Chereads / Powers Against The World / Chapter 28 - The Birthday of Jamal

Chapter 28 - The Birthday of Jamal

On a balcony in the Grand Academy stood a young dark-skinned man, during the cool late April dawn. Jamal was there absorbing the fresh air. He couldn't believe that he lived another year. 18 already, he thought, continuing to stare into the dark sky. He could barely see the sun, beginning to rise for the day. He smiled and walked back into his room. He checked the time, reading 6:58 a.m. He was going to arrive for breakfast early. He already cleaned himself up earlier, so he decided just for the day he would wear something casual. He went with a sweater and some sweatpants, sitting down to tie his shoes. Once he finished, he opened the door to go to the nearest restaurant from him, John's Refreshments.

As he strolled his way out of the building, he thought about the upcoming tournament he would participate in. Today's April 29th, with the tournament, only being a week ahead, May 6th, there wouldn't be much time to prepare left. I hope I'm ready, he had asked himself, as he was nearing the restaurant. Opening the door, Jamal wasn't shocked to see barely anyone in the place. It had literally opened up about 5 minutes ago, and only three other customers were waiting for their food. He waved to the server at the counter, and walked to his usual spot, a booth in the corner of the restaurant. He would have to treat himself for the day. He hadn't told anyone about his birthday, not even Ula, his good friend. While waiting for someone to serve him, he heard the main entrance door open. Jamal was shocked to see Ula actually appear inside, holding a box in her hands. She looked around until she saw him and moved towards his way. He smiled back but was still a bit surprised.

"You're here early today," he asked her.

"Hmm, I wonder why?" she laughed at him. "Go ahead, open it."

"Why are you giving me an empty box?" he had questioned as he shook it. "And what's the occasion? Like an item for the tournament?"

"Oh just open it!" she exclaimed.

Quickly, he heated his fingertips and sliced open the top of the box. Inside, was just another small white box.

"A box inside a box?"

"You got to open that too."

He felt around it until his hands touched a lid. Clicking it open, inside was a silver-etched watch. His eyes widened in shock. The watch the Academy provided was basic and all, but this was just incredible.

"Why did you get me this?"

"Well, it's not like it isn't your birthday unless it is?" she looked at him slyly.

"How do you know." he ground his teeth, not trying to make a bigger scene.

"You told me weeks ago. You don't remember?"

Now when he thought about it, he recalled telling her something about the day but put it to the back of his mind.

"Well, it's nice of you doing so. I really do appreciate it," he replied to her, noticing a slight blush.

"Yea, just being a good friend, you know."

After those words, they didn't say another word, not trying to make the situation any more awkward. Not long after, their meals arrived, and continued to eat in silence.

Jamal avoided making eye-contact, almost sighing. Ever since last year, they both began developing feelings for each other, but either had ever had the chance to tell the other. Soon, he finished his meal and excused himself.

"Thanks for the gift, but I'll be on my way now." he nodded at her.

"Oh, okay then, see you later," she muttered.

He was disappointed, but kept a straight face and walked out of the restaurant after paying. Once he was out, he cursed himself. Why didn't he say anything? Jamal then heard a loud noise, only to look up to see Fonda and Hops waving at him.

"Yo, happy birthday!" Hops greeted him. "I get to beat you up now as a gift."

"What birthday?" he pretended to question.

"You were thinking about it the entire time yesterday, come on," Fonda announced.

"Oh okay, you caught me. But, it was hard to not think about it." he shrugged.

"Doesn't mean you'll get the day off." a deep voice was heard from behind.

Jamal didn't even have to turn around. It was Boom, one of the strongest fighters on the planet and also his trainer.

"Yea, I'm aware, si-" he began to reply.

"I'm just kidding! You've been working hard these last months, so I think I'll let you rest for the day." he laughed.

"Well, thanks I suppose!" Jamal told him.

And with that, Jamal enjoyed the rest of the day. He took a carriage with Hops and Fonda to head back to the capital of the country Saputa, Saputa City, and strolled around with them. With his wallet that he was given by the government, he purchased several clothes for all the students, even Brat, who he hadn't seen yet for the day. By the time they got back, it was almost 6:00 p.m., the sky slowly starting to set and to begin anew. But they noticed several signs of light behind the Academy, which he never noticed before his year stay there.

