18 : so he says that from now on the floors are full of traps
hop : yes red tell me That chiefs of the floors gather on the thirtieth floor we must hurry green We will need your car
green : ok my Friend It will be a bumpy ride
deno : I'm going to drive the last time we fell into an abyss because of you
daka : A wise decision I do not want to die at the hands of our friends
in the dungeon Meeting Room
Jeff : red is dead and This was the strength of one of the heroes
bai : send me in I well kill them all
bobo : be patient baibai the fun is for all of as hahahahahahahhahaha
keel : .ROAR.
pal : nods
bon : Calm down, I'll meet you at the thirtieth floor No one messes with my disciples and escapes me
[ note : keel. red. pal. They are trained by bon And they are like his children ]
Jeff : bon go get your battle suit and katana who given to you by Our master call us if you need help ok bai bobo get your armor ready We get a fight on our hands
bai : Finally some blood and glory
bobo : don't forget the fun hehehehehehehehe
Jeff : Sometimes I think our master regrets making you bobo
bai : me too
bobo : no master love me like his son
Autu room
Autu : .sneezes.
back to the heroes on the Twenty-ninth floor
green : I want to drive
Everyone: no
hop : Remember the abyss
green : We've only been stuck for one week Be a man
daka : man my ass If we did not have deno we would drink the blood of the abyss worm and eat the flesh of demons or Lost forever in the abyss because of your driving No wonder the dwarves became extinct
green : .crying.
daka : green I'm sorry
green : my son loved to play With me he said He wants to be like me I'm a stupid father and a dumb friend or worse an Obstruction to all of you I have to apologize
deno : green you are stupid sometimes but a good friend one of a kind you are family to us
18 : Don't blame yourself everyone makes mistakes And I heard that if you reach the last floor, you will get a wish
The atmosphere became full of life But the heroes did not know that the problems will appear
on the thirtieth floor pal and keel and bon Preparing for battle
chapter end