Chereads / Pokemon: The Orayen Tales / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

Misty took a deep breath and sighed. It was her turn to choose, and she had to choose very carefully. Nyla was not present, her options were Golduck, Politoed, Wartortle, and Poliwrath.

"Poli..." Poliwrath called out to her with confidence.

"You really want to have a go, huh." She smiled at her Pokemon.

"Poli poli!" The pokemon pumped his fist and nodded.

"Alright, you are on."

"Misty has chosen Poliwrath as her second Pokemon." Jack called out and looked at Viktor.

"Go, Feraligatr. Teach that muscle-head a lesson."

"Viktor has called out Feraligatr. Poliwrath vs Feraligatr. Let the battle begin!"

"Agility" Viktor commanded. "Approach Poliwrath and give it your best Slash."

Feraligatr surprised Poliwrath with its speed and then sent its claw at it with the intention of inflicting great pain.

"Dynamic Punch!" Misty clenched her fist and called out.

The choice of the move surprised everyone.

Poliwrath confidently punched in the direction of Feraligatr, but it only managed to catch the arm that Feraligatr was aiming to perform Slash with.

The power behind the hit made Feraligatr's body turn away.

"Grab the left arm and pummel him into the ground!"

"Poli" The fighting Pokemon did not waste time and did as asked. It gleefully pummeled the crocodile into the sand, and without waiting for Misty's next command, performed Body Slam.

"Gatr!" The bipedal pokemon groaned in pain.

"Aqua Tail!"

The crocodile mandaged to perform the move and got away. But Poliwrath seemed unhurt.

"Hydro Pump!"

"Counter it with your Hydro Pump!" Misty called out.



The two torrents of water connected powerfully, forcing both the Pokemon to stumble a few feet back.

They both tried to overpower each other but failed to do so.

The duel continued for a few minutes without giving any chance to both the Pokemon.

"Approach him with Agility and then Thrash!" Viktor impatiently called out.

Water moves were not effective against Water Type, and both the Trainers were a little hesitant to rely on them. Misty did not give commands to Poliwrath to initiate the attack and approach Feraligatr, which put Viktor at unease.

Misty smirked when Viktor finally caved in to his impatience.


Just as the Feraligatr started Thrashing, Poliwrath used protect. It bore the few powerful hits by the crocodile who was now in a confused state.

"Poli!" It was in a little pain, but ready for his Trainer's order.

"You know what to do. Focus Punch!" Misty was not in the mood of showing mercy.

"Sam!!" Viktor tried to get his Pokemon sober again when it saw Poliwrath focusing and preparing for the move.

It took a few moments before Feraligatr gained clarity, but it was smacked in the face by sheer power that sent it flying dozens of metres away before rolling in the sand and losing consciousness.

"Feraligatr is unable to battle. Poliwrath wins!" Jack called out. "Viktor has one Pokemon left."

"Well done!" She happily smiled at her Pokemon that looked tired after the battle.

"Poli!" It proudly pumped its fist in the air.

"Wow, Misty." Anira was impressed. "You actually taught Poliwrath Focus Punch."

"Yes!" She happily nodded. "As soon as it evolved. I approached Father and asked him to let me borrow his Slaking. Slaking helped Poliwrath learn to focus and then taught it Focus Punch. It took months, but it was worth it."

"Of course it was worth it!" Anira and Leaf giggled at her words.

"Victor, choose your last Pokemon." Jack reminded his friend who seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Go, Ferrothorn!"

Misty frowned at his choice. And it worried her a little.

"What's that..." Leaf curiously looked at the tank-like steel Pokemon that had two long Vines protruding from its head.

"Ferrothorn is Grass and Steel Type Pokemon." Anira worriedly looked at Poliwrath. She read through the intentions of Viktor. "Misty. He is not going to play fair."

"I know." She worriedly nodded.

The only Pokémon with a safe shot against Ferrothorn was Poliwrath. Since its fighting moves would work well against it, but Poliwrath was too tired right now.

"Come back!" She made the decision and called it back in its Pokeball. "Rest. I might need you again." She whispered to it.

"Go, Golduck!"

The bipedal Pokemon stepped on the battlefield and stared at the Grass-Steel tank before him.

"So I was right. You only have Water-Type Pokemon." Viktor smirked at her. "You're lucky that my Jolteon is not with me right now."

"Ferrothorn vs Golduck! Let the battle begin!"

"Ingrain." Viktor smiled and commanded.


The grass tank implanted roots around it, setting up a domain where it could heal itself of damage over time.

"Future Sight." Misty commanded.

Golduck's eyes briefly shined in a red glow, before returning to normal.

"Ice Beam!"

The Gem on Golduck's forehead sparkled before a ball of Ice Energy started forming out of its opened mouth. Waves of Ice energy then escaped the ball and hit the Grass Tank with a lightning speed.

"Ferro..." The tank pokemon bore the attack. It did the damage, but the roots it had planted started glowing, and its health started restoring.

