Just as usual Jimin woke up to the annoying alarm sound which in the next second was discarded on the floor like a broken piece of junk, no it wasn't always like this Jimin today was in a bad mood since two days back and this isn't any different. The sun which was already bright enough felt like fire burning him up entirely he was so angry to the sun too dont blame him he had his reasons.

Jimin reached out to his phone on the table beside his bed seeing he did have a few messages but not from who he wanted them from it was already frustrating he spent all midnight looking at his blank screen with no sign of any incoming messages and if it were it was from Taehyung saying he was going to come back late or never.

Jimin sighed and flopped back onto the bed a number of thoughts running in his mind and looking blankly in his messed room he needs to get it clean asap thanks to his alien friend it looks like trash for real, with a last sigh he pulled himself up deciding to freshen up and head to the uni before his professor will lecture him about time management now that was worse than depression.


Later that morning Jimin was inside of the big ass uni, he wore black tight jeans paired with a red pull over baggy sweater tucked to one side, even so simple he looked so elegant that's for sure "leave alone that what in the world is happening here?" Jimin asked to no one specific as he looked at the compound school filled with students and wearing red along with red roses, and that they had twenty minutes before the lesson starts.

"is there some kind of event going on?" "it's called valentine baby" he heard Taehyung's voice beside his ear as he draped his hand around his shoulder startling him in the process "oh my God where did you come from and not you too...." Jimin said in disbelief when he saw Taehyung had a rose too and looking more flirtatious than he can ever be "do you know why everyone is like that?" Tae asked as he looked at Jimin who shook his head "it's called valentine dummy" he answered as he hit Jimin's forehead with the rose "it's when lovers express their love through gifts and greeting" he explained Jimin already getting it no wander everyone is smiling so brightly making the whole place look so different "and you, you aren't looking for love are you?" Jimin asked with a mocking smile making Tae smirk "my next target" 77he said as he looked at the Blondie sat under the trees reading a book "you never change" Jimin chuckled as Taehyung smiled proudly "thanks for the compliment, everyone looks happy for the day but you..." he made Jimin turn to him as he examined him fully "your pouting, sighing every second what is it?" maybe it was the soulmate mate how did he know.

Jimin yet again sighed "two days and he's not picking up my calls i fucking hate him" he sadly pout as Taehyung only continued to stare at him this was not new either so he tried to tease the younger "or your just jealous your valentine isn't going to show up" he just rubbed salt on the fresh wound which wasn't his intention.

Jimin thought about it 'it's even lovers day and he still doesn't show up' this made him even more sad he felt like crying and Taehyung wasn't even helping he made him feel worse "Taehyung your the worst" Jimin stomped away leaving Tae call out to him just before he could chase after him he saw the blonde walking up to him making him change his plans immediately he knew Jimin would be fine....

Jimin on the other hand wasn't surprised not seeing Taehyung even after the lesson was half way to finish he must be fucking somewhere in the school rooms. The lesson was so boring his mood had died down everything felt so wrong and when the lesson was done he couldn't be any happier now time to look for that idiot of a friend.

Just when Jimin reached the door he was greeted with a big bouquet of white and red roses magnificently wrapped around in a red ribbon, looking behind the flowers he saw was the delivery guy who gave him a note and disappeared everyone looking at him with awe and jealousy 'keep walking baby' the note read Jimin's mind already running to Jungkook "did he finally manage to think about me" Jimin angrily whispered and walked away just then met with a cute little chubby kid who handed him a piece chocolate before disappearing too at the end of it a note "my baby bean looks cute in red, walk further" now that managed to get him a smile already feeling Jungkook near.

A girl walked up to him handing him a big pink teddy bear and a note his anger already subsided "look in front" and so he did only to be met with the most beautiful eyes that held the galaxy just for him, there he was leaning against his black bike in tight damaged black jeans and black vest on top a black leather coat looking like a bad boy he was completely Jimin's type. Just when he started walking towards him red petals were thrown his way as he was now not surprised looked like Jungkook planned this. And his alien friend stood just beside Jungkook looked like the fool was in this too.

Jimin stood in front of Jungkook with a wide smile and a shy blush while Jungkook took out a small ring case revealing two silver rings which he immediately made Jimin wear as Jimin did the same getting everyone clapping to their reunion "i missed you" is all Jungkook said bringing Jimin to his arms the other hugging him even tighter they missed each other that's for sure "let's go?" Jungkook asked taking his hand as Jimin looked at him "where?" he questioned "take you out for a good meal, a beautiful dinner at the beach view in the evening and fuck you later all night" Jungkook honestly replied getting Jimin to blush and bite his bottom lip he liked the plan, with that Jungkook pecked his lips and made him sit onto the bike waving to everyone and driving away "bye bitches" Taehyung shouted receiving a middle finger from Jimin and walked away with his Blondie...


