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Chapter 3 - Chapter2

*********Ishita POV******

Two months before.....

I was in Mumbai. I got a call from my parents. They asked my opinion on the marriage all of sudden. I didn't understand why they were asking me about marriage. I believe in love but I never met any person till the day who I felt special. When they asked me to marry their friend's son, I agreed. From my childhood, I heard a lot about our parent's friend jhanavi aunties, and Abhi's uncle's love story. I was happy to be their daughter-in-law, but I wanted to meet his son before our marriage is fixed.

I agreed to marry our parent's friend's son but I asked permission to meet that guy before our marriage. My parents permitted me to talk with him. I took his mobile number to call him.

When I made a call to talk with him, his assistant received my call and informed with that he was going on a business trip. He will be busy for one month. I thought it would be better if I will meet after returning.

Even after one month, he never tried to call me or contact me. Then I saw his interview in the business magazine. After reading the article, I understood that he was a very busy person.


After few days, I received a call from him that he wanted to meet me. When I went to meet him in one restaurant, he didn't come to meet me. I was very disappointed with his behavior when I got a message from him this he got an emergency meeting call. He wants to meet me later. In my life no one behaved like that, I was furious with him.

I called my parents and informed them I was not interested to marry him but my mom convinced me to give him one chance. I prepared in my mind to reject him till I met him at my home.

He was so handsome with a bright smile on his lips. My parents introduced me to him. Our eyes locked at once and he was staring at me without blinking his eyes. I felt embarrassed the way he was gawking at me.

"Hi, "he extended his hand and introduced himself as Rithwik. But I was still angry with his earlier behavior. So I didn't extend my hand and was silent.

" I think you are still angry with me for that day," he said looking at my face.

"I am sorry for that day" he apologized to me.

" it's okay, why do you want to meet me" I questioned seriously.

"To talk with you and apologize to you," he said.

" What do you want to talk about with me?" I asked him.

" Are you interested to marry me?" he asked me.

" The same thing I am asking you, are you interested in this marriage?" I asked the same question.

"I agreed with my mom" he answered sincerely.

" You .?" he questioned.

" same, I too agreed with my parents" I replied to him.

" so you have any problem in this marriage?" he asked me.

" I don't have any particular problem but still I want to continue my career" I replied.

" Is this decision is yours? Do you want to marry me?" he asked me again.

" I always respect my parent's decision and my answer will be yes because whatever the whatever they live. It is for good reason" I replied coyly.

" Okay then, meet you soon" he left handing my bouquet of roses.

I took them with shy and informed my parents about my opinion.

Later we were busy with marriage shopping and arrangements. Our house was fully decorated with flowers and lightings. Our parents were happy with our marriage and their faces were glowing like twinkling stars. I felt very happy about myself that my decision make them joy.

After a long time, I met my future mother-in-law and father-in-law, jhanu auntie and Abhi uncle. They were also happy and excited like my parents.

Still, I was in dilemma in my decision whether I took the correct decision or not to marry Rithwik? He never tried to speak with me after that day. With different thoughts running in my mind, we completed our marriage rituals.

On the day of our marriage:::

While rithwik was tying manglasutra around my neck, I looked into his eyes which shows no happiness in them.

Then I realize he was not all interested in marrying me and even don't want to give me a chance to our marriage. Lone tears rolled down my eyes.

All my desires in my married life vanished with his behavior. I plastered a smile on my face for our elders and guests.

We had wedding photoshoots with family, friends, and a few as couples. As for the rituals, we went to my maternal home to stay for few days. As we were family friends for a long time, everyone was enjoying ourselves a lot except we both of us.

Even when he was staying in our home, he was always busy either with office work or laptop. Lastly, I understood one thing he was a workaholic and a boring person. I don't know how I have to stay with a person life long.

I wonder how this stupid is the son of the most beautiful couple.

The final day and also a sad thing to say goodbye to my parent's home. I was crying like a baby. Jhanu aunty came towards me and consoled that it was also another maternal house. From the beginning I observed her, she loves me like my mom. Maybe that was the reason, my parents arranged marriage with that family.

We finally reached my in-law's home. I was busy arranging my belongings in his room and my sister-in-law helped me in it. She was very friendly.

Only my husband was a boring person in this family it seems, I thought.

After reaching his home, I didn't notice him. I felt bad at least he was not treating me as a friend. At least he would understand it was a new place to me but no as usual he went to the office.

I closed the door and cried the way he was neglecting me. If he doesn't like me then he would deny marrying me. I cursed myself to agree to marry him.

It was time for our wedding night. I was very nervous…..

Stay tuned….

Hi readers,

Hope this story is interesting...

Is Rithwik's character is different?