Chereads / Pokemon: The Orayen Tales / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Aero Town, the town on the Rocks. It was established 40 years ago by the League Officials to serve as a resting place and rescue point in the Rock Tunnels for the Trainers who ventured deep in the natural caves to explore the place and capture Pokemon. Now, it was also one of the most famous Towns because of its business in gemstones.

Located at the start of the Rock Tunnels, nearly 700 metres above sea-level, the Town had a population of 1958. It had all the facilities such as a Hospital, Police Station, Pokemon Center, Shopping Centre, and an Official PokeMart as well.

The sky was covered in a red hue of the sinking sun when Aizen and the girls entered the town. The streets were bustling with crowd, and all the buildings looked simplistic but elegant, made out of wood and stones. Each building hoisted the Town's flag that was of Aero Blue Colour with a green star in the centre.

The four of them were surprised when they saw how big of a Pokemon Center there was in the Town. It was almost as big as the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City. But it made sense. Lots of Pokemon got injured in the Tunnels and the Center was always busy with housing Trainers that visited the town and stayed here.

As expected, the lounge was filled with Trainers, and there were some in the lobby as well.

Aizen and the girls had to wait for a few minutes before they reached the front desk.

"Good Evening! Welcome to the Aero Town Pokemon Center!" Nurse Joy smiled at them. "How may I help you?"

"We would like an Evaluation, and we need a place to stay for a day or two." Aizen handed her his Pokedex and gestured her to not speak out his name. He did not want to be bothered here.

Nurse Joy smiled at him and nodded before placing three PokeTrays on the desk.

She already knew who he was, but had to follow the official routine.

"Please place your Pokemon on the Trays so that they can be evaluted."

Misty, Leaf, and Aizen handed her 6 Pokemon each. Which she took to the backroom and returned five minutes later.

"The Evaluation is done. All your Pokemon were found in perfect health and shape. A Positive Star will be updated on your profile within 24 hours."

"Thank you!" Misty and Leaf said in unison as they accepted back their Pokeballs and Pokedex.

"And here is the key to your place." She handed the key to their suite to Aizen. "Dinner will be served at 9 pm. Feel free to check out the training facilities. And have a good rest!"

"Thank you!" Aizen smiled at her, causing her cheeks to redden, and then turned around to walk to the corridor that led to the suites.

Thankfully, there were no Trainers in this side of the Center and they made it to their suite without any delay.

"There are a lot more people here than I thought there would be." Anira sighed as she sank into the couch.

"Can't be helped..." Aizen planted a kiss on her head and placed Rinko in her lap. "I am going to take a shower."

He returned to the lounge of the suite quarter to an hour later, and only found Anira on the couch talking happily with Bliss and grooming Rinko.

"Where are Misty and Leaf?" He curiously asked.

"They went to check out the Training Facilities and register your spots for the Gym Battle." Anira smiled and him. "It's already been over half an hour."

"Bliss!" The evolution of chansey happily came up to him and gave him a hug. "Good to see you too, Bliss. And I overheard a little about your plans." He smiled at his little princess.

"I figured that Nurse Joy might use some help here, and so I and Bliss will be helping her out tomorrow."

"Bliss!" Her Pokemon was really excited.

"That's a good idea. It will help your future Trainer Profile." He approved of her decision, and he knew that Anira also did it for Bliss. Lately, she had not been able to spend a lot of time with her, and so she decided to do it now. "Let's go and see what's holding them up."

"Let's go!" She got up and hugged Rinko in her arms.

Bliss happily greeted the other Blissey and Chansey they met on their way. And the two siblings patiently waited for her to talk a little with her kind. And once she was done, she would always happily hop her way to the two of them.

Blissey may not look like it, but they were quite nimble on their feet.

Aizen and Anira found their two companions in the Training Ground amongst several other trainers who were watching the ongoing battle between a Charmander and a Flaaffy.

"Don't give up, Charmander!"

The two of them heard a familiar voice and found Ash at the other side of the field.

"Char!" The orange reptilian Pokemon bravely bellowed, and the flame burning at the tip of its tail flared up.

It unleashed a strong torrent of fire at the bipedal pink-sheep.

"That's it!" Ash happily pumped his fist in the air when the attack connected.

Unfortunately, the Electric Pokemon persevered, and glared at the Fire Pokemon.


The opponent severely ordered.


"Flamethrower!" Ash hurriedly called out.

However, Charmander was too tired to perform the move and got hit by Thudnerbolt.

