The fight is about to start, the two brothers or you can say the two Tricksters. "Come on let's get started so I can finish you and get right to Sanny, hehe", said Zico.
"Yeah", Zinka agrees with Zico.
So it was Zane vs The two trickster.
"What do you guys call yourself ", said Zane.
"The Tricksters!!", said Zico.
So Zane uses his powers to make an illusion to fool them that he was still standing there but little know that Zinka already figured out along time ago.
"Shut your mouth, bro", said Zinka.
"What did you just say to me", said Zico.
"Just be still, you dumbass", said Zinka.
"This is an illusion, its not real", said Zinka .
And Zane attacks Zico from the back and uses his Rage mode to attack in the aggressive way, "naaahhhh that won't do shit", said Zinka so confidently. That the only thing he had to push him with only one finger, "am I tweaking or not coz what I see, he just pushed only one finger, naaahhh he's getting to cocky", said Zane with an angry expression.
"Oohh what's wrong, did I disappointed your plan, hahaha, shut and face me other than be pussy", said Zinka.
Zico went ahead with no hesitation," wait no brother", said Zinka.
"Shut the fuck up, brother", Zico Shouts at Zinka.
Zico goes face to face against Zane , but Zane is still at his Rage mode as for him, he's still 10 minutes left to be in Rage mode.
Zico beats the hell out Zane since Zane has no match against Zico the most powerful brother more than Zinka, "how I thought I had an upper hand...", said Zane.
For some reason Zico was blinded by his blood lust to kill him as Zinka remembers those eyes somewhere.
"I remember those eyes, there are the eyes of a broken person", said Zinka.