Dragons, Elves, Night-Creatures, Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves and...Humans? The seven species in which are most feared.
Diana Cornhook, a 16 year old girl who was born a dwarf, naturally she was short and had a skill in metalworking, but unlike others in her species her whole family looked quite beautiful and many people first see her as a short human, her dream is simply to inherit the family shop, but that crumbled to pieces as a Zombie family moved to town.
Terran Wallace, the main characters best friend, is 17 and happens to be incredibly knowledgeable and she is an Elf, she can use minimal magic as she never had a teacher. She adopted and her father is a traveling merchant and met Diana on the road.
Noah Zinc, a 17 year old boy, even though he is a Zombie, he hates the taste of flesh, this alright although because Zombies can survive without eating.
Dragons: Dragons are intelligent, have flight, and breath fire, lizard that can fly with wings.
Elves: Elves are intelligent, use magical powers, have long pointy ears, otherwise look like a humans.
Night-creatures: come in all shapes and forms, can shape shift, only goes out at night, original form is quite ugly(has poison on skin).
Vampires: quite loyal and can not be in the sun without coverage, have sharp teeth, can turn into a bat, only suck the blood domesticated creatures, (cows, pigs, dogs, cats, etc.)
Zombies: undead creatures, can reproduce another zombie, have a craving for flesh, green skin, (they walk normally and don't have broken skin with flesh sticking out)
Werewolves: on full moons and new moons they turn into a wolf, otherwise human
Humans: greedy, not loyal, many species could hide among them. Skilled in weapons (guns, daggers, swords, etc.)
Dwarfs: small creatures with a long nose, wrinkled skin, skilled in blacksmithing, metal working and swordsmanship.