"Does no one see those lights?" Jamal had asked.

"Yeah, I do, but what are they doing there?" Fonda questioned.

"Oh, this must be another surprise."

"But for what? You think they had time to set up something?" Hops finally spoke.

"I don't know, but I'm going to check it out," Jamal said, hopping off the carriage while it was still moving.

Hops and Fonda didn't question his choice and hopped off with him. They followed the lights, which were torches until it leads to a dark space. Jamal lit his hand up, only to still not be able to see anything. Was this Ula's work?

"Happy Birthday!" several voices could be heard.

Slowly the darkness disappeared, to show all the Supernaturals, and Brat and Ula smiling at him. A fresh feast was also there, waiting to be consumed.

"Wow, thank you, guys." Jamal stunned, almost making him drop to his knees. He never received this much care in his life.

"Ah, Fonda was right! That was just a good distraction." Brat exclaimed.

And so, Jamal ate one of the best meals of his life. He helped himself to roasted pork and some fresh vegetables. As they all ate, he laughed at their stories and chatted about the events that occurred. An hour later, Jamal was full as he struggled to get back up.

"Thank you for the meal." he announced to everyone, "I just want to say that even though this was all nice, we still have a tournament in a week, so I can't just stop here."

They all cheered him on, as they got up, but Jamal noticed that Ula was nowhere in sight. He looked around but still couldn't see her. In the corner of his eye, he saw Brat talking to Fonda, and paced towards him.

"Hey, where's Ula?"

"I think I saw her go into the woods. You should make sure she's good," he replied to him, then continuing the story about the setup to Fonda.

Jamal didn't even know where to go, but then remembered that he wasn't far from his training spot. He rushed towards the area. If she's there, then what, he thought, slowing down once he saw space began to open up. He finally arrived, just a small clearing, but no one was there. He slowly stepped towards the middle, looking around. Maybe he went in the wrong direction. He shook his head and heard the flow of a stream not far from where he was.

As he continued towards the sound, he saw a shadow, by a nearby tree on the bank.

"Ula? Is that you?" he asked, going through the thickets of the bush.

And sure enough, it was her, but she didn't look too happy.

"Are you okay?" he asked again. "This isn't about this morning right?"

But she didn't answer him again, and he could tell she was upset.

"I-I tried." she fell, crying.

I hope this isn't another act, Jamal thought, remembering the scene months ago, back at his place.

He sat down next to her and looked into her eyes, but he noticed that they were more genuine than before.

"I wanted to tell you. I really did, but I couldn't." she stuttered again.

"About what?" he questioned, before slowly realizing the answer.

"I wanted to say that I liked you! But I couldn't. I thought you wouldn't say anything or feel the same!" she cried, beginning to bawl.

Jamal's eyes widened. He almost began to shake. She finally admitted it to him, and he didn't know what to say, but he had to do say something too.

"Well, I'm not going to lie to you, but I kind of had a thing for you too." he finally spoke up, "Don't have to be sad or hide about it anymore."

"Really?" she looked at him, sniffling her tears.

But then suddenly, Jamal decided if the moment was now, he would just do it. He too had feelings and felt like the following action would be the right thing to do. He went closer to her face and straight up kissed her. It was brief, but when he pulled back, she didn't make a sound, a bit stunned. He tensed and didn't know what to do. Jamal quickly assumed that he messed up.

"Oh, sorry, I-I don't know what I just did. I should probably g-" he began to stutter and almost got back up, before she went close to him, and kissed him back more passionately. It lasted for a few more seconds, and when she pulled back, he was stunned. He had never done anything like it before.

"Wow, that's new." he just spelled out.

"I suppose it is. What now?" she asked him.

He didn't know what to do. Being in any relationship, he was adjusting to it all still, but a romantic one, that was foreign territory. This was still all a surprise, but he finally came up with an answer.

"Maybe, for now, we can keep it under wraps. I'm not sure how the others would react," he said, after thinking for a bit. Because why not, and who was going to decide how he was going to live.

"So, we're like a thing or something now?" Ula asked.

"You know what, yes we are." he smiled back at her and kissed her lightly again, "We can be."

"Be what?" Hops came through the woods, just seeing them kiss.