avoid his hungry gaze that makes my arousal grow stronger.
"Long enough." Bav swoops me up in his arms and carries me to the bed. Laying me down gently, he kisses my lips as one hand begins to trail down my body, swirling a path across my skin with his fingertips making me gasp and shiver.
"Bav..." I moan out as his hands roam across my skin never touching my breasts or between my legs.
"Were you doubting that I really wanted to worship you?" His voice sounds husky, alluring, inviting me to respond and open my eyes.
At that moment I looked into his eyes, my heart rate went crazy.
His dark locks cascading around his face, casting shadows across his features. A beam of light catching the tip of one of his canines, making him appear, wild.
I love it.