[Ding, i am the gun system a system created by one of the strongest beings in the universe.
Ryan then said "that's a rather vague description"
[Ding, the gun system can not say to much about it self or it's creator or danger will fall upon the host because you are not strong enough.]
Ryan then snorted in anger.
Ryan can sometimes be a short tempered person but most of the time he was relatively calm.
Ryan then hoped of his bed and heard his mom yell "Ryan dinners ready". Ryan was very shocked because his mom and father had died one year ago but then he remembered the gun system saying he was transported 3 years into the past. He then went down stairs said hello to his mom and father trying to act as normal as possible and not be emotional he ate breakfast and left for school. Ryan was still only 17 so he had to go to school still. A couple minutes later he was at the front gates of his school. He then said "I'm back baby I'm back". He then sighed in nostalgia.