Chereads / The Banquet Hall (Pure Force) Vol. 5 / Chapter 9 - 9 The ultimate war

Chapter 9 - 9 The ultimate war

The wolf-dom's battle with the renegade wolves and with the falsifiable one called "the bear" was the fiercest and the most challenging because of the enormity of the enemies. They numbered to thousands. With the fire-bringers on top leading the fighter wolves, the morale was high. With Tatin on top, it was even higher.

But Tatin was lonely that day that they had to go to war. It reminded him of his father and mother, of Isabella, Michael, and Gabriel—of people he loved—of people close to his heart.

The wolves had seen the greatest fighters they ever encountered in their life; hence, they were celebrating for an early victory. They saw how he, Isabella and the fire-bringers brought down the giant octopus and the fire-breathing crocodile. Granted, without Isabella and Michael on their side, they trusted Tatin and his friends, no less. They looked at their power as a sign of invulnerability.

Hugh and Andrea had professed love for each other. "Whatever happens, please always remember that I love you." He kissed Andrea on the forehead. Andrea wasn't leaving although Hugh was. All the men were drafted for the war.

She remembered how her feelings for Hugh started. He was too protective of her. He began to take her to her job and back home since that mobbing incident and there was only Hugh to talk to that time. Then, he investigated how the mobbing incident started and who the people behind the incident were. Although she, too, had her own power, she felt emotionally complete and secure with Hugh.

Matthias gave Marilyn a naughty smile before he left for the battle. He winked an eye. Marilyn returned the gesture with a smile, no matter nervous she was. But she had chosen this life and she would stand by him. She had prayed so hard when he left.

Tatin was anxious. He could feel that his time had come. They had looked up to him as a hero. Such thought brings consolation.

The war was about to commence.

The site was the woods where wolves loved to run and hide and catch their prey. They were used in the wilds. But this time, they were killing each other. Tatin hated to think about wolves killing wolves.

The final moment had come. With one side lunging, the other side lunged back and the fierce exchanges of claws began. The fire-bringers used their power. They tried to burn the enemies. Many were encircled, but this time, they were too many.

The alpha wolf saw that they were outnumbered, so he used his telepathic power moving trees and objects. It was intended to scare and confuse the enemies. That was when the gigantic multi-headed bear appeared, throwing wolves on his way as he was confounded and as everything around him moved and swayed. On the contrary, it could see Tatin's forces anywhere they went or hid because of its many eyes and heads. But Tatin wouldn't allow him to victimize his loyal wolves. The sheer size of the bear especially its hands could crush any victim like a toy; he wouldn't allow. Face the giant bear he courageously did. He held his rod, waved it at the enemy; the rod threw lightning-like volts of energy. The bear shook from the bolts of light. No matter his size, he was overwhelmed. He shook.

The monster with its eight heads fell on the ground, dead.

Unexpectedly, a treacherous wolf violated the fight accord and darted a small arrow aimed at Tatin to make sure that it pierce his body. The arrow landed on his heel but Time, no less, allowed, exposing his vulnerability, and like Achilles, hitting his heel part was the mortal wound that would kill the alpha wolf.

The wolf-dom, again, celebrated their victory in yet another battle, but grieved for the death of their long-time ruler and friend. They thought Tatin would never die, that he was immortal. But they realized too that as anybody did die, he, too, did, and that they, too, would, with only Time as the great master.

The fire-bringers, Apollo II, Hugh, Andrea, Matthias, Julius, and Marilyn with them, gave the alpha wolf a burial fit for a hero.


After the war, there were tremors. Oceans and seas rage as megaton blocks of ice sheets in the North Pole melt and caused flood and continental drifts.

Then, a flu pandemic followed.