Chereads / Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness / Chapter 8 - New Friends

Chapter 8 - New Friends

It is now 8:00 at night and Eric and Ashley have just finished setting up camp in the forest to the North West if Slateport. Well almost fully set up camp.

Ashley we need to get that fire going, and in order to do that we need wood and kindling. Dratini can handle the rest. Right girl?

Dratini nods happily at Eric.

Sorry this is my first time out in the forest on my own.

That's alright but didn't your mom and dad ever take you out camping in the forest?

No, no they didn't. They were too afraid of something attacking them that we never left Slateport unless it was on a bus or a boat.

Ok, then follow me and I'll teach you what my grandfather taught me and the things I already knew before he taught me.

Alright. Lead on Eric, be good while I'm gone Pichu.

Dratini, I need you to come with is so that if something was to attack us we'll have some means of protection.

Dratini slithered over to Eric and climbed up his leg, torso, up to her perch around his shoulders.

Alright let's get some fire wood and make supper, cause I'm very hungry.

Eric when aren't you hungry?

Very funny Ashley. I haven't eaten anything except a few protein bars.

As Eric, Ashley, And Dratini leave camp to find some fire wood Eric made a last second decision to bring a couple of pokeballs with them just in case they stumble across a pokemon that they may want to catch.

Hey Eric! You think Pichu will be alright all alone back at camp?

He should be fine as long as he stays out of sight from other pokemon like Taillow, Seviper, and other carnivorous pokemon.

So he should be safe. Ok. So how long are you planning to stay in the forest?

I'd about half a month. Give or take a few days.

HALF A MONTH!!! Are you insane!? we just started out as trainers! How do you think we'll survive out here for half a month?!

Easy. I know a lot about certain pokemon habits, and key signs of pokemon territory.

I also know how to calm down some of the more dangerous pokemon out here. Like Fearow, Skarmory, and other very territorial pokemon. (I also want to get closer to her, and the best way to get to know someone and create an unbreakable bond is to fight along side them. For bonds forged in time of war/combat are stronger then any weapon.)

So we are not up to that long of a stay in the forest yet.

Yes we are, and besides we already have pokemon watching us. And the more you yell at me that we can't the more agitated the wild pokemon get. that's lesson 1, never yell out/at someone in unfamiliar areas, especially in a forest, cave, or mountain.

Fine if your so smart why didn't you stop before we entered this area?! Well mister know it all.

This last anger filled statement was enough to set off some of the bug type pokemon, such as Wurmple, Caterpie, and Weedle.

See I told you to stop yelling! Now look what we have to deal with! Alright Dratini your up.

Pokemon POV:

Dratini: finally some opponents! Know I can show my trainer what I can do.

Dratini started to smirk at the wild bug pokemon which made the approaching bugs uneasy, and some turned and ran the other way. Here where only 4 bug pokemon that still wanted to fight. These bug pokemon being a wurmple, 2 Weedles, and a single Caterpie.

Dratini: So who's going to be first. Is it you little Caterpie? Or will it be one of you two? Oh who am I kidding I'll start this!

At that moment Dratini moved with surprising speed toward the bug pokemon and to everyones surprise She started to glow purpleish blue with dragconic energy. Dratini then released a power full purpleish blue flame at the bug pokemon, in which 3 of the 4 bug pokemon where then burnet to a crisp the only one left even remotely unharmed was the Caterpie.

Wow! That was way more powerful then I remember it. Well then I guess this is what it's like to have a trainer.

Dratini! Tackle Caterpie then leap in the air and slam your tail down on it.

Well that sounds like fun! My trainer is a lot smarter then the ones I use to before this.

As soon as Dratini finished talking to herself she charged the stunned Caterpie and knocked it to the ground doing a large amount of damage. She then leaped in to the air and slammed her tail down onto the Caterpie head and knocked it out cold.

Now that's how its done! If any of you think you can take me on, I'd like to see you try it.

All of the pokemon that where watching started to slowly step away except for the older and stronger ones.

End of Dratini's POV

Holy shit Eric! did you see that?! She-she just fried them and knocked out the other one!

Ssshhh! Ashley we still need to keep it down or the ones that are still here will attack and kill us. (whispered to himself) she's already an advanced level pokemon!

Eric then tossed a pokeball at the unconscious Caterpie and caught it. Now Eric officially has 2 pokemon under his belt.

So now what do we do Eric? Do we head back or continue to to search for fire wood?

well. I think we should head back. We've got enough fire wood, I get the feeling that Dratini is much stronger then I first believed. ( either that or it has to do with these symbols on my hands.)

as Eric and Ashley walk back to camp Dratini climbed back up to Eric's shoulders and started to look at Eric's left hand which the dragon symbol was glowing very lightly. As soon as Eric, and Ashley got back to their camp site they found it in a mess and Pichu was hiding in what remained of Ashley's tent.

What happened here Pichu?

Pichu then pointed toward something trying to get into Eric's food supply's. The pokemon in question is blue in color with a creamy white belly, kind of chubby and is about 2 and a half feet tall.

It's a Munchlax!

Yeah he's trying to eat my food supplies! Dratini knock him out!

No don't! I think he's just hungry.

There almost always hungry. and when there not they are either sleeping or looking for food.

well I want to try and catch for myself.

You know Pichu is still in shock and won't fight right?

