Chapter 9
"M-M-Mistress!?" Chu Yuechan squeaked out, seeing Palace Mistress being molested in one of the corridors of Frozen Cloud Palace!
Gong Yuxian turned stiff hearing Frozen Beauty voice, the Palace Mistress didn't know what to do, but Xiao Yang moved aside and allowed the beautiful fairy to move.
She quickly moved away from the wall to face Chu siblings.
Older Chu eyes were wide seeing what she considers her mother figure look much younger and her palace robes were a mess too.
Her shock only continued to increase as Xiao Yang hugged the older fairy from behind, his hands wrapped around Gong Yuxian waist as he put his chin on her shoulder.
"W-What is happening?" Chu Yuechan squeaked her question, there was no sign of a proud, aloft, and indifferent fairy, only a teenager like girl who was at a complete loss with this situation.
"Yuxian has taken over the deal we had, she thinks its Palace Mistress duty." Xiao Yang answered older Chu question.
Chu Yueli raised her eyebrow she was wondering what kind of deal they are talking about.
While Chu Yuechan that moment had sinking feeling in her stomach.
"Xiao Yang is right, Chan'er. Its Palace Mistress duty to help Immortal Palace any way I can~" Gong Yuxian tried to say that seriously but Xiao Yang was behind her, his lips nibbled her neck, while she can feel his boner touching her ass.
It was all her fault in truth, she is still Palace Mistress and she has her duties, so when morning came they had to end their session.
Yet, she could not control herself and started teasing Xiao Yang, sensually and 'accidentally' touching him, or swaying her hips to attract his attention, before long she was pushed into a wall and he was about to do his thing to her, but then they were caught by Chu sisters.
Chu Yuechan snapped from her shock when she heard that, she realised that Palace Mistress just wants benefits and to feel good.
"Even so! I have made another deal with him! A personal one!" The Frozen Beauty pointed that out.
While Chu Yueli finally understood what is going on, both her older sister and her mother figure just want her Master's cock.
"I see so you two just have a deal with my Master." The younger Chu words made them both look at her, they were wondering what she means by 'Master'?
"Master there is no need for you to waste time with women who want more than just your love and affection." Chu Yueli said with a smirk as she took a step forward.
"After all, you can have me as much as you want and I won't going to ask anything in return." The younger Chu words were like thunder strike in clear day for the other two fairies.
Both of them looked at Fairy of Frozen Glass who very smugly said that.
"H-Hold on a second!" Chu Yuechan quickly tried to salvage this situation, if this is going to continue then Chu Yueli will take away Xiao Yang!
"You still promised to help Frozen Cloud!" The older Chu pointed out.
"Oh, I do and I will help the fairies with their ice problem and open their Profound entrances, I can do most of it in few days." Xiao Yang shrugged his shoulders.
His words made Chu Yuechan and Gong Yuxian realised that he can fix this issue very quickly in less than a few days.
And then what?
While Chu Yueli smiled internally unlike her older sister or Palace Mistress the quicker he deals with the issues the less reason there will be for these two older fairies to be around her Master.
"Let's go Yueli, I will start with the healing, the quicker I am done with this the quicker I will be free." Xiao Yang stopped hugging Gong Yuxian and started walking alongside smugly looking Chu Yueli.
Leaving behind two shell-shocked fairies who realised that their 'plan' is a bust.
Xiao Yang was quite satisfied with how this developed, he knew it will only matter of time until Chu Yueli will come in and sweep the opposition, after all, she is completely under his control and her allegiance was with him.
She doesn't need a reason to be with him, unlike those two fairies who need an excuse because of their pride.
And so, in just three days the Xiao Clan Young Master was done with the whole Frozen Cloud, in that time he had some fun with Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue, it was no longer a secret that Xia Qingyue was one of Xiao Yang lovers.
Apart from Grand Mistress who was cultivating, every single fairy had the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins now, and Xiao Yang doesn't need to do anything anymore.
Truthfully he could leave now, as he was just a Guest Elder he has much more freedom.
Nonetheless, he wanted to see what the fairies will do.
He didnt need to go far as Chu Yuechan was the first one to move.
"Hmm? Fairy Chu." Xiao Yang was stopped by the beauty, she was fiddling with her robes, and she made sure to intercept him where are very few fairies around.
"Xiao Yang. You made my little sister into your mistress, I can be one as well, you said yourself that I am… good." The fairy talked with some embarrassment.
The Xiao Clan Young Master that moment checked her stats with his console commands.
'Chu Yuechan'
'Affiliation: Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace'
'Cultivation: Third of Emperor Profound'
'Opinion of you: She sees you as a powerful cultivator who can protect her Frozen Cloud and can provide her with the warmness she desire.
Affection: Love ( level 2/3) 5/100, She has a weird feeling in her heart each time she sees you.'
