Jamal was inside the elevator by 8:40 a.m. The fact that Youden might have been found excited him, but also worried him. Who knew what would happen and when, but hopefully, it would all be known by the time he was in the training room. The ding rang and Jamal stepped outside the elevator, only to be stopped by two people in suits.
"Sir, we need to know your name, reason, and authorization to be down here." the suited people said.
"Um, who are yo-" he tried to speak, until Boom appeared behind them.
"Don't worry guys, he's with me." Boom told the people.
They backed off and Jamal was able to pass, only to see several men and women wearing medals and badges watching him. As he followed Boom towards them, he noticed that only Hops was there before him, siting in a section containing several chairs. By now, he was fully recovered, thanks to powers, of course, but they still didn't talk to each other. Boom pointed to the seat next to Hops and Jamal did as instructed. For several minutes, neither boy said a word to each other as if they never existed. There was a serious state in the room and no one wanted to break the silence. When the elevator rang again, he looked behind to see Ula, Fonda, and Brat walking out of it, only to be stopped by the same suited people, until one of the trainers cleared them through. He looked back ahead. This is serious, he knew, they must really have evidence to assume he's out there doing what, I don't know. In the corner of his eyes, he watched the others be seated next to him and once that was done, one of the people with the badges and medals began to speak.
"Hello, my name is Sergeant Major Bob, and we're here to say that we are seventy percent sure to say, that Youden is still alive."
No one made a sound in the room. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting for what would be said.
"Now before we reach any conclusions, I'll like to show the only known piece of evidence of his possible existence." he was saying as he took out a dark piece of paper. "This right here is some type of currency that isn't recognized internationally or even in the remote locations around the world that has been collected, unless mistaken. But, we were able to obtain this in an autocratic nation from a trader in the area. When we were looking at all currencies inside our nation, we noticed that the Mui currency, from the island nation of Cenu, hasn't been seen in over two months. It is possible that Youden could have taken over the nation somehow and is currently in control over there. If this is the case, then the Supers and your students might have to help assist in the invasion to remove him."
Wait, they want us to help invade the nation to take this man out? Jamal was a bit nervous. What were a bunch of kids and teens, going to do against a man who's probably been training longer than any of them have existed?
"You may have several questions about this task. Which is why when we came, we're lucky enough to see that we would watch you guys fight in your "tournament" that you guys are hopefully having." Bob said to the students. "This will decide if your worthy for the mission. If so, then our plans for invading might be easier. If not, then no worries, but then we're going to have to investigate what's happening here. So let's not get to that point. Just prove that you guys are worthy is all we need you guys to do."
What the heck is happening here? How do we prove we're worthy for this mission or even at all?
"Yes, sir. The tournament shall start in about 30 more minutes. We can't wait for you to see our progress. Students, go ahead and wait on the main floor." Boom said to him and the kids.
"Good, I hope your right."
They all got up and walked into the elevator once it opened. When the door closed, no one said a word. Until Hops decided to speak.
"So, any of us think were ready for this? Cause honestly, I'm not sure." he asked them.
"I'm not yet. I'm still trying to become two different animals at once." Brat spoke as he watched his arms change to different types of animals.
"I don't know what I can do. They still have me using different weapons. Imagine having to actually hurt, or do worse to Youden or whoever is on the islands." Fonda mentioned.
"Yeah, I want to make sure I can do whatever I can to help out. While I'm definitely stronger than ever, I doubt it will be enough. What about you, Jamal?" Ula was saying, while sucking the light inside and playing with the darkness from her hands.
Is it me, or has she paying a bit of more attention to me these last few months, Jamal actually questioned, I'm now realizing that but it isn't bothering me.
"Oh yeah, I actually think I might be ready for this. Remember, it isn't just us going to be there. I bet they'll make sure we are as safe as possible before we face him if he really is there. It would be messed up to send some kids by themselves to take out literally the strongest person known on this entire planet or at least well trained enough to beat Boom without assistance."
They all agreed with him, even Hops who usually didn't say anything. The elevator dinged again and they walked out and waited outside of the building.
"Didn't he say 30 minutes until the tournament began?" Jamal asked.
"He did, but they might be out here any minute, we don't know." Brat explained to him, "If anything, we don't even know where we are fighting for this. It won't be back down there."
"And your right, we won't be back there." a voice said behind them. He recognized her, Erythema, the lady that healed him before he had to fight the others when he first arrived here. "Instead, we're fighting outside! Isn't that exciting!"
They followed her as she lead them to a large dirt clearing behind the Academy. No markings, no grass, just a large patch of dirt to fight in. Jamal couldn't have asked for better, sarcastically.
"The tournament is going to be ready in about 10 more minutes. Don't forget your training and good luck!" she told them.
"Is their a prize?" Fonda asked.
"Ah yes, the Sergeant Major will recognize you for your strength! But seriously, there will be no prize, and this is a serious event so we can't afford to be playing around. Don't forget we have the real tournament happening in 6 more months, so we still have a long way to go. Do not let your guard down. I'll be back shortly."
Jamal just decided to sit down on the dirt, and look into the sky. Not a cloud in sight and was blue as far as the eye could see. He couldn't have asked for more perfect conditions to be in, until he felt someone's hand on his. He looked to see Ula have her hand on it. When she saw he was looking at him, she quickly took it off and looked in the other direction. Okay, that was weird, but maybe she was testing something, he thought, but then again, she hasn't really done that to him. Something was going on, but as long as it didn't necessarily bother him, he was good, as he was zoning out his surroundings.
Some time later, he heard a jingle and looked behind him to see the Major and the Supernaturals to have finally arrived.
"Listen! I want everyone to split up inside this dirt patch! This tournament is a practice one, but this is to prepare for the real thing. The following rules must be followed: Once, you are removed from the patch, out of it, or done for, you are out. If someone gets seriously injured, unless it was justified, you will be punished. We are trying to avoid as many missed days as possible with any one of you. And finally, I preferable want some clean fighting, but if necessary you can play dirty. Do we understand?" One of the Supernaturals, Tilden, said.
Once everyone was a good distance away from each other in the patch, they all said "Yes, sir!"
"Alright, let the fight begin!" he exclaimed and the students began to run towards each other as the tournament began.