Yes I know that! That's why I'm going to try and recruit him into joining us. Oh Mr. Munchlax.

The Munchlax turned its head toward Ashley. Its normally happy face was replaced with that of fear, when it saw Dratini and Eric standing next to her.


Eric didn't know what the Munchlax was saying but he could tell that it was scared and it sounded like it was begging for its life.

Hey little guy. We're not going to hurt you. Dratini can you go and welcome him? We are friendly.

That's right Munchlax. we're not going to hurt you. Eric he looks like he's afraid of people and other pokemon.

Yeah, he does seem to be wanting to run but is terrified. Hey Dratini open the supplies and give him a few of my protien bars.

Dratini did as she was asked although she was hesitant to do so. when the bar were handed out to the Muchlax it was scared to take them but do and wasn't as scared of Eric and Ashley any more but was still cautious of them.

Well let's get that fire going so I can make some food. Ashley could you get some dead leaves.

Sure, how much do we need?

A lot. we're going to need a lot.

What about the Minchlax? Is he allowed to stay?

Yes. He can stay. But you said that you wanted to catch him. Right?

Yeah yeah I know what I said. Hey Munchlax do you want to stay with us?

th Munchlax look at Eric and Dratini, then looked back at Ashley and nodded slowly.

Alright then you'll be the first pokemon I caught on my journey.

As Ashley reached into her bag to grab a pokeball, Munchlax slowly walk closer to her.

Ah there they are. now are you sure you want to stay with us Munchlax?

The Munchlax nodded it head again and reached out to touch the pokeball in Ashley's hands. As soon as Munchlax touched the pokeball it was absorbed into it and was caught.

I should probably treat my new Caterpie as soon as we get the fire going.

Yeah, I also need to bond with both Pichu and Munchlax.

Over the next 30 minutes Eric, Ashley, Dratini, and Pichu gathered twigs and leaves to help get the fire started.

Ok Dratini light it.

Dratini use dragon breath to light the fire, but this time it was much much weaker then the one she used earlier.

well time to start making some stew. (The stew Eric makes is also one of brock's more well known ones, the lazy boy no chew stew.) I should also start treating Caterpie.

Eric then released the Caterpie he caught earlier and to his surprise it wasn't as hurt as he first thought. For Caterpie had only light bruise and a small burn. Dratini was also surprised by how little she had damaged the Caterpie.

Ashley in my bag there's a first aid kit for both pokemon and humans I need the burn ointment and some medical tape out of it.

Why? Caterpie looks fine to me.

It's to help heal it faster. Now please get the ointment out of the first aid kit.

Alright, alright I'll get it. So how are you going to train it? If it's ok for me to ask.

Well I have a few ideas but I have to bond with Caterpie first.

oh, here's the ointment and medical tape.

So what do you have planned for that Munchlax of yours and Pichu?

Not sure yet.

As soon as Eric applied the burn ointment to Caterpie's burn it tried to spray string shot at both Eric and Ashley out of pain. Eric quickly grabbed ahold of Caterpie.

It's alright Caterpie. that's just the burn ointment I put on your burn. Sorry I should have told you it was going to sting a bit. Please hold still I need to wrap some medical tape around you to keep your burn from getting worse. How would you like to be o e of the strongest bug pokemon Caterpie? Cause if you stay with me and Ashley I will do everything I can to make that happen.

Caterpie then looked at Eric with a fire in its eyes and nodded at him.

Good. Now this is Dratini. She's your new teammate, you will train with her until I come up with a personal training regiment for you.

Caterpie looked over at Dratini with determination in its eyes, and stood on the tip of its tail and held its head up hi as if to try and show up Dratini. Dratini just snickered ta this and she too stood on her tail standing about 2 and a half feet tall minus the foot long part of her tail that she is using to stand on. Eric and Ashley laughed at this thinking this was the start of a friendship and a rivalry. Eric started making the stew and and has been letting it simmer for about 15 minutes so the vegies would be very soft.

So how long until the foods ready Eric?

Not much longer. It should be just about ready, I'll test it to se how long until its actually done.

Eric puts one of his wooden cooking spoons into the stew and tries it.

Well, it's ready to eat. And for our pokemon I've got some special food for them.

Eric reaches into his bag and pull out a bunch dried meat for Dratini, and couple of really healthy herbs for Caterpie and some cibble mixed with some unknown ingredients specifically for electric types.

Here you go everyone. Now dig in.

Wow Eric who taught you to cook like this?

my grandpa taught me the stew and how to raise some pokemon so I'd have to say he's the that showed me how to cook out here in the wild. Well now that we have this settled our next order of business is setting up watch shifts. I'll take the first shift of 11:00-1:00, unless you want to take first shift.

Why do we need to sleep in shifts?

Cause bug type pokemon have been known to seal the nose and mouth of people to the point that they suffocate and die. Along with other night time pokemon that are known to stalk the forest at night.

In that case you go ahead and take the first shift. I'll take the 1:00-3:00 shift and the 5:00-7:00 shift.

Ok then well it's about 10:50 now so you better get some rest while you can. I'll see you in 2 hours.

Goodnight Eric, Dratini, and Caterpie.

Goodnight Ashley.

How will Eric train his pokemon? Why was Eric's burn glowing? How will Caterpie take to training with a dragon type? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time!