****The Next Day****
"Hey, go talk to him, I think something's wrong..." Racquel said nudging Alek's arm. Alek pushes back and looks back at his book.
"Hey! he doesn't want to be disturbed. Just leave him be." he says dispassionately, reading his book.
"And how do you know that?" she says slapping the side of his arm. She pulls the book away forcing his eyes to meet hers.
"Can you read his mind, huh?" Alek presses the bruise that was reddening on his arm. He knew she wasn't going to stop so he just got up following her to Orchid's desk. They both approach his wooden desk situated at the back of the class surrounding him.
"Hey Orchid, you wanna go and watch those warriors beat themselves up again after school?" he suggests trying to get him to respond.
"We could get something to eat after with maybe a beer or two?" Racquel adds on trying to peak his interest.
"Yeah, I hope to see Jake there, OMG, he might be shirtless again." she squealed deafening Alek who stood too close for his benefit. Orchid's pupils constricts upon hearing his name. Even the mention of his name is starting to make him defensive as if it triggered his flight or fight response.
"I need to go home after school, dad needs me to help him prep for the festival." he said with a soft tone making an excuse to not go anywhere near that place again.
"Ey, common I thought you hated all that prep stuff..." he says then punching the side of Orchid's arm. Orchid winces in pain then squeezes the side of his arm. Alek and Racquel looked at each other with concern.
"Dude, you okay? I didn't hit you that hard, did I?" he reaches for his arm trying to check if it was alright. Orchid shifts back trying to avoid Alek's advances to not reveal his day old bruises.
"What's wrong with you today?" he says edging closer to Orchid. He didn't take note, much of what Racquel had said but he is starting to get worried.
"Yeah, Orchid is something wrong? You don't seem like yourself..." she asks as she tries to place her hand on his. Orchid stands up abruptly in an attempt to avoid Racquel's touch. He didn't want them to worry and keeping this to himself, for now, was his best bet.
"Guys I'm fine hahaha, I just worked out too much yesterday." he says as he walks to exit class. He pushes the old wooden classroom door and walks down the hallway leaving his friend's behind.
"I will just be going to the toilet" he shouts back just before he stepped out of the door.
'I guessed they noticed' He walks down the wooden stairway and proceeding to enter a stall in the bathroom.
'Ow fuck this place smells like fucking shit' he snorts and proceeds to pinch his nose.