Dell weighed his options. He had no reason to go running straight into the unknown simply because he fount an invitation. Yet at the same time he couldn't help but smile a shark like smile.
"An infected hunter wearing armor carries an invitation and a map, while at the same time I get a major strength boost. I'd have to be a pretty boring hunter to ignore the opportunity"
Clearly he made up his mind and so he got up with the intent to prepear. Firstly he wanted to make himself some armor. But armor brought an issue.
That issue was Zephyr wouldn't be able to eat the slain monsters if armor was in the way and taking it off every time was out of the question. He had to ponder on this for awhile since he decided to go one task at a time.
Sitting on his bed he would think on it, the cogs in his mind constantly turning to find a solution to his odd situation. Snapping his fingers he thought.
"If I wore something like an armored long coat it'd provide protection and I would be able to simply undo the zip to let Zephyr get to business"
Dell couldn't help but grin, coming up with the idea by himself. But now another issue arrived.
"Wait how the fuck would I make that?"
Very few hunters in such weak divisions wore armor and the ones that did had fount it by pure luck.
"Hm... Didn't that Iron division guy wear armor? Infact, I believe most Iron division members have armor. Well I guess I'll pay them a visit" Dell would say as he glanced at the map, looking at the closest Iron division base.
Though he wouldn't head there right away. He wanted a few days rest after surviving the sewers, his muscles still cried out in pain when he moved.
So the next few days were similar to a hibernation period. Mostly sleeping while on occasion going down stairs to eat.
During this period Vie and Axil had talked about Dell's sudden increase in strength. She didn't believe Axil at first and wanted to see Dell demonstrate such strength first hand.
"With that kind of strength he'd qualify for a mid tier Iron rank hunter" She said.
"Well so do we yet we're still sticking with these guys"
"I don't think Dell will stay, he doesn't have any reason to remain loyal to us afterall"
"Thats a rather pessimistic way to look at it"
"Its the logical way to look at it. He doesn't get along with most of us and staying around weak hunters doesn't exactly bring many benifits"
"Thats true"
"Did Dell mention any other differences since his awakening?"
"Nope. He probably hasn't realized yet. Heck you didn't know how to use yours until a month after"
"Shut up"
After Dell's mini hibernation of sorts he would pack his things in a large black backpack, that being his plates, rations, map and invitation, and set out to the Iron division base.
It was around a twenty minute walk east from the blue divisions base, only typical Zelith streets between the two bases. Wich meant the worst beast Dell could come into contact with on the way there was an alpha wolf.
"That I can deal with" He thought.
As he continued his trek he decided to talk to Zephyr.
"How come I haven't gained a new attribute from all those infected?"
Zephyr would answer with. "Well infected aren't too much different from regular hunters. They may vary in physical attributes but that isn't something entirely new"
"Makes sense"
"It makes sense because you already knew that"
"Ah shit, saw right through me eh?"
"You're a little bit smarter then you look I've learnt"
"Only a little?"
"Only a little"
The endless streets didn't provide much in terms of scenery. It was always night time only lighted by lamp posts and lanterns. The houses all looked more or less the same with the occasional building of interest like a pub.
Walking down these streets he would see the occasional hunter out doing what hunters did, hunt. When noone was around Zephyr would ask.
"Why do you all do that?"
"Do what?"
"Go out of your way to fight these beasts and infected? Others don't gain strength simply by killing the things, and I assume you can't eat the monsters either. So why hunt?"
"Three reasons come to mind. The first being if we didn't the area would become over populated with monsters, since every few days new monsters come into the area, wich would make exploring and looking for supplies impossible. The second would be the experience you gain from doing it, it keeps your skills sharp so if you're in an unfortunate situation you aren't completely defenceless"
"And the third?"
"Having something to do helps us not go mad. Being able to fight back gives us that little bit of hope"
"Isn't that four reasons?"
"... I suppose it is"