The city of Port-O-Bea had never been in better shape for several months now, as every time rebuilding occurred, would some event destroy or delay their progress. But the people's resilience kept them strong through hardship, as the latest incursion did little to hamper their spirits. Thanks to Jamal Wrint's work, much of the invasion force was either dead, captured, or pulled back to the sea, leaving a few holdouts who refused to come out and surrender. That was the city's top priority at the moment, as small explosions and shots still rang out near the coast.
Ula was use to the activity, as she was out with her family to get a few more things to prepare for them moving to the city of Appleridge once it was hopefully captured. Just walking around the city gave them too much praise, thanks to the work of Jamal, but she didn't really do much to help them out.
"Hey Ula, thank Jamal for us!" a passing person noticed who she was, and like most instances, several people looked towards the family.
"We will!" Laken gave the woman a smile, as Ula returned a grin.
She wasted no time pushing the stroller faster, as a semicircle behind her was beginning to form. This was getting ridiculous at times, and those bodyguards would have been useful for moments like this, but she chose to leave them behind at the complex while thinking of this to be a short trip. That was clearly the wrong decision.
"Don't talk back to them." Ula waved a quick finger at Laken, while Jackie was sucking on a pacifier and remained silent.
"Why Ma? They talking about Pa, right?"
"Yes, but we have things to do and they will hold us up. Plus, we have nothing to do with what your father did. Okay?" Ula looked a bit irritated, as they had reached the city's sole supermarket, much further away than the small grocery store near home.
"I'm sorry, Ma."
Good, Ula gave a sigh of relief, as half of the building's goods were still there. The longer she stared at the sight, would less things that they came looking for would remain. She and her children had no time for that, as the family continued deeper into the store, with those fighting giving them an opportunity to do so with as much safety as possible.
"Will you guys finally come out or not? This is your final warning!" Cole shouted from outside a damaged townhouse.
The structure was surrounded by other fallen townhouses and debris still on the street, with the building riddled with bullet holes and damage from powers. For the last day, the Defense Corps had been clearing out the known holdouts of Youden's marines, which numbered about two hundred. Jamal's power had really eliminated the brunt of the enemy and blessed them with an opportunity to rest and recuperate, once they took out the hiding threats of course.
"Death to Jamal Wrint and the rebelling army!" some marine shouted from inside, although the structure's interior were too dark to see any figures.
"Very well!" Cole waved off, before moving to the closest soldier with explosives, "Blow the sector up."
Following orders, a trio of men designated for the work got together around the building and began rigging it with the bombs. No one was going to come out of there alive, and it was their choice after all. The surrounding men watched as the crew had finally finished with the bottom level, before quickly backing away.
"You men sure you wish to stay in there and not surrender?" Cole was being lenient with one final warning.
The structure remained silent, as Cole was about to give the go-ahead, until a sole marine came out with his hands up.
"Keep them up!" Cole shouted, as several other Defense Corps members raised their rifles, "Don't move."
"It's just me coming out, no one else wants to." the person didn't move, until his wrists were quickly wrapped up and all weaponry was removed. "I'm not tryna die."
"Good choice, you will be treated well. As for your comrades, well, this was the outcome." Cole gave the nod.
No hesitation was needed, as the explosives finally blew up, smoke lifting into the air. A few quick screams and cries of pain came from the interior of the building, but its quick collapse silenced those inside. Such fools got what they were looking for. Even the former marine could do nothing but gulp in shock, as he was taken away towards the city's jail. This was simply what the Defense Corps expected to have happened.
"Alright, a few of you make sure there are no survivors or bring them in if they are alive, everyone else continues towards the next location." Cole pointed at a squad of men to finish, before everyone else followed behind Cole.
The city would have much work to do in terms of dealing with this conflict. Constant barrages of attacks and war were not going to be sustainable for long, and yet they still stood strong. With the power of each other and the Viligantes of Power, could nothing stop them. That's what they truly believed and kept in mind each and every single day. They would never surrender, and never give up.