"I think it's my turn now since Andrew is dead, this will be fun alright time to kill", said Zico
Yea that's right bro", said Zinka.
Zico and Zinka were dominate this war as there master was soon about to recover but need a little time. Meanwhile back at the hideout Zane and Malia were feeling this two immense powers that heading towards near the hideout that there in right now.
"What...what's going on?", Alex asks.
"I don't yet but I can feel and sense the mana nearby", Said Malia.
"Do you sense it, Zane", Said Malia.
"Yea I sense it as well, it's so strong I cannot ignore it, fuck am going right now", said Zane.
"Relax we will go together my love", said Malia.
As Alex, she watching over Sanny and the others as well being the leader of the group.
While Zane and Malia head out to find the two strong power source that keeps leaking out.
Zico and Zinka already knew that there is people coming a nearby along time ago.
"This will be fun brother", said Zinka.
"Yeaa", said Zico with there excitement on there face ready to fight at anytime.