God of Whores
Chapter One
Skjöldr had never been anything special, at least not according to his parents, siblings, or all of his friends. Neither tall nor short, with sandy blond hair and a pale complexion, he was inoffensive enough to behold, at least, though he would never be considered one of the fairest young Midgardians. Skjöldr liked to consider himself fairly clever, at least compared to the other refugees from Midgard that had taken shelter outside the walls of Asgard–he could even read and write, a little. His greatest strength, though he didn't quite know it yet, was his ignorance: still knowing little about the wider world of the Nine Realms and the nature of its inhabitants, he ventured where wiser and older men would never dare.
This had never been proven more true than when he'd caught a glimpse of a beautiful, young Asgardian woman just inside the walls and decided to approach her. A sturdily built woman with a shock of reddish-blonde hair, along with a streak of darker red, her muscled arms and shoulders were emblazoned with a series of intricate tattoos. Not knowing who she was, Skjöldr was compelled to speak to her during a rare moment when the gates of Asgard opened. Curious and mostly young Aesir ventured forth to talk to the refugees, though most were simply looking for adoring worshippers or eager servants, some seem genuinely interested in learning more about the displaced Midgardians.
However, Skjöldr was soon to be disappointed. While the young woman, whose name he learned was Thrúd, daughter of Thor, seemed polite enough, it was clear she was only humoring Skjöldr. Before long, another young man approached, someone Skjölldr had seen before, a young man named Atreus, who claimed not to be a god himself. Yet, whatever the truth of his lineage was ()he certainly wasn't a Midgardian, there was just something in the way he carried himself, so unlike the people Skjoldr had known before the Desolation) it was clear Thrúd was interested in the mysterious Atreus. Her face, already beautiful in repose, grew more animated, nearly lighting up from within when she saw Atreus, no doubt back from some exciting adventures out in the Realms.
"Eh, sorry Skjoldr, but I must be off. Nice to meet you and all." She hurried off, not sparing even a second glance for the blond boy as she went to speak to Atreus, moving quickly. He looked down at his boots, one of which was nearly wearing through at the toes, before sparing a glance to Atreus and Thrúd. He had tattoos as well, they made him look more grown-up, though the scars on his face helped with that as well.
"It's Skjöldr, actually." He whispered to himself. He would have liked a few tattoos of his own, but no one in his village had been skilled at such things, and now, well now he had larger concerns. The young man ran a finger along his necklace, a cheap strap of leather connected to a bit of inexpertly forged yet still valuable gold. It had belonged to his father, before a wasting disease had taken him just before the start of Fimbulwinter. It was supposed to be a protection against poor fortune and misadventure, though it had clearly failed at that.
Dejected, Skjöldr wandered through the camp, until he saw a tall, beautiful pale woman, with the longest, most astonishing braid of blonde hair he'd ever seen. It reminded him of a field of wheat in the light of the morning sun, complemented by the woman's piercing blue eyes and the tight blue dress she wore, which hugged her motherly curves. He had seen her before, though only in statuary, drawings and the like, for this was the Goddess Sif, Lady of Family, Wheat and the Harvest. At the moment, she seemed quite bothered about something, like Skjöldr himself she was walking without an obvious purpose. Stopping at odd times, only seeming to notice people when they got too close and then paying them no mind as most simply scurried away from the regal and proud Aesir.
Once again, Skjöldr's lack of fear proved his greatest strength, as he slowly approached Sif. It was a trying thing even for the young man, but he was able to work up his nerve, hoping that whatever was causing Sif to frown and fret would put her in an agreeable mood to someone who shared her lack of joy. She was muttering to herself now and then, but the words were too quiet and quick for Skjöldr to hear so he waited for a quiet moment and put his best foot forward, waving in greeting.
"Ah hello there, my lady. You are the Goddess Sif, c-correct?"
Sif looked at Skjöldr for just a moment, seeming to take his measure in an instant. Then she glanced away, simply looking right over his head. Feeling a bit smaller than usual, Skjöldr gathered his courage up, balling his small hands up at the hem of his shirt as he tried again.
"Uhm, I…I saw your daughter earlier, Thrud. I tried to talk to her, but she seemed a little distracted. Maybe you have some advice for me on how best to win her ear? I would treat her with respect and nothing but kindness, of course." Skjöldr added quickly, running one hand through his mop of hair nervously.
Again, Sif said nothing, though she at least looked at him this time. It was by no means a friendly look, Sif wore an expression like a frozen lake, cold, attractive and with absolutely no hints as to what might be going on behind her piercing eyes.
Skjöldr was rapidly growing out of things to say and the courage to say them, so he tried one last approach.
"Well, uh, you're married to Thor, right? I think I heard that once. So, erm, how did Thor first…woo you?" Skjöldr swallowed heavily, his mouth suddenly feeling very dry.
All at once, Sif's expression gave way from icy, aloof indifference to a sudden burst of rage. Still one of the most gorgeous women Skjöldr had ever seen, her gaze fixed him to the spot, and Skjöldr could only try and endure her rage like a tree in a high wind.
"Thor? Thor?! Thor didn't woo me, you foolish little speck! Thor claimed me, the way a true male claims his mate, the way a bear might decide to have cubs with his choice of females. He fucked me so hard I couldn't even think! He railed me so deep, and for so long, that I forgot my own name! Thor showed me my true place and made me stop being a warrior and become his loyal wife instead. That is why I wander here now, because Thor would rather drink and kill giants than bed his own wife."
Skjöldr waited for a moment, as Sif took deep, heaving breaths, having worked herself up into such a state that her cheeks were blotched with dark red spots of color. Just before he thought it was safe to speak, though at the moment he could think of nothing to say, Sif went on, taking a small step closer.
"That is something that you, an insignificant and unimpressive mortal, will never be able to do. So hear me, foolish little man and hear me well. You are to leave Thrud alone as soon enough she will be with that boy of a god, Atreus, outsider that he is. Should you live long enough to marry another Midgardian and have children with her, and those children had children of their own, still long after your descendants' deaths, Atreus and Thrud would still be together. That is what it means to be with a god."
Sif chuckled, suddenly thinking of something new to taunt Skjöldr with.
"And, even if by some miracle, you became immortal yourself, by feasting on the golden apples, or proving yourself in battle-fat fucking chance there-you would still be you. An unexceptional, painfully average being no doubt with a small, mortal manhood. Any god worth the name with a big, fat dick would be able to lay claim to Thrúd and steal her from you with the tiniest effort."
Sif laughed, having finally found something to rouse herself from her own bad mood. Tearing into Skjöldr was the most fun she had experienced in weeks.
Skjöldr shook his head, desperately trying to make sense of everything he'd just heard. He had no idea how he'd expected his conversation with one of Asgard's most noted and important Goddesses to go, but it hadn't been like this.
"W-well, if I did ever romance Thrúd, and there would have to be a way to do that, surely, s-she would never cheat! She seems like a kind, respectful woman, the type who would respect the sanctity of a marriage…and surely a mortal marrying a god isn't truly impossible. Why, it sounds like something from one of the old songs."
