After, they took the princess away from the queen. She wents to the death bed because of her daughter kidnapping. Father of the princess also worried about her . He declared in his country that the one who saves his daughter from the evils. He will gave all those things which he demands. After announcement many soldiers and people's was goes to saved the life of their majesti. They don't know what to do. Some of them killed each other for only they wants to saves the life of their princess. By chance, the king off the another country was went in the jungle for the hunt. When he was looking for a animals. He saw stag from a distance. He followed him. After some time he saw that the stag was turned into a beautiful angel. He was fall in love for her. He suddenly went to her and asked who you are? I'm greatly impressed by your beauty. She wants to run from there.But, she was littlerly trapped. She changed into stag again. But, now the prince now her secret. He told her that, "he know about her and he falls in love with her". She told him that I really respect your feelings but I can't love you but their is always a person like angel in this world. He says that I only loves you and not another. After, hearing this angle was transformed into a magical map.