I was planning to wait there till she got out when my friends came and pleaded with me. I stayed my ground and they gave me dirty looks before they explained that I would stink badly. No girl in her right mind would come near me. This made perfect sense so I left to take a quick shower. When I returned she was hoping the bike with the same kid from yesterday. I shook my head and followed her. I soon came to understand that he is her cousin not her fiance. She seems so happy that I wish I was sitting next to her. I watched her till my teammate came and knocked on my window. I had to leave but promised to find her again soon. I couldn't wait to spend time with her even if it means spending it from a distance.
I was driving to grab lunch and I turned on the police band. I heard dispatch say someone broke into her address. I turned the car around and got there as fast as my car would take me. The worse possible scenario was swimming in my head. Guess what? She was kidnapped. I called everyone I knew and we went hunting for the creep. If I find him before the Feds there will be no body left of him for a funeral.
I had installed a hidden camera by the gate which showed me the vehicle that nabbed her. My friends searched far and wide. We found and arrested the driver. Sebastian and Mitch held him in place as I jabbed two of my fingers as hard as I could manage. I grit my teeth, "Do you hear that? That is your rib cracking. If I move my finger two inches more inches I puncture your lungs. Where is my wife?" His eyes bulged, "She is the empty diner not far from the city hall" I got there armed to the teeth. We sprayed the place with bullets and spared no one. When I found her I wished I had kept one alive to torture them in the most horrific manner imaginable.
I found her in a closet. Tied, gagged and unconscious. Her clothes were torn in places and she was bleeding as well. I took off my t-shirt and slipped it on her. She moved as though she was in great discomfort. I quickly carried her to the nearest hospital where she was well looked after.
Her uncle came and everything snowballed. I wasn't allowed to see her till she got discharged. I was happy to spy on her. It was all ok till she disappeared again. It turns out her family moved her elsewhere for a few days. She needed a change of scenery till she calmed down. I would have done the same if she were my wife.
I went back to work and the days went by. It felt lifeless because she was gone. I check the monitor every day like a form of exercise.
I had given up hope she would return when I saw her driving a Porsche 718 Spyder. She seemed so excited that even I was energized to follow her. It turns out she was a nurse at a local hospital. She wore her nurse's outfit and did her rounds. I watched her smile grow bright and secretly wished that I could do something that could make her happy. I left to clean myself up as I stink to high heaven. I got to work and everyone immediately knew she was back. They asked me why I wasn't stalking her. I told them that if I want to win her over then I better be good at my job. No woman wants a slacker for a husband. This seemed to please them for now.
I was assigned to tail a sailor they assumed was dealing drugs. It turns out his girlfriend was kidnapped and he was forced to do all sorts of horrific things one of his fellow crewmen was the one helping drug dealers. We helped him get her back and he was cleared of all charges. He and his girlfriend promised to testify. I was content with the day's events when my old army buddy showed up. He was looking for a job in the civilian world. He was nervous but he tried not to show it. I introduced him to a few potential positions here and there. I promised when they called I would make sure he was there. He got the job almost immediately and we all gave him a pep talk. He was so happy to know that he had friends who have his back.
I came home to check the recording and saw that she hasn't come home yet. I went to check on her and found her near the ER. I cut my hand intentionally and walked in. She saw me and waved smiling. I waved my bloody and she was by my side a bullet. She dragged me to an empty chair and signed for a first aid kit. She cleaned it and applied antiseptic. She made sure the cut wasn't deep and wrapped it in gauge. She asked me how I got injured. She looked so scared that I almost regretted cutting myself. That feeling went away when she gave me her number. She hugged me goodbye and left to take care of a kid with a cast on his leg. The mother had a disturbingly deep bruise on her face. I felt one good deed needed another so I approached them. She sobbed and explained that a man has been chasing her and he decided to hurt her and her kid. She can't go anywhere because the monster is a cop. I promised he will be dealt with. By the next morning he was in police custody where he belongs.