Skjöldr was desperately trying to convince himself more than Sif, though she just laughed at his babbling, doubling over and clutching at her stomach.
"She wouldn't have a choice in the matter, no more than I did when Thor took a liking to me. What would happen if a god as powerful, or at least as hung as Thor, or this foreign bastard Kratos, or even Atreus just decided they wanted to fuck Thrúd, the right way? Truly, deeply with all their power and virile strength? Atreus doesn't look like much now, but I know he has strange powers of his own, from those bastard giants and he'll only get stronger with age. What could you possibly do to stop them? Could you really protect Thrúd with your weak little body?"
Skjöldr's jaw hung open wide, searching for some sort of rejoinder, but finding nothing but stuttering and long, awkward pauses. Sif laughed again, though with less mirth and more bitterness this time. Mocking mortals with ideas above their station was all well and good, but it only quelled her own unhappiness for so long. She walked past Skjöldr, idly touching a small sapling; in a few seconds time it had flowered into full bloom, with heavy, bright red apples hanging from its boughs.
"Look child, the Nine Realms are a big and dangerous place, and you're lucky to have even made it here, to Asgard, the greatest of them all. Try and find a nice mortal girl with eyes that aren't crossed and all her fingers and toes, and consider yourself lucky. Leave Thrúd out of your mind, and don't try to play in the fields of the god…or you're likely to get trampled."
Skjöldr's head hung low, barely noticing that Sif had passed him by. Even when he managed to look up and around, she was gone without so much as prints in the dirt. Another power of the gods, he thought to himself. As much as he hated to admit it, Sif was right. Thrúd was a gorgeous woman, powerful in her own right and descended from some of the most important Aesir. Skjöldr, for all that he considered himself clever and brave, was just a man, and not even a very experienced or strong one.
A few hours later, Skjöldr had wandered off, passing under trees and across streams that he had never seen before, thinking dark thoughts to himself. He eventually returned to the refugee camp, though a bit farther from the walls of Asgard, a part he'd never been to before with people he'd never met. There was a woman nearby, another striking beauty, though compared to ladies like Sif and Thrúd, she seemed a bit more…wild, with feathers braided in her hair, clothes of leather and animal skin, with humble wraps upon her feet. She looked to be in her late thirties at the most, but Skjöldr recognized her too, a little. He'd seen images of the goddess Frigg, also called Freya, but in those statues and drawings she had seen a bit more…regal. Her tattoos were darker than those of Thrúd or Sif, nearly black, with some of them coloring her fingers as well.
Enjoying a night to herself, Freya was fletching a row of arrows, using the finest eagle feathers. As Skjöldr approached, he watched her weave one into her hair, long chestnut colored locks draping across her slender collarbone and down her back. She was seated near a small fire, near a small and simple cottage.
"Ah, forgive me, you must be…Freya, right?"
Freya favored Skjöldr with a small but genuine smile, and his heart seemed to grow inside his chest. Perhaps not all the gods were cruel or so easily dismissive of mortals.
"Yes, young one, I am Freya. And who might you be?"
Skjöldr paused for a moment, collecting himself. "I'm Skjöldr, I live in the camp, a bit closer to the walls. I didn't know you had a home here, all the stories I heard said you lived in Midgard still, in a giant turtle's shell." He chuckled, as if something so outlandish could never be real.
Freya smiled again, running a hand across one of her braids, before she grasped a small necklace with an orange stone in the center. "Well, I like to travel to all the realms, though my true home was in Vanaheim, long from here. Still, Asgard isn't so bad. But you look troubled, child. Here, come closer, tell me what occupies your mind."
Unable to hold back his sorrow any longer, Skjöldr simply let his words pour forth. "Well, I was wondering, if you had ever heard stories or tales of…that is, do you think I, a Midgardian, could ever compare to a God?"
Freya chuckled, sizing him up. "Oh, but so many mortals have asked this question before, often to themselves, or whispered to the night sky, or even offered up in prayer to…Odin, for all the good that would do them. It is the folly of mortals that they should want what they can never have…"
Freya trailed off, looking away from Skjöldr and staring into the fire, studying it intently as though something only she could see lay in its embers.
"My own son was the same way, wanting what he did not have, and not cherishing that which he did. Maybe the gods and mortals aren't so different after all, to not see the beauty of the world in front of their own eyes, always reaching for that which will never be in their grasp."
Hearing these words after the day he had already had, though he had no idea who Freya's son was, proved too much for Skjöldr. With a deep, trembling gasp, salty tears streamed down his cheeks, and though he tried to contain his sobs lest he embarrass himself further, Freya still heard.
"Oh, my child, I'm sorry. Even I know what it is to want something and be told you can never have it. If we could all only accept the whims of fate, well, then we'd never seek to do anything that challenged us or gave others pause. Maybe it's not so bad, then, to seek to hold that which we cannot reach. Here, come closer."
Freya stood up, gently wrapping her arms around Skjöldr. This close, with the difference in their heights, Skjöldr's face was soon unwittingly pressed into Freya's chest. His tears and sadness quickly forgotten, the blond boy took in a few deep breaths as Freya's hands gently caressed his back. Her scent was strange to him, with flowers and other aromas on her skin and clothes that he had no names for, but she was beautiful and appealing in her own way, more wild than other women he had met, with a kind of primal nature to herself. In a short while, Skjöldr's manhood stiffened in his pants, his body unable to resist Freya's base, animalistic appeal.
Skjöldr had one of his rare flashes of cleverness and, as his sobs stifled, began to weave a story for Freya. She was a mother, or had been (the way she talked about her son, it made Skjöldr think he wasn't around any longer), and if there was one woman Skjöldr had always been able to convince, it was his own mother. Maybe, like Skjöldr and Freya's son, mothers were the same even among the gods.
"It's just…been so hard. My mother, she died in the great winter, froze to death while out looking for wildflowers. Since then, it's just been me, all by myself, and all I have left of her…is this pendant." Skjöldr presented the small bit of gold, knowing he should feel fear for lying right to the face of a Goddess, but simply feeling like he had nothing left to lose. His mother was quite alive and well, with a hale color to her cheeks and enough energy to even sometimes put Skjöldr to shame
Freya hugged him closer, closing her eyes as she considered the sadness of such a boy, and what had become of her own family. "Oh, I'm so sorry, my child. The loss of a parent is a true tragedy, and one I know too well. But there, there, hush now…in time, all things must pass."
Skjöldr suddenly stepped back, with Freya's hands rising to his shoulders, attempting to steady him. He wobbled as though suddenly struck with an infirmity, his head hanging low and voice wracked with pain.
"Ah…something hurts! My…my body!" He cried out, though he was quite fine, physically speaking. Perhaps Skjöldr had missed his true calling as a skald, as he was gifted with a natural talent for deception and storytelling.
"Oh, Skjöldr, what's wrong, where are you hurt, my boy?" Already Freya was acting very motherly towards Skjöldr', concerned with even his slightest problem or misfortune. Even the young man hadn't expected her to be quite so intense, her hands probing at his body as she searched for whatever ailed him.
