From the Wealthy Affiliates, comes Beating Adwords, a remarkable ebook, which is in my opinion, the most useful and most up-to-date AdWords guide available to date. Published by the amazing Carson and Kyle, successful internet marketing entrepreneurs in their own right and respected owners of, Beating Adwords is the 'superior AdWords guide', providing an expert look at Google AdWords and simplifying the whole notion of earning significant and residual online income as an Affiliate Marketer from a Google AdWords campaign or other Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising campaign.
It is written in an easy narrative that the newest newbie or beginner can understand and yet is jam-packed with unique and advanced strategies for experienced internet marketers alike, Beating Adwords takes you by the hand and leads you step by step through the process of affiliate marketing, showing you in easy to follow steps how to set up a Google AdWords account and campaign correctly and efficiently to generate a much higher income and return on investment (ROI) with lower CPC expenses.
These Wealthy Affiliates are AdWords 'experts' who are already earn an incredible income promoting affiliate products with PPC campaigns. I have personally utilized the techniques taught in all my campaigns and seen a dramatic improvement to my quality score, CTR and thus lower Cost per Click (CPC). By buying Beating Adwords and putting the ideas to work, you will not only recoup the price but also you should rapidly see a dramatic improvement in your campaigns and your AdWords income and ROI will start increasing dramatically.
To give you a feel for the depth of coverage in this definitive guide, here is the books contents:
To give you a feel for the depth of coverage in this definitive guide, here is the ebook's main contents:
Section 1 – Introduction
Welcome to Beating Adwords
About the Authors
Making Money Online
Affiliate Marketing
Pay Per Click Advertising
Section 2 – Getting Started
Google Adwords
Setting up Your Account
Section 3 – Affiliate Programs
Finding Affiliate Programs
Profitable Keywords
Section 4 – Advertise Your Product
Starting a New Adwords Campaign
Writing Effective Adcopy
Adcopy that Sells
Section 5 – Outsmart Your Competition
Quality Score
Effective Bidding Techniques
Traffic and Cost
Being Profitable
Section 6 Adwords Optimization
Inactive Keywords
What can you afford?
Split Testing
Dynamic Keyword Insertion
CTR and Match Types
Content Network
Section 7 – Web Pages that Sell
Direct Linking vs. Landing Page
Creating Relevant Web Pages
The Power of a Review
Review Pages for the Advanced Marketer
Dynamic Page Optimization
Sample Landing Pages
Section 8 – Success
Staying Focused
Section 9 – Bonus
Low Cost Advertising Techniques
Promoting Beating Adwords
Section 10 – Resources
If you use, or are thinking of using PPC in your Internet Marketing efforts, Beating Adwords is the one and only product you need for Google AdWords success and PPC success generally and I have no hesitation in recommending it to any newbie or veteran alike who is serious about taming adwords and following the Way of the Wealthy Affiliate.
It also has a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee! So you have nothing to lose.
Instructive, Informative and Superior, do good market and keyword research, apply the techniques and The Possibilities are Endless!