"Oh, I thought you only doing all this for sake of Frozen Cloud." Xiao Yang said that as he walked over to her.
There was already some expectation in her eyes.
"I… I simply can't...just…" She didnt finished saying as he pushed her to the icy wall.
"You can't what? You either mine or not, there is no other option." He said that as he leaned forward and looked directly into her eyes.
He can see a lot of expectations in her eyes.
"...I only accept it if you are not going to treat me like some discardable thing." She hotly said that as she still waited for him to do things.
"And why would I discard you? You are a very beautiful and proud fairy…" He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her into a hug, her veil was casually blown away by Profound energy before claiming her lips.
Soon enough a hot kissing session has started and Chu Yuechan quickly got hot and bothered.
She was about to start removing his clothes but Xiao Yang stopped her.
"We should do this in your house or do you want to do it outside?" The Xiao Clan Young Master asked with an assumed smirk.
His words snapped the Frozen Beauty who looked around, she remembered that they were outside, thankfully no one saw her in such embarrassing situation.
Nonetheless, Chu Yuechan nodded to his words and she quickly led him to her house.
Xiao Yang only had few moments to deploy noise-cancelling barriers around the doors before the beautiful fairy started kissing him hotly again.
He chuckled internally how hot and bothered she was, still he was able to pull out another bed and a moment later they ended up on it.
Chu Yuechan undressed him quickly and removed her own clothes moments later before using her pussy lips to stimulate his cock for few moments.
She then lifted herself and aligned her pussy with the rock hard rod, with quick hip movement his cock fully submerged inside her cave.
A soft satisfying moan escaped from Frozen Beauty lips, the black-haired fairy waited for few moments to enjoy the fullness when her man rod was stretching and filling her up.
Before long she started to show how good she was with moving her hips, rising up and down, rotating clockwise, anti-clockwise, going forward and back while smacking her great ass on his thighs.
Xiao Yang didnt needed to do anything as the fairy knew how to service him properly.
Few moments into hard riding the beauty came hard around his cock, she was starved of not having him inside of her for few days after her awakening to lust it was the only thing she can think of now.
The Xiao Clan Young Master flipped her over and spread her legs apart before starting to thrust heavily into her core.
Chu Yuechan mewing increased several times as she felt how hard he was poking her cave.
Her hand went up and started to stroke his chest while same time she looked hotly at him, this was what she wanted and the Frozen Beauty will continue to lust for this.
Xiao Yang hands went from her legs to her hips before grabbing her ass and pulling her in closer to him so that his thrust would hammer deeper into her pussy which was working overtime to squeeze his rod as much as possible.
"Ahh~~~ it's here I can feel it! Give it to me~~~" The beautiful fairy moaned loudly as she with hot gaze looked at him, his release was close she can feel it twitching inside of her.
"Here it comes!"
With few more hard thrusts, Xiao Yang released his load into Chu Yuechan depths.
A sensual moan escaped from her lips as it spread through the room as the Frozen Cloud fairy started to twitch when she felt his seed entering her as well as the heat from this started to consume her whole body.
Her toes curled and her hands squeezed the bedsheets as hard as she could, this was what she wanted for days!
After unloading his load Xiao Yang changed their position, now Chu Yuechan has to serve him since he did most of the movement in the last one.
Only this time he can enjoy her incredible backside and her long black hair cascading down.
Chu Yuechan has put both of her hands on his thighs while making sure she got the best position possible before inserting his tool inside of her awaiting cave.
She spread her legs apart before starting to move up and down, thanks to this position Xiao Yang could see how she was working on his shaft.
His hands went on her back giving her several gentle strokes, massaging her, this earned him several approving moans which made her work harder on his rod.
The beauty was giving her best and her movements proved it, and the pleasure was incredible, this was just as he remembered when she arrived first in Xiao clan, and he took her for the first time.
Her body was just that good for pleasing, before long he was ready to release his second load into her and Chu Yuechan accelerated in moving her shapely ass up and down.
"Ahhh~~~ hnnn~~~" The Frozen Beauty twitched hard as she milked him dry before collapsing on top of him backwards.
Xiao Yang hand wrapped around her, hugging her.
"Very wonderfully done, my beautiful fairy." He praised her for such good work.
Nonetheless, the beauty didnt say anything she turned around and started kissing him hotly for few moments before looking at him seriously.
"I am your woman now, yes?" She asked him seriously.
"Yes, you are."
She slightly smiled, it was a subconscious thing, once again she started to kiss him hotly, the Frozen Beauty did this because of how good it felt, and because she wanted to.
Their kissing lasted several minutes before they decided to laze around in bed.
Just laying next to him was good enough for Chu Yuechan.
But, that even got better as he would gently stroke her curves, and softly kiss her on the neck.
This simple and small movement once again made her all horny and needy, and the Frozen Beauty did not need much motivation to start doing things...