"Ah, I think…there was a snake earlier, when I crossed the stream. At first I thought it was just a minor bite, oh but it hurts!" Skjöldr cried out, feeling his body beginning to throb with arousal.
Freya dropped low in front of him, her body athletic and soon showing off her flexibility in a lewd squat. Ass sticking out, ankles together and knees separate, Freya wasted no time and tugged at the waistband of Skjöldr's pants. Helping her out by quickly undoing the thin leather straps, Freya was so close her nose practically nuzzled into Skjöldr's slap as he undressed. With a heavy swinging sound, Skjöldr's dick flopped into view and actually whacked Freya full in the face.
"Oh! Ah…oh my goodness, Skjöldr, my sweet boy. This is….more serious than I thought." Freya whispered, staring at hs dick with naked, obvious lust. The size of it was impressive, with a wrist-thick length of dick that was heavy enough to leave a red mark on Freya's face, long enough to reach past her delicate features and swing in between her heaving breasts, a truly impressive dick. On top of that, Freya couldn't help but take in deep, sweaty breaths of his crotch, feeling the pungent aroma of Skjöldr's balls fill her lungs and coat her brain. It had been a long time since Freya had been sexually active in any way, since before her son Baldur had been born. She couldn't help but get turned on by this dick, and her nostrils continued to flare as Skjöldr slowly rubbed it against the soft skin of her face, pressing against her cheeks, rubbing the sweaty shaft along her nostrils, smearing a few droplets of precum on her smooth, elegant forehead.
"Ah,...hmmm…mwah~" Freya let out a series of soft, sensual moans, her jaw slowly lowering until her mouth was wide open, little cloudy ropes of saliva connecting her two lips. Unable to hold back any more, Skjöldr suddenly pushed forward, his cocktip sliding against Freya's warm, wet tongue and forcing it flat against the bottom of her mouth. Freya's hands wrapped around Skjöldr's waist, anchoring herself in place as her legs tensed, knowing what was coming next and feeling so hungry, downright greedy for it.
"Glacchh, glaccckkk, glawwwg!" Freya gagged on Skjöldr's dick as he thrust fast and hard into her mouth. With his hands wrapped up in her hair and her own grasp practically tugging him deeper with every motion of his hips, Freya was soon swallowing that cock deep enough to make her swanlike neck bulge out. There was a clear indentation from the tip of Skjöldr's cock, and Freya felt it push a little deeper, even as she spat up drool. Her eyes grew red from the strain of swallowing such a big dick, but she was happy to do so, letting her throat be used like a cheap prostitute's cunt.
"Mmmf, mmmmf, HNNNG!" One of Freya's hands slid down her taut, trim stomach, pushing into her pants and beginning to rub her dripping wet pussy. As Skjöldr stood with his legs shoulder-width apart, beginning to really pick up speed and pounding his dick past the back of Freya's throat every time, her fingers made lewd squelching sounds as she fingered herself silly, having forgotten how good this felt to be used like this, to be dominated. It had been far, far too long, and Odin had never touched her this way, not with Skjöldr's hands taking a firm grasp on her skull, fingers tangled in her hair as his fat swinging balls grew closer and closer to Freya's lips. She hollowed her cheeks out, looking up at the young man with intense, powerful lust in her eyes, feeling a kind of worship for him, even as her pussy grew wetter and arousal burned through her body.
"MMFFFF, kuh-cmmminnng!" Freya moaned, feeling that dick stretch so far it felt like it was pushing out between her tits. She let out a series of gasps and gagging sounds that vibrated Skjöldr's dick, making him grunt above her like a beast, feeling the primal sensation of standing above a gorgeous woman and fucking her face with abandon and raw power, hunger and need fueling each of his fast thrusts.
By the time Skjöldr slowly pulled out of Freya's mouth, leaving her face reddened, lips swelling up from the pressure of his pelvis bouncing off her face, it was clear something had awakened inside Freya. Something that was long locked away was loose now, and she was going to do whatever it took to keep feeling this way, even if it was with a human boy she'd only just met.
"Hmm…inside, baby. I want you to lay me down like a newlywed and really pound me." Freya said, trying to bring herself to stand on wobbly feet and shaky knees. That orgasm had been the first one she'd had in a long time, and she was already beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed. Skjöldr just nodded, unable to believe his luck.
"O-of course, Freya! Time to show you what I'm made of." He tried to sound confident, which was pretty easy as Freya walked in front of him, her hand wrapped around his dick as they moved towards the cottage. Her wide, child-bearing hips rocked from side to side, making her fit yet bouncy ass jiggle right in front of his face.
In moments, Freya was flat on the floor of her cottage, with the horny pair unable to even make it to the bed. She tugged at Skjöldr's shirt, pulling it over his head as his hands went to work on her own clothes, their bodies grinding and rubbing against each other. Freya moaned as he grabbed her full, sensitive tits, squeezing her nipples between his fingers as his dick pressed gently against her wet drippy pussy. Freya's pants were tugged down around her ankles, and she shrugged her way out of her shirt, leaving her clothes in a state of disarray, as she leaned up, pressing her lips against Skjöldr's.
Their mouths worked against each other's hungrily, slowly finding a shared rhythm. Freya opened her mouth a bit wider, letting Skjöldr's tongue push inside, sucking on it softly yet urgently. With a sudden thrust of his hips, Skjöldr pushed his cock inside Freya's tight little cunny, feeling her stretch out around him. Freya's back arched up off the floor, her hands grasping at Skjöldr's shoulders, trying to pull him in just a little deeper. She moaned into the kiss, feeling Skjöldr's cock penetrate her deeply, the girth of his cock making her pussy stretch and be forced to adjust. Her legs wrapped tight around his waist as the pair rutted together on the floor like animals, their hands running up and down each other's bodies, exploring and giving into their passion.
Skjöldr eventually broke the kiss first, moving his mouth down along Freya's elegant features, before he pressed his chin into the crook of her neck. He kissed and licked at Freya's delicate throat, making her eyelashes flutter with pleasure as she stroked the back of his head, running her fingers through his soft blond hair.
"Oh, yes, just like that, Skjöldr. Fuck me down into the floor, like that. You're my big, strong boy, and I don't want you to hold back at all! Use mommy's pussy!" Freya said, losing herself in pleasure as she suddenly came again, legs twitching and her toes stiff. Skjöldr pounded into her faster and faster, stirring up her dripping wet pussy and causing her juices to come squirting out with every balls-deep thrust.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Skjöldr had never imagined his first time would be with a Goddess, someone so old, powerful and wild, but it was proving better than he could have ever hoped. Freya whispered into his ear as she held him close, her eyes twinkling with ecstasy. Her tits jiggled as he rammed into her harder and faster, balls slapping off her pussy lips as his cock bottomed out inside her.
