"Ok I'm done training "said fushi "I know now the dungeon I am going to put you in maybe hard "said yong "I know but im ready for anything " said fushi "ok" said Yong Yong teleports fushi to the next monster The tyrant dragon .The dragon blows fire at fushi fushi uses crystal shield fushi run up to the dragon and punches it fushi uses crystal hand fushi shots the crystal at the dragon's front leg of the dragon roars of pain the dragon blows fire fushi uses crystal shield the fire stops fushi shots crystal threw the dragons cheek the dragon roars of pain fushi jumps on the dragon head and makes a crystal sword fushi then stabs the dragon's head fushi huffing and puffing "that was hard" said fushi "I told you say " said Yong .Yong teleports fushi home "where have you been"said fushi mom "Uh outside " said fushi "why do you have so many scars" said fushi mom "bully's" said fushi "aw my baby are you ok" said fushi mom "yea " said fushi "ok get some sleep " said fushi mom "ok" said fushi .Fushi goes to sleep