'Dear you, picker of this letter,
I'm Naomi Hasan from Bold School of Nursing and Midwifery, Hokda state. The school posted me to work at Get-well Private Hospital but I don't know it, in fact, I don't know its address. Please, if you know the hospital, take this envelope to them, but if you don't know, leave it, a better man is coming.'
She attached her certificates, phone number and home address all in the envelope. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and called her.
'Hello, how're you doing? Are you Naomi Hasan who studied at Bold School of Nursing and Midwifery?' I asked her.
Yeah, it's me! Any problem? She replied.
Ok, sorry! I'm Babandi Daniel, I just picked an envelope containing papers and certificates with phone number and home address, with a letter above, I explained to her.
"Yeah, the envelope is mine, but are you the better man I wished I had from the right step out I gave? If you're, please do the task you saw there and if not, leave it please, a better man is coming.
I felt like like to left it there, but later I thought of maybe I would be the better man she has called for.
I read she studied Diploma in Nursing and her result was good. She made an excellent result of 4.5 out of 5 grades.
From the we had, I realized that she was silent and somehow tough, she doesn't need disturbance as if when someone tried to full her with much words she would ignore the interaction.
I wondered how and why that happened after I read the letter. But it's not a wonder because Ibadan is a very big city with high population. Businessmen come from every part of this country to buy goods and exchange services. I once heard of Get-well Private Hospital but I don't know location of the place exactly. Though, I'll try my best, I said in my mind.
How smart this lady would be, I wished I would saw her face. I've brought something of such stuffs to my mind as I walked towards the hospital in a day after our phone conversation. I at least spent two hours tripping from my lodge to the Naomi's Get-well Hospital. I was lucky that I finally got it.
The hospital looks different and attractive, it's decorated and clean everywhere in the premises. Bright colour scented flowers make a big rectangular shape and a flag is placed in the middle moving randomly.
I saw one bearded old man dressed in white lab coat with black trousers as I just entered besides the entering door to the hospital.
Or maybe is the chairman? I asked myself.
Good day, doctor! I said as I walked little towards him.
"You're welcome! How are you, and who are you? He smiled a little after he asked me.
I'm fine, sir!... And I brought a message.
'Hhmm, Good! Let me see it', he collected.
Ok... I've heard of her coming but why she didn't call any of these phone numbers supplied, maybe she was confused, he said as he glanced at me through his eye glass.
'Ok, she's from Hokda state! It was one of my staffs sought this offer for her. But her result is good, he finally said after going through the envelope.
Hhmm... I'm leaving! I said after all.
Alright! But, are you her brother? He asked.
No, no... Doctor! I just picked up this envelope with a letter attached, I briefly explained and gave the letter to him.
Where do you see it? He asked me holding the envelope and its content.