"Mhhm…that's it, baby boy, right there right there! You're gonna make me cum again, I'm gonna cum all over your big fat cock!" Freya's pussy seemed to grip Skjöldr's cock with a mind of its own, wrapped so tight around him the thick and heavy veins on the underside of his shaft were nearly imprinted onto her dripping wet fuckhole. Skjöldr's thrusts grew faster and more erratic as his own orgasm approached, and Freya's hands reached down his back, grabbing ahold of his lightly muscled asscheeks. She held on forto dear life, riding out his thrusts but also trying to pull him in deeper, mewling like the sex kitten she was.
"Oh yes, I can feel you getting even harder in my pussy, my sweet boy. You're gonna come for me, aren't you? You're gonna come deep in my tight little unprotected pussy. I want you to do it, big boy, I want you to fill me up with every last drop of your hot, sticky come. Knock me up, my boy, use me to spread your seed, breed me like an animal!"
With a series of grunts, Skjöldr held his dick deep inside Freya's tight pussy, feeling his dicktip press against the sensitive entrance to her womb. As she gasped underneath him, grinding her hips against his, the blond boy worked the last few inches of his dick in and out of her cunt as fast as he could, their bodies rocking and grinding together. He came so much Freya was sure to get pregnant, feeling pleasure explode inside her body in a way that seemed to wake her up, reminding her of her true purpose in life. Little spots of color danced in front of her vision before Skjöldr kissed her again, shoving his tongue inside greedily. Freya simply let his tongue push to the back of her throat, happy to submit to this strong, virile young man and let him use her body as his plaything.
When the kiss finally broke and Skjöldr's orgasm at last subsided, he pulled out, breathing hard. Freya's pussy was twitching, and her thighs rubbed together as she tried to keep even a drop of his hot, tacky ball batter from leaking out.
"Hahn…hah, that was amazing, Freya." Skjöldr said, trickles of sweat running down his forehead. She nodded up at him, eyes locked onto his, seeing the young man in a new light, looking at him in a way she hadn't looked at anyone in a very long time.
"Hmm, yes, Skjöldr, you fucked my little mommy pussy so good~.But we're not done yet, I've got a special little treat for you." Freya stirred underneath him and Skjöldr scooted back, watching as she turned around. Bracing herself on her hands and knees, Freya looked over her shoulder at Skjöldr, heaving her ass up into the air and letting her bootycheeks clap together in a base, horny display of hunger and sexual need.
"I want you to fuck my ass, Skjöldr. Don't hold back, fuck me as hard as you can, I'll take it all for you my sweet boy, I promise. Use me however you wish, you can have mey anyway you wa-nnnntttt!"
Freya's teeth grit as Skjöldr slammed into her tight ass, unable to resist for even a second longer. To have such a gorgeous woman on all fours in front of him, shaking her ass at him like a bitch in heat, it was more than he could endure. Freya let out little moans and yips of pleasure, even as her body struggled to adjust to Skjöldr's size–it had been a long time since she'd had a dick up her ass, but she was going to take it all like a good little mommy slut for him.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Skjöldr's hips bounced off of her ass as he thrust forward with abandon. Skjöldr wanted to go slow at first, but once he got inside that ass he simply couldn't hold himself back any longer. He grunted in Freya's ear, as he wound one hand into her long soft hair.
"Fuck, your ass is incredible Freya! I can feel it milking me, you must really be a cock-hungry slut, huh?" Skjöldr yanked back on Freya's hair, making her tongue stick out foolishly as she nearly came just from his rough treatment of her. One of her braids nearly came undone as he tugged back on it, feeling some of the feathers in Freya's hair come loose. She resembled such a wild woman, with her dark tattoos and slightly unkempt appearance, living out by herself in the dangerous woods, it just made Skjöldr want to really pound the shit out of her like more of a beast than a man.
"Yes, yes, fuck my ass, Skjöldr! Show mommy how much you like her tight little asshole, it's all for you my sweet boy, you can use me however you wish!"
The screams and cries from Freya's small home only grew louder as the night wore on. Soon, some of the nearby refugees grew worried-it almost sounded like someone was in great pain, yelling and gasping in incoherent, wordless cries. Not knowing what else to do, and rather fearful themselves, a group ran off to get help. As the hours passed, there was only one person they could find who cared enough to go look.
The door to Freya's cottage burst open, revealing Freya bouncing on top of Skjöldr's cock as he sat on her bed. She was riding him with total abandon, throwing her head back and shoving her tits in his face, encouraging him to suck on her sensitive, hard nipples as she worked her hips around that dick, squeezing him tightly with her pussy. Her thick, juicy ass bounced into Skjöldr's lap, and every time she rose up high, more of his cock came into view, covered in Freya's spit, her pussy juices, and the remnants of several thick loads of sperm he'd busted inside the powerful Vanir.
"What the fuck in the Nine Relams is going on here?!" It was Sif, standing in the doorway and watching the lewd scene unfold. Freya didn't even look her way, clearly having been fucked into a stupor, utterly dick drunk on that thick dick, coming herself stupid with a delirious, drooling smile on her face.
"It's you!" She said, pointing at Skjöldr.
"Sk…something." She finished, having forgotten his name.
"It's Skjöldr," He said, grunting as Freya's ass landed in his lap again, the slutty goddess reaching her hands up to toss her hair, losing herself in pleasure once again.
Sif crossed her arms, forcing her large, perfectly round breasts up until they nearly hit her chin.
"Whatever. I don't know how you got Freya to give you a pity fuck, but at least keep it down, you're bothering the other mortals." Sif had nearly turned around, though some part of her did glance at Skjöldr's dick.
"Oh, why don't you just shut up." Skjöldr said, finally having had enough of the arrogant Aesir woman.
Sif stopped dead in her tracks, turning slowly to face him. Unlike before, her face didn't turn red with anger, her features simply grew tight with quiet rage. A muscle in her cheek flexed as she stared Skjöldr down, finding it a bit hard to concentrate with Freya still moaning and gasping like a cheap whore. She drew closer, noticing how the furniture in the small cottage was overturned or disturbed, with puddles of nasty juices and dry stale come nearly everywhere she looked.
"Know your place, mortal. Don't think that anyone would care if I decided to just snuff out the feeble light of your life." Sif had never been considered a great warrior among the Aesir, but that was only in comparison to her husband and father in law. She was more than willing to demonstrate how dangerous she could be.
"Well, I may be mortal, but I know one person who would be pretty upset if anything happened to me. Freya is my barefoot whore now, aren't you Freya?" Skjöldr smacked Freya's ass as she kept riding him, her legs squeezing his torso as she squirmed in his lap. Her body moved in sensual, sexy waves as Freya practically jerked Skjöldr off with the tight embrace of her asshole.
"HNNNG…yes, yes I'm your whore Skjöldr! I'm your barefoot, knocked up little mommy slut!" Her eyes rolled back as she squirted shamelessly, making even Sif's jaw drop a little in amazement.
Trying to recover her focus, Sif looked over Freya's naked, sweaty form and made eye contact with Skjöldr, the jumped up little bastard.
