Chereads / Pokemon: The Orayen Tales / Chapter 131 - Chapter 131

Chapter 131 - Chapter 131

The mornings in Pallet Town were truly a beautiful sight. It reminded him a lot of Blanc Island, and perhaps, it was why he liked the peace and serenity of this place so much.

It was truly a place that an Aura User would love to live in, and it made sense why the Oak Clan had decided to settle here.

As they travelled down the path, Aizen called out the two Vulpix, who immediately asked for some love.

"Hungry?" He gently enquired when Xeno and Xena licked his face.



"We will eat at the Laboratory." He told them, and then the two happily started playing around, but always caught up with him and Sabrina before they walked too far.

"What do you think of my Team for the Indigo Conference?" He curiously asked the Moonheart, who immediately answered him.

"You have gathered a very decent team, but it is still lacking."

"Oh?" He smiled at her assessment.

"What do I need to perfect it?"

"Charizard and a Dragonite." She did not name the type, instead, named the specific Pokémon, which he found a little funny. "You can probably manage without a Charizard, but your Team needs a strong Dragon."

"Yes." He agreed.

"Does Rinko know a Dragon-Type move?"

"No." He shook his head. "He has not been able to harness the Dragon Energy, which makes me believe that a Dragon Evolution of Eevee is not possible. Even though Rinko can harness some Bug-Type energy, its levels are very low, and a Bug-Type evolution has been ruled out as well."


"It is possible." His answer did not really surprise her, and she just nodded her head.

"Why do you want to only use Pokémon who are native to Kanto? A Lucario will make your team Perfect."

Aizen shook his head at those words.

"It makes it challenging and more fun to me."

"Is it worth the risk?"

"To me, yes." He laughed.

"Okay." And again, she simply accepted his words. "You should catch a strong Grass-Type Pokémon."

"Why?" He smiled at her, even though he knew why he needed another Grass-Type Pokémon.

"Bulbasaur grows up very slowly, and with less than five months left in the Indigo Conference, it will mostly likely be an Ivysaur by then. An Ivysaur can be a good distraction in the Group Stages, but it won't be a dependable option in the Knock-Out Phase."

"And which Pokémon do you suggest that I catch?"

"You have trained Eevee's at the Blanc Island. Get one that can become a promising Leafeon. Or just get an already-evolved Leafeon. Anira said that she had personally trained a lot of them."

"She has dozens of Eevee." Aizen laughed. "All Eevee on the Blanc Island belong to her. In her own words, she is the Empress of all Eevee out there."

"So, get one."

"Not fun enough." He shook his head, and she curiously glanced at him.

"A Vileplume then, or a Victreebel."

"Not fast enough." He playfully said and waited to hear what she had to say next.

"Your other viable option is an Exeggutor. And they too are slow. Also, they have more weaknesses than both Victreebel and Vileplume."

"I see." He nodded to her reasoning. "How many Grass-Type Pokémon do you have?"


"Just two?" He surprisedly looked at her. "You haven't caught another Grass-Type since your Trevenant and Sceptile?"

Aizen remembered watching her use those two Pokémon at the Vertress Conference.

"I plan to catch more." She nodded. "My Sceptile is now a Mega Sceptile."

"Nice." He smiled at her words, and then curiously asked another question. "Which Grass-Type Pokémon are on your list?"

"Rillaboom. Its Mega Evolution makes it a Fighting-Type Powerhouse. I fought against a Mega Rillaboom. They are very capable Pokémon. Secondly, a Leafeon, because it is fast, versatile, and dependable. Eevee can learn a variety of moves, so, it's now an even better option."

"Not all Eevee." He reminded her and watched her nod her head.

"I will catch a talented one if you don't gift me one of your finest Breeds from the Blanc Island."

Aizen laughed at her words as he found them a little too cute. The fact that she was very serious about what she said, made it even more funny to him.

"We will gift you as many Eevee as you want." He shook his head as he chucked and then nodded to her. "Any other Grass-Type Pokémon you are interested in?"

"Torterra, Gogoat, Dhelmise, Decidueye, Meowscarada, Ferrothorn, Venusaur, and Roserade."

"Nice." He chuckled again. "Doesn't Meowscarada have too many weaknesses?"

"It's very fast. Compared to a slow Pokémon, a Pokémon who is fast can fight better against Pokémon who have a Type-Advantage against it."

"True. So, you want to catch them all?"

"I only need a maximum of 6 of each Type, but I won't give up on a talented Pokémon if I come across them."

"What will you do if you come across a Shaymin? Would you capture it?" He teasingly asked and smiled when he saw her nod her head.

"Catching a Shaymin against its will will destroy the flora of the land it resides in. If I ever find one that wants to come with me, it will be a perfect addition to my Team. I once met a Shaymin, but it was too shy and did not want to be around people."

