After the fight Kalifa is worried on Sanny's condition coz no one knows except Axel and Kale that Kalifa is still in love Sanny even if Sanny and Alex are still in a relationship she will still be in love with Sanny no matter what because is strong more than anyone.
"hey is Sanny alright?", said Kalifa.
"yeah we will be alright, just give him some rest to recover his energy", said Zane.
as Kalifa peaks a little inside the door she sees Alex kissing his forehead, giving Kalifa the motivation to keep her stronger until when it's time for to confess her feelings to Sanny.
Meanwhile into the battlefield Andrew kept on destroying things as he kept on finding the group that almost cost Kagetsu's life.
As for that Kalifa was searching of there were any civilians left into the battle was suffering.
"hey you girl, what the hell are doing here you know that your going to die, right", said Andrew.
"yeah whatever kill me", said Kalifa.
as we go back to the place we're Sanny is recovering Kale asks where is Kalifa and Malia replies by she out there looking if there is any civilians out there.
"ooh she will be alright I just know that", said Kale.
back to Kalifa and Andrew.
"wait why is you mana is going up", said Andrew.
"I don't know but am ready to stop from destroying this city any further", said Kalifa.
"no I get it now, you have will of power", said Andrew.
"oh is that so...", said Kalifa.
And suddenly her eyes changed Colour from brown to yellow.