"Ha, don't make me laugh. Freya barely even counts, she's been kept out of Asgard and Vanaheim for years, and was always a bit on the savage, slutty side. No true goddess would ever be that pathetic as to let a mortal use their body in such a disrespectful way."
Skjöldr smirked, his ego having been boosted considerably in the last few hours. Having one of the sexiest older women he'd ever seen deepthroat his cock and try to inhale his balls at the same time after he nutted deep in her ass had that effect on him.
"Oh yeah? I think you're just worried that you missed your chance with me since you were such a bitch earlier. I would fuck your brains out better than Thor ever did." Skjöldr might have thought better of making such a boast, but with Freya still firmly wrapped around his dick, he wasn't doing much thinking at all. The pleasure he felt at every second was so intense it was a miracle he could speak in the first palace.
Sif's arms uncrossed, hanging at her side in readiness, fists balled up.
"I…should kill you for daring to speak that way to me, and for being so shameful as to foul my husband's name with your filthy voice."
Skjöldr raised one finger, his voice rising in pitch as he worried he might have overstepped. "Wait! If you harmed me, Freya would surely seek revenge, and she could gather all the Vanir to do the same. Soon…we shall be married."
Freya moaned at this, leaning closer to Skjöldr and draping her head across his chest, long hair flowing down to the small of her back.
"Hmm…my brave boy. Nothing would make me happier."
Sif was furious, trapped in a situation where she saw no easy, positive choices. Crushing Skjöldr's head between her hands would make her happy (if a bit messy), but it would lead to conflict with Freya and others. But even listening to him speak with his annoying voice for one second more was an insult the prideful Aesir could not let go unpunished. Still, she wasn't an idiot–her best choice for now was to leave and think of a plan. But as she turned to leave, Skjöldr stopped her with perhaps the worst insult he could think of, at least for someone like her.
"What, are you afraid I'm right? Coward."
Sif turned back to face him, stomping towards him. Skjöldr had been in fights only a few times in his short life, and everyone who had ever swung at him had been wearing an expression much like Sif's right now. The time for threats had passed for the Goddess, and only quick thinking saved Skjöldr's life, or prevented an intervention by the still dazed and swooning Freya.
"Ok, wait, I'll make you a deal!"
Sif drew closer, moving remarkably fast for a woman wearing a dress so tight. Skjöldr thought she might bust out of it at any second, though his priorities might have been off.
"If we fuck, and you can outlast me, I'll…do anything you say. If you command me to fall on my sword, I'll do it." Skjöldr didn't have a sword, but he was sure he could find one.
"I'll leave Asgard forever, or, or jump off a mountain. You could even kill me yourself, if you really want to." Freya mewled underneath him, shaking her head in refusal, but Skjöldr merely patted her on the head as she calmed down. She whispered something in his ear, but Sif couldn't make it out, not that she cared to try.
"Fine." Sif said. "I'll enjoy watching the light leave your eyes, you mortal pig. You have a deal, while it lasts."
Skjöldr sounded a bit confused, unsure of himself. "Ah…really? But you haven't even heard what will happen if I win."
Sif tossed her long braid over one shoulder, giving a contemptuous sniff as she stared down her nose at the blond man.
"Yes, and I don't bother thinking about what would happen if tomorrow all the ice in Hel melted, or if my husband suddenly gave up mead. There's no point in concerning one's self with things that will simply never happen."
Skjöldr swallowed loudly, but put on a brave face. "Ah…good point, I guess. But if I win…then you shall take Thrúd's place. I wished for her to be mine, so you shall be instead."
Sif just nodded once, sharply. "Let's get this over with. Your disappointing attempts at lovemaking aside, I am going to enjoy this immensely. Maybe I'll just snap your neck like a chicken bone between my thighs when you're done."
Skjöldr slowly, reluctantly pulled out of Freya's ass, his cock covered in left-over sperm as well as Freya's own slutty assjuices. He stroked his dick, which Sif seemed to regard for a moment with…well, not respect, but not a complete lack of respect, either.
"Well, unless you want all this inside your Aesir pussy, you're going to have to clean me off."
Sif looked disgusted, her nose crinkling with distaste as she considered his proposal. Still, she couldn't very well let such a dirty dick enter her pristine body the way that it was…if there was even a chance this bastard could get her, the Goddess Sif pregnant, then she might be the one prepared to jump off a mountain in shame.
"Very well. Sit there." She pointed to the edge of the bed as she quickly knelt down, all business. Skjöldr let Freya rest on the bed, jizz leaking out of her ass and pussy as she took slow, unsteady breaths, slowly coming back down after her many orgasms.
Sif stuck her tongue out, licking up and down the sides of his shaft as she held it firmly with one hand. Her grip was stronger than Freya's had been, but her skin was softer as well, clearly lotioned and perfumed. It was a hand that belonged to a housewife, as opposed to the calloused fingers of a hunter and forager like Freya. Skjöldr moaned as she squeezed him forcefully, no doubt entertaining the idea of just crushing his dick between her hands. Still, a deal was a deal and no Aesir worth the name would try to back out once the competition had started.
Sif's tongue burned at the taste of Skjöldr's sweaty cock, fresh out of Freya's asshole and covered in old sperm. She swallowed the dregs of it down, her eyes burning as the taste ran down her throat. She'd tasted worse things, in her long life, and there was something not too horrible about Skjöldr's dick, so as she licked up the crown, she opened her mouth wide. Sif was in no mood to try and impress this stupid human with tricks or teasing motions. She simply opened her mouth wide and began to bob up and down on his cock, jerking the rest of his dick firmly. Her other hand began tugging at the pins and clasps holding her dress in place.
Still, Skjöldr wasn't going to just sit there and let her try and drain him dry. He should have pulled out, tried to fuck her right there and then, or at least make her cum while she was sucking on his dick, but it felt too good to pull back. The cold, dispassionate way Sif sucked on his fat cock was still pleasurable, even if it was the reverse of Freya's actions. Freya was a wild woman, wrapping her feet with simple bandages and tying beads of glass in her hair. In contrast, Sif was the personification of a good wife, doing her duty even for a man she despised, working the first six inches of Skjöldr's shaft in and out of her mouth. Her cheeks were hollowed out and the suction she used on his dick was almost painful, but it still made Skjöldr groan, his eyes fluttering closed.
"Fuck that's amazing! But, let me give you a little help, Sif." Skjöldr reached out, grabbing Sif by the sides of her head, his hands entwined in her soft hair, as smooth as silk. She glared up at him, her eyes promising retribution, but she made no move to stop him. To do so would be admitting, even slightly, that she was worried about anything Skjöldr could do, and Sif wasn't.
"Gllchh!" Still, despite her endurance, his cock was still large enough to knock past her uvula and hit the back of her throat. Her body naturally rebelled, face growing red as she spat up drool. Sif's breasts came into view as her blue dress pooled to the floor, and she knew even the sight of her massive tits would be enough to bring Skjöldr closer to orgasm. Sure enough, one of his hands left her hair and draped across her chest, fondling her enormous jugs with his unskilled yet eager fingers. Sif let out a small moan, but it was barely heard over the sounds of her gagging on dick. To show she wasn't impressed or bothered, Sif reached to her face with one hand, harshly pinching her nostrils shut.