"Tell me about it." The Orayen Prince interestedly asked, and for the rest of their journey to the Oak Laboratory, Sabrina told him about the day she had met Shaymin.

"Do you know that the people who meet Shaymin in the wild are believed to be blessed by Nature?"

"I am blessed."

He could only laugh at her cuteness again and then smiled at her when she curiously looked at the Laboratory in front of them.

"Peaceful, isn't it?"

"Yes." She nodded her head.

"Come out, Gengar," Aizen called out to his Pokémon, who emerged from his Shadow and then followed the two of them inside the Laboratory along with the two Vulpix.

As soon as they got inside and the Security System scanned them, Gengar merged with his shadow again.

By the time the two entered the main lobby, a dark brown-haired lady, seemingly in her late twenties, exited the lift that was connected to the underground floors, and a smile formed on her lips.


"Mrs. Oak." He smiled as she came over to hug him.

"You have grown up!"

"Of course, I have." He chuckled and she laughed as well.

"Gary told me that you were there on Sayda Island and you caught an Alpha Aerodactyl. I want to see it. Father wants to see it as well."

"Of course."

"Have you finished collecting all Gym Badges?"

"All 12, yes." He nodded to her and then her eyes finally landed on Sabrina.

It only took Hilda a moment to realise who she was, and then she smiled and drew her hand forward to the Pink-eyed girl.

"Miss Moonheart."

"Mrs. Oak."

"Do you remember Daisy?" The lady curiously asked, and Sabrina nodded her head.

"I met Daisy Oak in Kalos. We travelled together for a while."

"My daughter speaks very highly of you." Hilda nodded her head.

She too had won Unova'e Vertress Conference before Gary's birth, but her daughter had never admired her as much as she admired Sabrina, even though the two girls were of the same age and were rivals.

Then again, even she had to admit that the Moonheart was a better trainer than she was at that time, and her undefeated record spoke volumes.

"May I use the facilities to prepare a meal for the Vulpix?" Aizen asked on their way to the lounge, and Hilda led him straight to the Kitchen where they cooked Pokémon food.

The two Foxes obediently sat on the shelf as they watched their food being prepared, and as soon as it was served to them, they both happily started devouring it.

"They are beautiful."

"Thank you." He smiled at her and then started talking to her about her plans nowadays.

"I am going to stay in Pallet Town for a couple of years. My daughter is returning home in a few months and we plan on starting a research together."

"What's it about?"

"Regional Variants and their Behavioural Patterns. The focus is on the energies inside their bodies, the differences, and how it influences their personalities."

"Interesting." He nodded his head and smiled at the Shiny Grapploct, who belonged to Hilda, entered the room. "Now that's a beautiful Pokémon."

"Thank you!"

The blue-eyed lady was pleased that he liked her Pokémon and then asked if the two of them had had their breakfast.

At the table, during their meal, she brought up what was happening in the region, and they learned that she had cut short her stay in Unova to return here because the Order had contacted her.

"It was Grandma," Aizen informed her, making a guess.

"I know. Lady Grisha sent me a message that I need to take care of Anira and Leaf as they would be staying here for the rest of the year."

"We hope it isn't a problem."

"Don't worry about it. I wanted to come back as soon as I learned what happened at the Cinnabar Island."

"I see." He nodded his head. "How's Gary doing?"

"He has collected 11 Badges now, and he's in the Saffron City for his last badge. He called yesterday and told me that he plans on going to the Rota Kingdom for the Annual Games. Oh, and Ash is going there as well. The two are going to be at it again..." She said and giggled, but soon noticed the frowns on Aizen and Sabrina's faces. "Is everything alright?"

"Cameran Palace is a target. The Action Team has been summoned there. The enemy wants to kill Ilene Cameran and wants to search for Mew in the Tree of Beginning."

Since Hilda was a member of the Arcane Creed, he told her what was going to happen there, and sure enough, her face paled and she started panicking.

The two watched her shoot up to her feet and frantically try to contact Gary, and then watched her panic even more when the call would not connect.

Gary was willful at times and mostly kept his PokeNav switched off. And given his behaviour, he would only contact them once a week or if he needed changes on his Roster.

"Don't worry. We are leaving for the Cameran Palace in the evening. If he does take part in the Annual Games, I will keep him safe."

Hilda still tried to contact her son, but then helplessly sat down in her chair.

"He will be the death of me."

"He will be fine," Aizen assured her again, and she nodded her head.

"Please call me as soon as you meet him."

"I will." He promised.

"And please keep Ash out of trouble. He worries me even more than Gary."

"He worries us too." The Orayen Prince chucked as he shook his head. "He will be fine."