First class of campus life is about to end.

Kaci and Fang were continuously looking at their watch. Yun and Dong become a dedicated students they both taking lecture notes. Wei was playing with her pen. She was drawing on the book and sometimes staking Yuan. Yuan was very busy with his concentration on class.

Suddenly the bell rang.

Kaci and Fang suddenly stood up with a scream. Whole class looked back at both of them. That became a very awkward moment. They were waiting for this moment to finish the class. So that little excitement was pretty normal.

Professor Alice looked at both of them and said, "Study the things I teach today. I will ask both of you tomorrow."

Wei couldn't control her laugh and she laughed and it became a little high. But it wasn't that high.

"Wei, you will summarize today's class tomorrow. Okay students, see you tomorrow!" Alice said and she went back to her cabin.

Kaci and Fang started to tease Wei. Wei showed her tongue to them.

Wei stood up from her seat and she walked towards her friends. She sat on Dong's lap and ate the snacks from Fang. They became in their world and were enjoying their own world. Of course they won't care about the atmosphere of the class.

Suddenly someone grabbed snack packet from Wei's hand.

Wei got startled and she looked.

"You can't have snacks here. This is class not a canteen," the girl with a pretty face and curled hair said.

Kaci got mad after seeing her attitude. Kaci walked towards her and said with a despised voice, "Aigo, I thought it's a hotel."

Fang and Wei laughed looking at the girl.

"Hey, mind your words. You are talking to the wise monitor," Another girl came and said.

"Li Hua, please quit! It's not their fault. I haven't introduced myself to them. Let me introduce myself first. I'm Zhi Rou, wise monitor of this class and she is Li Hua, my assistant. I'm in charge of class discipline. From now on you five need to obey me. This class has rules. You need to follow it," Zhi Rou said.

"Obeying you, why would we? Do we own you?" Kaci asked.

"This is the rule," Zhi Rou said.

"You are still in elementary school. Ridiculous!" Wei said and she grabbed back the snack packet from Zhi Rou and she walked towards her seat.

"How dare you disobey our wise monitor," Li Hua asked, grabbing snack packet from Wei's hand.

Wei's face turned into an angry one. Of course she doesn't like someone stopping her and she will get mad if someone touches her things without permission.

"Let go of it," Wei said with a strong voice.

"I won't until you apologize to the wise monitor," Li Hua said.

Wei pushed Li Hua and she asked, "How dare you touch my things?"

"Li Hua, are you okay," Zhi Rou asked, helping her stand up.

"You bi***tch, how dare you push me?" Li Hua said to Wei.

Wei started to laugh and said to Zhi Rou, "God of discipline, please teach rules to your assistant first. If it's not my bad memory, I clearly remember no bad words on this campus."

"Li Hua, you got cut your one point. Reason used a bad word," Suddenly a boy stood up and he raised the card.

"Wei, I will show you," Li Hua said and she walked outside of the class in anger.

Yun felt funny and she asked, "Is this any football match where she gets a yellow card?"

"For kind of your information. You got cut one point too. Reason made fun of the rule," the boy said.

"What! Who are you to cut my point? And what this stupid reason?" Yun said.

"For your kind of information I'm a wise monitor too. My name is John, and I'm in charge of your points, I have full rights to cut your points." John said.

"Someone saying she is a wise monitor and in charge of discipline and another saying he is a wise monitor and in charge of points. Someone tell me what is going on in this class? Is this college or school? How many monitors are there in this class?" Fang asked.

Suddenly the bell rang. Everyone quickly sat on their seats, lowering their heads. The class became much quieter.

"What is going on? Why are all of them like this? What happened suddenly?" Fang asked.

Suddenly they hear the sound of footwear. It's like someone is coming marching.

"If you don't want to enter into black list. Quickly sat on your seat," A girl said.

"But why?" Wei asked.

"Don't have time to answer your questions, quickly sit on your seat. They are about to come here," the girl said again.

"Wei, I think we should sit on our seats," Dong, who was silent for a long time, said.

Everyone nodded and obeyed Dong. Of course she is the leader of them so they would follow her order after all.

As Wei sat on the chair the class door opened like a bomb explosion. She was startled.

Stay tuned…