"Schluurp, schlooorp!" The lewd sounds of wet, sloppy deepthroating filled the room as Skjöldr fucked Sif's gorgeous, regal face. With her nose closed, Sif's mouth opened that much wider, and her tongue stuck out, swiping around Skjöldr's bulging veins and the sensitive undershaft of his pale, reddened dick. He moaned above her, leaning back slightly on the bed as his hips thrusted faster and faster.
After nearly twenty minutes of this, Sif was both impressed with Skjöldr's ability to keep himself from coming, and that much more eager to crush him. Leaving her nostrils alone now that she was gulping down his entire cock with each thrust, his balls slapping off her chin, Sif reached out and grabbed Skjöldr's dangling, wrinkled testicles. Treating them with surprising gentleness, she massaged and rubbed those balls, letting drool leak out of her mouth and splash onto his leathery, swarthy balls. With a grunt, Skjöldr began pulling on Sif's hair, losing control of himself as he pulled out a bit, leaving only the tip of his dick inside.
"Fuck, here it comes, swallow every drop you sexy bitch!" Skjöldr said, before his cock seemed to tense up, throbbing inside Sif's mouth. As she moaned in displeasure, wishing to pull back but not wanting to give him the satisfaction, his hot sticky jizz flooded her mouth. In moments, Sif's cheeks were bulging out, full of the tacky, virile ball batter. With an icy expression on her face, Sif made eye contact with Skjöldr before her throat began to bob up and down, swallowing every last drop of his spunk as if to show him how unbothered she was.
"Gulp, gulp, gllllup!"
By the time she was done, Sif's face was reddened, drool was leaking down her chin, and she was about ready to throttle this skinny bastard and let the deal be damned. Skjöldr pulled out of her mouth, with Sif's lips so tight around him that there was an audible pop!
Anger written across her face, Sif spoke as she stood up. "Ok you little fucker, I'm not going to let you control me again. So you're just going to lay there, keep your stupid mouth shut, and see how a Goddess of the Aesir fucks."
Before Skjöldr quite knew what was happening, Sif had pushed him backwards on the bed, his back flat. She squatted above him, reaching out to grab hold of his ankles. Skjöldr's face was confused, not quite understanding what was going to happen-what was this strange position?
Skjöldr gasped as Sif's pussy enveloped his dick, as she bounced her thick, voluptuous body down in this rough, dominant amazon position. Sif worked every inch of his dick, her tight wet pussy gliding up and down his shaft. She would never admit it, but it had been some time since she had lain with her husband, that was part of the reason she'd been so bothered earlier. Getting to ride some overconfident mortal's dick until his back was bruised and his ego had been shredded was nice stress relief for her, even if this whole situation was still deeping embarrassing. Sif would have to make sure Freya kept her mouth shut about all this once Skjöldr was gone…maybe she'd find some other idiot mortal to satisfy her slutty little mommy/son fantasies.
"Oh, your dick is getting awfully hard inside me, Skjöldr, you wretch. You're going to come soon, aren't you? I know you want to, I can feel your body grinding against mine. You're loving this, you lucky little bastard…better enjoy it while it lasts." Sif growled, using her anger towards Skjöldr to hide the fact that she was actually enjoying this herself. It had nothing to do with him of course, it was just that his dick was a decent size (though still significantly shorter and skinnier than Thor's fat cock) and fucking him in this position made it easier for her to forget about him.
Skjöldr moaned beneath her, and Sif placed one hand on his chest, fingers spread. He wasn't actively trying to sit up, but she just wanted him to remember who was in charge. She stared at him for a second, making her words less sensual dirty talk and more of a simple, irrefutable command, which still turned Skjöldr on.
"That's it, come for me, Skjöldr. I want you to come and give me every drop you have."
Skjöldr let out a deep-voiced groan, confusion and pleasure running through his mind. "But…I thought you didn't want to get pregnant?"
Sif ignored him and instead let go of one of his ankles. As she ground down upon him, she reached down, squeezing his balls, she even let her hand drift a little lower, rubbing and prodding gently at Skjöldr's sensitive, sweaty taint. His eyes rolled back in his head as his orgasm rapidly approached and Sif sprung into action. One of the many things she liked about this position was being able to make a quick exit, so to speak.
As Skjöldr came, Sif had already pulled off his dick. Surprising even herself, she kept his legs pushed back as she lay down low, tongue extending. Moaning whorishly, she suckled on the tip of his cock, just as his jizz began to explode out. With several quick bobs of her head, letting her tongue roll around the purplish crown of his cock, Sif swallowed every drop…just so she wouldn't get pregnant of course.
She hopped back on that cock, and Skjöldr realized her plan was to simply ride him in this dominant, controlling position until he was drained. There wasn't much he could do with his legs up in the air, and Sif was a lot stronger than he was. He had no way to control the tempo of their fucking, and precious little he could do to try and pleasure Sif more than she was pleasuring him.
Still, he saw an opportunity when Sif came on his dick, making sure to thrust up as best he could. Their hips crashed off each other, and Sif squirted around his dick, her tight stomach flexing as her orgasm overtook her. Skjöldr tried to sit up a bit, reaching for her waist, but it was no good. Sif had recovered faster than he thought, and was soon riding him again, with Freya's small bed shaking underneath them. The groans and moans of the pair, each one trying to sound like they were enjoying the rough, almost frenzied love making less than the other. Skjöldr knew he was outmatched, for the moment, but he also knew his best hope was simply to wait for Sif to slip up and seize the momentum…assuming he lasted that long.
It was an assumption that looked less and less likely, as Sif kept working her hips and pelvic muscles with ease, controlling him and making his eyes nearly roll back in his head again. She knew how to bring him right to the edge, working only the tip of his dick inside her pussy, in and out slowly and forcefully. Then, just as he felt he couldl take no more, she dove all the way down on his balls, the pleasure and change in intensity pushing him over the edge again and again. Every time, Sif hopped off his cock and gulped down his spunk, seeming to hate the taste of it less and less.
She came on his cock a few times as the fuck continued, but Skjöldr seemed to be draining a bit faster, his motions shakier, getting red in the face and short of breath. Sif was having a lot of fun now, knowing that her victory was all but assured. She got to have a night of in- control, aggressive sex with a man she utterly hated (which was actually causing her to enjoy this more than she might have otherwise), and then be rid of a troublesome mortal who didn't know when to keep his mouth shut in the bargain. A wicked grin spread on Sif's face as she stared down at Skjöldr, studying the tremble in his lower lip, the way his muscles grew stiffer and more tense as his orgasm approached, and the way his bright blue eyes would blink rapidly, losing focus before he came, sometimes nutting so hard his eyes actually crossed like a brainless idiot.