Everyone felt their heart constrict as it painfully groaned, but to everyone's surprise, it still remained conscious after the attack.

"Charmander... Return." Ash clenched his fist and recalled the Pokemon, but shockingly, the Pokemon refused to be engulfed by the red ray of light.

"Char!!!" It raised its head to the sky and bellowed before its body was engulfed in a bright white light.

"Wow..." Anira was entranced by the sheer will of the Pokemon.

Aizen had already activated his camera on the watch and started recording the evolution. Like Anira, he too was impressed by the sheer will of Charmander who did not want to give up.

"Char!" A voice called out as the white light started diminishing.

The bipedal Pokemon that appeared out of the light was bigger than Charmander, and its colour was a deeper shade of orange, closer to vermilion. Its claws were elongated, and it now had a proper draconic face as well.

"Wow, Charmander! You evolved!" Ash was livid with excitement. "That's it! Let's finish it with a Flamethrower!"

Everyone sweatdropped when Charmeleon did not even bat an eye at its Trainer's order and only kept glaring at the pink sheep.

"Char!" It roared at its opponent angrily, which made the pink sheep stumble back.

The opponent was not amused at the timid behaviour of his Flaaffy.

"Let's show this lizard what you are truly capable of!" He smirked. "Power Gem!"


The pink sheep concentrated a ray of light that sparkled like gemstones and directed it at the fire Pokemon.

"Flamethrower!!" Ash called out again, but his command was ignored by Charmeleon who took the attack head-on.

"Damn..." Anira cursed as she clenched her fist, but took a sigh of relief when the Fire Pokemon persevered through the attack.

"Char!!" It angrily bellowed again and sent a powerful blast of all-consuming fire at the pink sheep.

Everyone withdrew several steps away and covered their faces because of the heat.

"Flaaa...." The sheep Pokemon groaned in immense pain, and when the fire cleared, it was on the ground, unconscious and charred.


The evolution of Charmander proudly looked at the sky and sent plumes of fire from its mouth while flexing its arms. It was its way of showing off that it was all-powerful.

"You are awesome!" Ash ran up to his Pokemon and called out, but only received a snort in return.

"Pika pi!" The yellow mouse Pokémon on his shoulder congratulated Charmeleon who only glared at it.

"Hey!" The boy who was the Trainer of Flaaffy angrily approached Ash. "That was vicious! Do you have no control over your Pokemon?! Were you trying to kill my Flaaffy?!" He grabbed Ash's collar and shouted madly at him.

"Pika pi!!" Pikachu charged the sparks on its cheeks and threateningly looked at the boy.

"That's enough..."

Aizen decided to interfere and used his Psychic Powers to lessen the boy's anger.

"Your Flaaffy will be fine." He patted his shoulder and gestured to the pink sheep who was awake now and was receiving treatment from Bliss. "Go, be with your Pokemon."

The boy nodded his head and glared at Ash before walking up to Flaaffy and kneeling by its side.

"Thanks!" Ash smiled brightly at him.

"No worries." Aizen returned the smile and then turned his attention to the Charmeleon. "It was only following orders. You know it. There was no need for a Fire Blast of that magnitude." He looked straight in its green eyes.

Charmeleon glared at him and they entered a staring contest. Eventually, the Pokemon turned its face away after it felt chills up its spine, but it managed to not show it on its face.

"You will need to work on your relationship with him." He advised Ash.

"We will sort it out." Ash confidently said and took out his Pokeball, recalling Charmeleon.

Aizen frowned when he watched him do it, but he did not say anything. He could see that Charmeleon was displeased at being recalled inside the ball, something that Ash seemed oblivious to.

"Hey, Misty! Leaf!" Ash excitedly waved at the two girls who approached them, but before they could get close, someone stopped them.

"Arceus has blessed my life today by gracing it with the presence of two flowers that have bloomed in the beauty that even the Fairies would be shy of." A boy huskily said as he knelt on his knees and presented two red roses to Misty and Leaf. "Fairies, accept my love, bless me with your names, and perhaps a chance to take you out on a date." He flashed his pearl-white teeth at them.

Leaf was creeped out and inwardly cringed at his words. Her eyes sought Aizen for help, and thankfully, Misty grabbed her hand and pulled her behind as they walked right past the kneeling boy, completely ignoring the dark-skinned boy.

"That was harsh..." Ash chuckled as he saw tears streaming out of Brock's eyes and clouds of despair raining on him.