Chereads / Humsafar: The Revenge of Khizar / Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Ashar Hussain

Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Ashar Hussain

I thought Khizar had gotten the message when i called him, when i texted him, even when I called his work to have him fired despite my new…image to the media and the world I was far from the man they portrayed me out to be! I wasn't controlling or a possessive caveman at all! It wasn't exactly a crime to keep another man who had a bad reputation with your wife away from her was it? And I didn't feed into those labels just because I wanted my wife to wear nice clothes and to have nice things right? I mean I bought these things just for her so what was the problem? Why couldn't she just accept it with a smile on her face? Why did Khirad have to make everything so damned difficult? I had spent half of my fortune on buying things for Khirad so she could just move on, but she didn't accept anything at all! I was way out of my depth here and I had no idea how to make it all up to her. I loved my wife and I wanted to be with her to my heart's content. She was the perfect wife for me and now she was my equal in my work as well. 

 But ever since Khizar came into our lives he turned my world completely on his head and tried to take her from me more than once. And my wife still entertained him! Like he hadn't done anything at all! In fact, I strongly felt like if he hadn't come into our lives then he wouldn't have put that stupid idea into Sara's head about setting up Khirad at all. He was just a greedy bastard who had his eyes on every woman in sight. Just because he was younger than me, more good-looking and a lot more sociable than I ever could be, that didn't even give him the right to try to take what was mine! But no matter how much I tried to express my very important views to Khirad, she always shut me down…exactly how I shut her down when she repeatedly called me over and over again after I thought she had left my house…

 I had my eyes on this slimy bastard from the minute we entered his apartment. My mother couldn't bear for me to move out so I always stayed at home from the minute I came home from America, but I had to admit that this sleazy man did have good taste. He had things not even he could afford for the majority of his life, but I guessed he had profited from our families well; from my mother's blackmail money, his American visa and whatever else he sponged off my family. But I couldn't deny that I felt my heart sink to the floor once again when I noticed how much he and Khirad had in common. He still had their old mathematics books that she annoyed the hell out of me to get for her university classes which I myself encouraged her to get back into. Khizar also had these weird advanced mathematic calculations on his wall that I had a feeling only Khirad could answer as they both made their small talk. He kept pulling her around the home but I always pulled her back to my side and kept giving them looks which they totally ignored. In the end they seemed to be in their own private world and I couldn't take the awkward feeing anymore, so I left to find Sara.