"Don't tell anyone this, Skjöldr, but you're actually not that bad of a lay. In fact, I think I'll miss you…you know, after you lose to me and then die. It's nice to have a skinny guy around sometime, but you still don't measure up to Thor. How could you, after all? Even the strongest mortals would crumble like a twig before him, so it goes to show that even someone who is not bad at sex like you would be equally outmatched. Oh…hnng, that's it right there, yes, I'm gonna cum, yes yes yes!" Sif's teeth were clenched as she came, talking more to herself than Skjöldr as she announced her orgasm. Her hips rose and fell as she worked that dick, making her breasts bounce on her chest, loud enough they seemed to stir Freya from her dick drunk stupor. She watched intensely, whispering something to Skjöldr again.
As Sif was coming down from her latest and strongest orgasm, Skjöldr sprung into action. Her grip on his ankles was weak, and he was able to pull his legs free before he pulled himself back, cock sliding out of her pussy. As Sif blinked slowly, wondering what he might be up to before he pushed her over, taking advantage of her mind being, overwhelmed by pleasure. In moments, Skjöldr was on top of Sif, hooking her legs as he lined his cock up with her tight asshole.
"Oh, you dirty bastard! Don't you fucking dare, I'm warning you, I don't even let my husband fuck me there, if you don't stop I'll….ahhhh! Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, holy fucking shit! HNNG!"
Skjöldr slammed down into Sif's asshole, spearing into the tight, virgin pink little fuckhole with all the might he could muster. It wasn't a lot of force, all things considered, but it was enough. Sif's body spread and stretched around his dick even easier than he expected, and she moaned underneath him, the sensation of getting assfucked new and overwhelming for her. Wanting to maintain his momentum, Skjöldr decided to try something he'd wanted to do since he first laid eyes on Sif. He grabbed her hair, holding her long, luxurious and wonderfully soft braid in his hands for just a second.
Then he looped it around her neck in two quick little twists, before Skjöldr pulled back on it. Sif's eyes rolled back in her head for a just a second, completely caught off guard by his actions and never having been used in quite this manner before. As Skjöldr kept choking her, she came, her spasming shitpipe growing so tight around his dick he could barely get any deeper inside her. He had to work his cock in and out slowly, but he didn't want to stop thrusting for a second, needing to keep the sexy, stacked blonde off guard.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Sif spoke, slowly, having to work to make her voice heard as she was slowly choked more and more, her face a spotty reddish-purple. She was no stranger to choking during fucking before, but the added lewdness of it being with her own hair was making her come harder than usual. Still, she spat her anger at Skjöldr, tongue sticking out between clenched teeth.
"You're…still just a worthless…human~ Not as good as Thor…but don't worry, I'll make sure your death is nice and painful. Hnf, ah fuck that's the spot, you cunt, I can't beleive this stupid smelly human dick is in my fucking ass!"
As Sif squirted around his cock again, getting off on her hatred for him as well as the lack of proper air, Skjöldr realized he was losing. He had already cum a number of times with Freya, it was remarkable he could keep going at all after every nasty little Amazon position orgasm he'd had with Sif before. Her ass was so tight it was gripping him slickly, and he suddenly buried himself deep, balls smacking off Sif's fat, perfect plush Aesir booty. As she muttered to herself about having an orgasm from wanting to choke him out for a change, Skjöldr looked to Freya.
He whispered to hear, and Sif could only catch a few words over her own animal grunts and moans.
"...need some…At this…I'll lose! …not gonna….to your boy…right?"
Freya was leaning behind Skjöldr suddenly, her hands moving in small circles around his head.
"Anything for you, my precious boy."
Sif's eyes tried to focus as she realized something was going on, though she didn't quite know what Freya was up to. Knowing the Vanir bitch from old, she knew it was something sneaky and cowardly. Maybe she was planning on rejuvenating Skjöldr's stamina or…
"Oh. Oh! Ah…Skjöldr wait, wait for a second I'm not sure if I can take much moreeeee!"
Sif came again as the magic of Freya soon made itself known. With a tracing of green and gold flecks in the air, her fingers wove a pattern on Skjöldr's skin, a series of runes linked together forming an enchantment. Sif yelped and moaned, her hands reaching out to weakly slap at Skjöldr's chest. Ordinarily, she could have bowled him over with one hand, but for some reason she was feeling weaker than usual, and Skjöldr's chest felt sturdier, heavier. The magic spell might also have made him a bit stronger and tougher than his normal feeble Midgardian nature.
As Sif's body tried feebly and in vain to adjust to the magnificent, enormous cock stretching her asshole wide open, she had a moment to breathe. Skjöldr was barely moving, letting out a series of grunts and groans, unable to speak. He thought the sex had been good before, but now the pleasure was too much. The young man couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of his dick anymore, getting squeezed by Sif's far-too-small anal fuckhole as his dick throbbed inside her. A bulge was very obvious in Sif's body now, as her ass was gaping large enough that Skjöldr could have fit both his arms in her ass up the shoulder and still not even touch the sides. Sif let out a deep wheeze, trying to maintain her composure in the face of a cock longer than one of her legs, absolutely coring her out.
Freya reached down and grabbed Skjöldr's hand by the wrist, pressing Sif's hair more firmly into his grasp. She wound the hair (Sif had always been vain about her hair and it made Freya happy to see her taken down a peg or two with those same golden locks) around Sif's neck once again, now so tight there was little room for Sif to breathe. Freya's hands then took hold of Skjöldr's hips, pushing him lightly from behind, guiding him through the intense pleasure he was feeling.
"Don't worry, my boy, mommy will take care of you. If this stuck up blonde bitch is what you want, then mommy will make sure you have her, even if I will always drain your dick better than her~"
Reinvigorated, Skjöldr began to slam in and out of Sif's body, so deep that it came all the way up to her neck, a bulge that was nearly as wide as her waist. Sif's legs kicked in the fast-paced, anal mating press fuck, feeling her eyes cross even as her tits were pressed up to her face.
"Oh…fuck, no, no, no ahhh shit I'm cumming! My ass is cumming on your big fdat dick, you stupid bastard! This is cheating you miserable cur, I'll get you for this…oh fuck it's gonna come out of my fucking mouth like this, you're beating my guts up with this stupid fucking cock! HNNNGG!"
Unable to believe how intense her orgasms were and how quick they were coming, Sif was desperate to hold on. But there wasn't much she could do, not with how hard she was getting fucked and how roughly and continuously she was being choked. She tried to muffle her screams, but couldn't measure much more than tilting her head to one side and lightly biting her ankle, holding her own legs back after Skjöldr had let go of them, realizing parts of her were beginning to submit without even realizing. Her screams grew louder and more intense with every orgasm, realizing that she was now in over her head.
"Fuck fuck fuck, fuck yes! Oh my god, oh my god it's so fucking big! Oh my god it's deep, ahhh, ahh! Oh yeah right there, right there right there right there, yes yes yes! Fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, ahhhh I'm coming, I'm coming, OHHHH…yes! Oh fuck, fuckkk y-yesss!"
