Chapter 25 - ch 24

I was shocked to see a seductive creature sleeping next to me instead of my thoroughly used elf next to me when I woke up the following day but the fact that I knew that before I completely lost consciousness that I pulled the elf close to me with my arms around her like I was hugging a teddy bear and now in her place was this one made me realize that it was still her except now her face seemed to somehow become even more mesmerizing so I decided I sit up and examine her and see what else has changed.

As I looked at her it didn't take long to figure out what she had become not because I recognized it from one the other dungeons but because it was a creature that famous in my past life one that preyed upon the desires of men and was almost always mentioned in every fantasy genre that even mentioned sex the succubus although she was still purple she gained small horns, leathery wings and a heart shaped spade on a tail it wasn't hard to figure out why this happened as the answer was all to obvious during our session last night I pulled from my my mana core and infused myself with it's power all while I was filled completely with lust unable to think of anything other than my desires without realizing it I had rewritten her entire being and she was most definitely a dungeon creature now like Lilly so I named her Lilith.

This was a major breakthrough for me although I don't think I should be having sex with each creature to promote them but after letting out my pent-up lust my mind was finally clear enough to feel a connection to the miasma surrounding the world and all the crystals and I was able to manipulate it to some extent exerting my will upon the planetoid I almost felt like a god it was essentially like sight given to a blind person I was excited until while I was using my new ability I accidentally discovered a traitor amongst my one of the alchemists teams looking around I started finding more rats scurrying around trying to steal, sabotage or both I immediately began to instinctively mark them as enemies with my miasma.

Almost immediately the elves which are used as assistants or staff for menial tasks began to become colder and petty although weren't truly connected with me like a real dungeon creature they were still nurtured by my miasma so while they can't understand my will through the miasma they can still feel and have a general understanding but the miasma didn't only affect the homunculi and the other creatures but the individuals that I marked as enemies were also suffering from effects brought on by the miasma as it suppressed their minds, magic and bodies to varying degrees depending on how powerful they are and the concentration of the miasma around them is where they are located.

I decided not to waste time and secretly started to round up the traitors by calling in the security teams and using golems whenever possible the I even had the ship land under the pretense of conserving fuel and supplies now that that the world has been stabilized in order to catch other offenders while I awaited Heather's return with those that she brought with her of course I don't believe that she would have betrayed me but that faith didn't extend to her staff I didn't have to wait long as she had returned two days later.

Heather:"Rick what is going on? why have you arrested two of my crew members?"

Rick:"I had no choice I have tolerated spies in our operation long enough we will soon begin working on more sensitive projects and I can't have them undermining us"

Heather:"Spies? There are spies among us?"

Rick:"Possibly but I believe I caught the majority of them but you never know"

Heather:"You know I'm not a spy right?!"

Rick:"Of course that was never a doubt of your loyalty"

Heather:"What will you do with them then?"

Rick:"We still need to perfect some things like the evolving weapons and depending on how cooperative they are they can be used for lighter projects after getting a slave brand of course then there are those that are too valuable to give up they will be have a slave brand placed on them and be put aside until I can figure out how to deal with them"

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