"Don't let it recover! Hydro Pump!"

The torrent of Water landed squarely as well, but Ferrothorn did not seem fazed. All the damage inflicted kept healing.

"Golduck, using Psychic to uproot all the roots around it!"

"Don't let it do it. Power Whip!"

Ferrothorn shot out both its Vines, crackling the air. However, it was suddenly hit by an invisible Telekinetic force that pushed it away from its domain.

Misty smiled brightly when Future Sight came into effect at the perfect time.

Golduck uprooted all the roots, and kept staring at his opponent.

"Trap it into a whirlpool!" Misty commanded.

"Gyroball! And Vine Whip at the same time."

The whirlpool Golduck created around it was destroyed the moment it was erected.

"Approch it and Cross-Chop!" Misty took advantage of the moment when Ferrothorn was about to stop spinning and ordered.

"Use your Vines to stop spinning and then Power Whip him away!"

"Golduck!" She warned her Pokemon.

Golduck managed to dodge the first Vine that was headed its way, and landed its Cross Chop squarely on the head of Ferrothorn. However, it suddenly got attacked as well because of Iron Barbs, Ferrothorn's ability, which jolted him with pain, forcing it to lose focus.

The tank bore the pain and narrowed its eyes. Its second Vine powerfully slammed into Golduck and sent it rolling on the sand.

For a moment, Misty felt her heart jump up her throat.

Luckily, Golduck got back on its feet, but it was panting heavily now.

"Prepare for Solar Beam!"

Viktor saw that Golduck was in no position to perform another attack for a few moments and ordered.

"Golduck! Please!" Misty called out to her Pokemon. "Dig!"

Golduck, who was panting heavily suddenly stopped and showed a determined expression. It started digging and disappeared from the sight.

The Solar Beam was already charged and Viktor had to do something now.

"Shoot it right under youself!" He gambled.

The Solar Beam shot into the sand, causing a storm. For a fraction of a moment, everyone saw Golduck appear from behind Ferrothorn and disappear inside the veil of sand.

"Ferro..." The tank painfully groaned as another Cross Chop landed on it. It was out of strength but it managed to wrap its Vines around Golduck, who was barely conscious and drained of strength as well.

Viktor saw the state of his Pokemon and knew that even if he beat Golduck now, it won't survive against Poliwrath who, by now, had taken some rest.

"Explosion!" He ruthlessly called out.

Everyone looked at him in disbelief. The move was vicious and there was no need for it. A simple Vine Whip would do the job for him.

"That's insane!!!" Leaf worriedly called out.

Anira narrowed her eyes at Viktor.

Misty, however, smirked at the command of the moron.

The tank Pokemon that was about to perform the move found that it could not do so.

Anira started laughing when she realised what was happening. Golduck's ability was Damp, which prevented the opponent from using moves such as Self-destruct and Explosion.

"I forfeit, Golduck." Misty called back her Pokemon. "Go, Poliwrath. Finish this up!"

"Golduck has been forfeited. Misty has Poliwrath left. Poliwrath vs Ferrothorn! Begin!" Jack sighed and shook at his friend's misfortune.


The bipedal fighting pokemon immediately rushed at the downed Grass tank. And started pummelling it with punches.

"Dynamic Punch!"

This time, the Punch landed sqaurely, and the Tank pokemon did not even get to groan in pain before it lost consciousness.

"Viktor has lost all three of his Pokemon. Poliwrath and Misty win the Match!" Jack declared.

"Yay!!!" Leaf and Anira happily hugged Misty who was smiling at Poliwrath. "That was an awesome match!"

"Thank you!"

She then worked on the Dex and accepted the transfer of the bet after Jack declared her the winner and logged the match.

"You just got lucky." Viktor glared at her with hate.

"That's enough, Viktor. The match was fair. You lost." Jack frowned at his friend and patted his shoulder.

"Fuck off!" Viktor brushed off his hand and turned around, running away into the woods.

"It was a great match. And I am sorry for his behaviour." Jack looked at the girls apologetically before waving them goodbye and chasing after his friend.

"Dexter... Catch up with Viktor before Jack does. And then Teleport him to the Exeggutor Colony." Anira whispered to the Mega Metagross behind her.

"Meta..." The Psychic Tank teleported away to comply with Anira's command.

"Thank you!" Misty giggled at Anira's action.

"I wanted to do it from the very start." She smirked at the older girl. "And I know you wanted to do the same."

"He is a scum." Leaf cursed angrily, still a little mad that he was going to use Explosion on Golduck.

"Hey! The lunch is getting cold!"

The girls turned around and saw Aizen waving at them front he Beach House.

They immediately ran up to him before Leaf and Anira hugged him and started telling him what happened earlier.

"I saw the battle." He smiled at them and then looked Misty in the eyes. "Well Played." He patted her on the head lovingly.

Misty blushed under his comforting caress and nodded her head.