After nearly an hour of this rough, super-sized dick fucking, Sif's hands left her legs, wrapping up in the sheets of Freya's bed. She didn't want to admit defeat, she'd rather die than say anything completely positive about Skjöldr, but Sif was having trouble speaking full words, let alone hiding her feelings.
"Ahh, please, please just give me a moment to rest, ahh fuck I can't fucking breathe! My body is on fire, I'm melting, I'm melting!♥"
Before she could even really think through what this meant, Freya was leaning over Sif. She waved her hands again, summoning the tiniest bit of magic as she touched Sif's neck. The tattoo on the front of her throat changed from a torus shape to a series of runes, ones that read out 'Skjöldr's wife'. Not wanting to let up too early in case she was trying to trick him, Skjöldr kept ramming in and out of Sif's asshole, eventually blowing two huge fat loads in her.
Freya grabbed his super sized dick by the base, helping to pull him out of Sif's gaping and almost ruined asshole. Sif babbled something weakly, but it was hard to make out any actual words.
"Buh…hufff, huff…b-bastard, fuggen huge cahhhk~"
In moments, Freya was moaning as her sweet boy shoved his massive dick in her pussy, making the witch goddess' feet kick and her head shake madly from side to side.
"Fuck, your pussy is so amazing like this, Freya! Thank you for this fucking massive cock, I can feel every last inch of your cunt just wrapped around me so tight. I can feel your womb practically sucking my cock!"
"Yes, yes, anything for you, Skjöldr my darling boy. I'm so glad to be your knocked up little sextoy, use me every day!"
Now broken in as well, Sif crawled over to the rutting couple. She leaned towards Skjöldr and kissed him deeply, a kiss that Freya soon joined in. The three swapped spit and pushed their tongues around one another, moaning and gasping in the kiss. By the time it broke, Sif and Freya both looked up at Skjöldr with admiration, affection, lust and downright worship.
"Hm…looks like I won't get any revenge on you, Skjöldr, but I can still try and teach this Vanir bitch a lesson."
As Skjöldr watched, smirking, Sif's hands wrapped around Freya's neck, choking her tightly. With how long and deep that Skjöldr's dick was reaching inside Freya, Sif was more than just choking the other woman, she was basically jacking Skjöldr's huge cock off through Freya's body. Naturally, the braindead masochist loved every second of it, squealing out how good it felt. Skjöldr smacked her fat ass with one hand, grabbing Sif's tits with another. With a groan, he hilted himself in Freya's pussy, coming again.
"Oh fuck, here it comes, ahh fuck I can't stop fucking coming! Take it all you sluts, here, Sif, come here!"
Spllrt! Spllrt! Splllrtch!
After filling Freya up with so much jizz that it shot back out of her pussy, splattering the bed, Skjöldr quickly pulled out. Yanking back on Sif's braid once more, she barely had time to figure out what was happening before Skjöldr's dick was forced into her tight pussy, nearly breaking Sif's brain all over again. Not having taken this massive dick in her pussy yet, Sif let out a howl like a banshee as she squirted, feeling Skjöldr's fat cock reshape her womb. He changed the angle of his thrusts for a few quick seconds, his massive dicktip smashing into her ovaries and forcing her to ovulate suddenly.
"HNNGG. I'm getting knocked up! I'm being bred by a stupid, fucking human…I'm your trophy wife little whore~"
Finally, after several minutes of hosing down Sif's baby bag with more jizz than a normal man could produce in a month, Skjöldr finally began to soften. He pulled out, stroking his dick with a few quick tugs, sending two fat strands of jizz shooting out, so long that each one stretched from Freya's face to Sif, marking the two goddess sluts as little more than used up sister wives for the triumphant young man.
A bit later, the three of them lay together, Skjöldr in the middle with Sif on his right and Freya his left.
"Wow, I still can't believe that happened. Oh my god, I just remembered I have to tell my mom about my wife, or maybe…both my wives."
Freya's eyes flashed as she realized something…he had been lying earlier about his mom being dead. She didn't feel any anger towards Skjöldr though, who could blame him for making a move on a gorgeous woman like Freya? No,she just realized she'd have to work hard to outdo his actual mother, making Skjöldr know who the best really was.
Sif just chuckled, placing a hand on her collarbone, somewhat returned to normal. "Well, I'm very flattered but don't you think I'm a bit old for you, Skjöldr? Besides, don't you have a crush on my daughter, Thrúd? I don't know if-eeek!"
Skjöldr grabbed Sif by the throat, squeezing the words out of her, and she gasped to feel the strange strength suddenly in his skinny arms. Perhaps Freya's magic had done more than just enhance his manhood, or maybe Sif had just been fucked so hard she suddenly felt like a weak little bitch.
"You're my wife now, Sif, no matter what, understand?" He shook Sif by the throat, her brain nearly rattling inside her skull as her head wobbled. She could only dimly try and nod, unable to let out more than a hissed gasp of pain and submission. As Skjöldr let go of her delicate, pale neck, he lightly traced the curves of her throat tattoos, speaking softly.
"It's just too bad I lost Thrúd's attention."
Sif cleared her throat, looking at Skjöldr with respect that she wouldn't have dreamed of giving the little man only earlier in the morning.
"Eh, why's that, again Skjöldr, m-my new husband?"
Skjöldr shook his head. "Well you saw her with that Atreus, and like you said, they are both gods. Though it's really not fair, I've heard Atreus talk of another woman, a giantess of some sort."
Sif nodded slowly, while Freya caressed Skjoldr's back and shoulders, idly tracing her fingernails along his spine. She was happy simply to sit and watch her beautiful boy speak, so strong and manly.
"Well, sometimes that's just the way things are, though I am sorry to hear that, Skjöldr." Sif said, cheeks still flushed after so many orgasms.
"It's too bad I couldn't have been born a god, like Atreus."
Freya laughed, running one finger across Skjöldr's jawline. "Ah, but why can't you measure up to Atreus, half giant that he is?"
Skjöldr looked surprised, thinking his position was obvious by now. "Well, even now, I'm not a god. Even if I could woo Thrúd, Sif said it herself…she would long outlast me and even my grandchildren."
Freya chuckled again. "Maybe not. Already I can feel the fruit of your loins growing inside me, and any children we two have should live for many centuries. As for not being a god yourself, well now you have two goddesses who are your happy attendants and concubines. One of whom is the Goddess of all matters related to families, and the other is the most powerful sorceress the Vanir ever produced. I'm sure, in time, we can help you win Thrúd's heart, my sweet boy."
Sif just chuckled, boisterous and joyful now that she had received a good and proper fucking after so long. "Ha, more than just her heart, if you take my meaning Skjöldr. Don't worry, we'll help you get anything you want."
As Skjöldr lay in between the two gorgeous women, their bodies cuddled close to his, draping their enormous breasts over his chest and each of them staring at him with worship in their eyes, he idly stroked Sif's long hair. As he spoke, he thought of something and corrected her on one point.
"Not just anything…but everything."
To Be Continued…