Chereads / Pokemon: The Orayen Tales / Chapter 147 - Chapter 147

Chapter 147 - Chapter 147

On the first day of the Eleventh Month, when a chilly morning breeze made Leaf shiver, a sudden pop sounded out behind her, and she was surprised to find Aizen standing there smiling at her.

Even though she was covered in sweat after her morning run, she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.


She finally called out his name and laughed as he spun her around with him.

"What time are you leaving for the Cinnabar Island?"

"Right after breakfast." She excitedly said and smiled when he nudged her nose.

"Char!" A beautiful Charmeleon stepped forward to greet him and he smiled at him.

"Hello, Igneel. You have grown stronger."

"Char!" The Pokémon blew flames in the air and then melted under his pats as the Prince gave him some love.


In the next instant, three Pikachu ran into the garden and started circling them, and one of them jumped over his shoulder and rubbed his face against his.

A few moments later, Aizen was tackled to the ground by his Shiny Eevee, and Rinko then gave him loveable licks all over his face.

Aizen met all his Pokémon at the Oak Corral, and let out his Nidorino, who wanted to see his sister.

Leaf's Nidoran had also evolved into a Nidorina, and seeing the two Pokémon smelling each other, the girl blushed.

She had done enough research on Pokémon to know what this meant.

After spending some time at the Corral, the two met Ash, Ritchie, and Gary, who were about to have a race on their bicycles, and Leaf asked them to wait as she fetched her own bicycle to race them.

Seeing her enjoying herself, Aizen smiled and waited until the four returned.

He was not surprised that Leaf won the race. After all, she had been physically training ever since the beginning of her journey, and her stamina was not something that these three boys could keep up with.

Ash came second in the race, and he was just happy that he beat both Gary and Ritchie, however, the two boys were very shocked at Leaf's performance.

They were quite embarrassed that they lost a bicycle race to a girl, and Leaf rubbed her win in their faces even at the breakfast table.

After breakfast, Professor Oak took Leaf, Gary, Ash, and Ritchie on board the boat that was waiting for them at the small port of the Town.

Cinnabar Island was six hours away from Pallet Town on the boat, and the group planned on reaching the City in the afternoon.

Daisy, who was almost a spitting image of her mother, was excited to finally meet him, and Aizen stayed in the Research Lab with them until lunch.

After they had their meal, he took Anira with him, and the two siblings climbed up the backs of their Dragons and rushed towards the sea.

There was a place they had wanted to visit for a while now. It was the place that the Dragon King had shown them earlier this year.

An island hidden in the storms, where even the GPS did not work. An island where only the Dratini evolutionary line lived.

After four hours of flying, they finally spotted the storm clouds and then dived right into them as both Atlas and Sky were very fond of storms.

The Dragons on the Island were alarmed at their intrusion, but they did not attack them.

Hundreds of curious eyes watched the siblings when they landed on the hidden island and then recalled the Mega Garchomp and Mega Salamence.

Only the beautiful Eevee stayed on Aizen's shoulder, but it soon jumped off to play with some Dratini.

A few Dratini came over to them and sniffed them, and then climbed over the Orayen Siblings without any care.

Anira merrily laughed when she saw so many beautiful Dratini and Dragonair around them, and it was the same for Aizen, who had never seen so many Dragons gathered in one place before.

They played around with the Pokémon, had a chat with them, explored the place, and in the evening, they arrived at a lake in the middle of the island, where several waterfalls fell into it.

In the middle of the lake was a small islet, and there, they saw the beautiful Shiny Dratini, who was nuzzling against an Alpha Dragonair.

There were also a couple of Alpha Dragonite, who were massive, and they ruled the Island.

"I am calling dibs on the Shiny!" Anira declared as she gushed over the beautiful pink Dratini.

"That's fine." He smiled as he looked at the Alpha Dragonair.

Perhaps, if it was anyone else, he would have never let them take the Shiny Dratini, but Anira was someone he could not refuse.

He was quite satisfied as he sensed how powerful the Dragonair was, and the two of them camped by the lake and slept soundly as they hugged each other all night.

When they woke up the next morning, they found a few dragons around them, peacefully asleep, and the sight melted the Princess' heart.

Aizen left her to play with the Pokémon and went into the woods to collect some fruits.

When he returned, he found that his little sister was on the islet in the lake, happily chatting with the Shiny Dratini, who was coiled around her neck.

The Alpha Dragonair suddenly jumped out of the water, and in its mouth was a Magikarp, whom it quickly devoured.

"Dragonair!" He waved to the Pokémon, who dived right back into the lake and then jumped out of the water again close to the shore.

There was another Magikarp in its mouth, whom it quickly devoured, and then came over to coil around him and inspected him.

"Eeee..." A beautiful voice entered his ears and he gently stroked the head of the Pokémon.

"Want to come with me?" He hopefully asked, and the intelligent Pokémon stared into his eyes. "I will take you to explore the world, meet many other Pokémon, and we will have lots of battles that will help you grow stronger much faster."


"I know. I will bring you back here now and then."


"Yes, yes. Lots of tasty food and fun. I promise."

Surprisingly, it did not take him much convincing, and when he chatted with the Dragonair, he learned the reason why the Pokémon were willing to come with them.

Months ago, some Pokémon on the Island had seen the vision of the siblings in their dream, and the Progenitor Dragonite had informed them that they would come to find their companions.

Anira happily climbed up the back of the Alpha Dragonite, who brought her to his side, and the two siblings then had a long chat with the Pokémon around them.

The Princess had already brought a pink and white Luxury Ball with her for her Shiny Dratini, and after she captured it, she gave him the Pokéball to register it on his Pokédex.

And then Aizen captured the Alpha Dragonair and scanned its Pokéball.

"Dragonair, the Dragon Pokemon. Dragonair is a long, serpentine reptilian Pokémon with sky-blue scales and a white underside. It has a rounded snout, oval purple eyes, and a small, white horn on its forehead. On each side of its head is a small, stylized wing, which is white and curves into a swirl at the base. Three blue, crystal orbs adorn its body: one on its neck and two on its tail. It can make its wings grow larger to fly, but otherwise moves through the air using its control over weather that helps it ride the wind.

Dragonair emits a gentle aura that gives it a mystical appearance. It hosts a large amount of energy within its body, which it can discharge through the crystals on its neck and tail. This causes its body to brighten and give off a different aura that changes the weather in its vicinity. As a result, Dragonair has been referred to as a divine Pokémon since ancient times by agricultural people. Dragonair is a rare Pokémon that inhabits pristine seas and lakes..."


[Ability: Shed Skin]

[Known Moves: Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister, Wrap, Supersonic, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Agility, Extreme Speed, Hidden Power, Dragon Breath, Mist, Slam, Dragon Rush, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, Safeguard, Outrage, Hyper Beam]

Since it was almost a decade old, the Pokémon knew a variety of moves and was already very powerful.

There were still a couple of moves that he wanted to teach the Pokémon before evolution, and they were Light Screen and Protect.

Upon Evolution, it would learn Hurricane, and then he would be able to focus on teaching it more Flying-Type moves.

"Dragonair, use Hidden Power up in the sky." He ordered his Pokémon, who let out a powerful wave of Ice Beam that shot into the sky.

"Nice!" Anira grinned when she saw that it was an Ice-Type Move.

Late in the morning, the two siblings left the Island to head back to Pallet Town, and Aizen kept the Dratini out, who was coiled around his sister's neck as it enjoyed the flight.

By lunchtime, they arrived at the Laboratory, and both Hilda and Daisy fell into a trance when they saw the Shiny Dratini, who was sleeping on Anira's shoulder.

And then they grew excited when they saw Aizen call out the Alpha Dragonair and introduce it to his Pokémon at the Oak Corral.

The Prince stayed in Pallet Town for a week and a couple of days more. He left the day after Professor Oak, Leaf, Gary, Ritchie, and Ash returned to the Town.

Aizen was quite amused and impressed that Leaf did not want to train her Pokémon in front of him, Ash, Gary, and Ritchie.

He was very happy that she was already viewing him as a rival at the Indigo Conference, which was just over a month away now.