Chereads / Pokemon: The Orayen Tales / Chapter 107 - Chapter 107

Chapter 107 - Chapter 107

"Milu milu..." Miltank happily called the two little Bulbasaur and allowed them to suck on her udders.

This prompted the little Pichu to rush forward too, and it took the last teat in its mouth, happily drinking Miltank's nutritious milk.

Leaf happily smiled as she watched Togepi, Bulbasaur, and Pichu feeding on Miltank. She was glad that Miltank was very cooperative.

Miltank seemed to be enjoying it as she sang her soothing melody. And needless to say, the Pokémon absolutely loved her milk.

"Milu... Milu..."

All of this made her feel more at ease with her decision of buying Miltank. As Aizen had said, it did cost a lot. 220k to be exact, and that too after Lara claimed that they were giving her a discount.

Leaf knew that Aizen was not short on money, but it still disturbed her a little to make him spend so much. One should know that a family could live off 5 years of their lives comfortably in 220k PokeDollars. It was a huge sum.

"Excited for your 8th Badge?" Anira knowingly smiled as Leaf came to sit by her side and tended to the meal that was being cooked.

"You bet!" She brightly said.

"Leaf!" A voice called out to her from the other side of the clearing, and both the young girls turned to look in its direction.

Leaf confusedly looked at Misty, who had returned from her day's Training and was fearfully looking in their direction. But when she turned around, she understood why the orange-haired girl was behaving like this.

Right behind them was her Pinsir, who was sleeping under a tree.

"Not calling it back!" She playfully stuck her tongue at her friend and then ignored her as she continued chatting with Anira.

A few minutes later, the orange-haired girl managed to approach them and quickly sat next to Anira. She pouted and refused to look at Leaf, which made the latter giggle.

"Look. He's harmless." She said, and as soon as Misty laid her eyes on the sleeping Pinsir, her body started shivering.

"It may be harmless, but it is creepy as hell!" She unabashedly said, and the two girls heartily laughed at her words. "What were you guys talking about?" She curiously asked.

"Leaf now has 19 Pokémon, and she feels that she needs two more," Anira informed her.

"What are you looking for?"

"A Fighting Type and a Rock Type." The hazel-eyed girl informed her.

"And have you decided on the specific Pokémon?"

"Yes. I want a Golem for a Rock Type. It's a Ground Type too, which will be helpful. And for a Fighting, I don't know..."

"You can catch your Geodude or Graveler when we go back to Pewter City. As for Fighting, why not go for a Machop? You have seen how strong Aizen's Machoke is, and Machamp is very capable Pokémon."

"I know. But training a Machamp is very difficult."

"It could be said for any Fighting Type." Misty smiled at her hazel-eyed friend. "And to me, Machamp are more useful than Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop. You could also think about a Poliwrath. Primeape are fast and good fighters."

"I am looking for something fast." Leaf nodded to her words.

"So, a Primeape then or a Hitmonlee?"

Leaf sighed, and Anira giggled.

"She does not find Primeape to her liking. The same goes for Hitmonlee," The Orayen Princess informed her orange-haired friend.

"Oh." Misty too joined Anira as she started giggling, and Leaf sighed again.

"We will see. If I don't find anything suitable, I might choose a Poliwrath or a Machamp."

The three of them continued chatting about other things and when their supper was ready, Anira sent a signal to her brother from the watch she was wearing on her left wrist.

"Which Pokémon was he training today?" Misty curiously asked.

"Lapras and Elekid." Anira immediately replied. "What about you?"

"Horsea, Houndour, and ... Slowpoke."

Anira and Leaf burst out laughing as soon as she said Slowpoke.

"It's not funny! I never thought training a Pokémon would be so tough..."The orange-haired girl sighed. "Even Aizen's Magikarp is smarter than my Slowpoke..."

Leaf had tears in her eyes as her stomach started aching a little, and it irked Misty a lot.

"Would you stop it? Your Lotad loves hitting you with its Water Gun instead of a target that you set for her."

"At least it does not just blankly stare back at me." She pulled her tongue at Misty and then brightly smiled. "Aizen!"

"Hey!" The Orayen Prince waved back at her and then approached the girls together with Sabrina. "Smells appetising." He commented as soon as he took a whiff of the stew that the girls had prepared.

"Thank you!" His little sister brightly said and then arranged for everyone to sit down and have their meal together.

"How was your day?" Leaf curiously asked.

"Perfect." He smiled at her. "Elekid has managed to learn Ice Punch. She's quite happy."

"Awesome!" Both the young girls happily clapped their hands.

"And there's another good news." He smiled.


"I managed to get in contact with a Vulpix Breeder in Scissor Street of Celadon City. She has a new batch of Vulpix and has agreed to give me one of them."

"Wow!" Misty and Leaf exclaimed in surprise.

"Suzie?" Anira guessed.


"Who is Suzie?" Leaf curiously asked.

"A renowned Pokémon Breeder and a Groomer. Suzie Coron has won several accolades and is an accomplished Vulpix Breeder, but she's just as famous for her ability and talent in grooming People and Pokémon. I always wanted to get my haircut from her!" Misty excitedly informed her hazel-eyed friend.

"She sounds like an awesome person."

"She is." Anira nodded her head.

"But Aizen, all of Suzie's Vulpix are sold even before the eggs hatch. How did you manage to convince her to give you one?" The orange-haired girl curiously asked.

"Hey, I am the famous Professor Sin." He smirked at her. "Also, Suzie is great friends with Juniper. I called her, and she called Suzie. Though all the young Vulpix already belonged to her customers, she agreed to give me one of the Vulpix she was raising for future breeding."

"How unfair is that." Misty scoffed. "Well, looks like you will be getting your Ninetales after all. And then there are those Trainers who desire one and never get it in their entire life..."

"You want one too?" He knowingly asked.

"No, I don't want more Pokémon for now. And I have no plans of spending over 500k to get one."

"What?!" Leaf was shocked when she heard the price.

"Suzie's Vulpix sell for at least 500k." She smiled at her friend.

"Why so expensive?"

"Because they are some of the finest in the world." Anira smiled at her.

"And how much does a haircut by Suzie cost?"

"At least, a thousand PokeDollars." Misty grinned at her.

"She must be filthy rich."

"Of course, she is. Vulpix is one of the most expensive Pokémon Breeds." The Orayen Princess smiled at her. "If you get a Vulpix from a renowned Breeder, it will cost you at least 200k. That's the same for an Eevee, but the finest Eevee usually costs a lot more than the finest Vulpix."

"I see." She nodded her head.

The girls then chatted about Pokémon Breeding, and Leaf informed them that her mother's dream was to one day open her own Breeding Farm.

Everyone smiled warmly when she revealed that one of her goals was to help her mother achieve her dream, which was the least she could do for her. She wanted to assist her mother too, which was why she planned on acing the Breeder's Exam. Though she did not plan on dedicating her life to Pokémon Breeding, she needed to pass this exam to get her Golden Perk and be able to help her mother.

After finishing his meal, Aizen told the girls to head to bed early tonight since they would be leaving for Neon City before daybreak. It would help them reach their destination by late morning, and the girls would have the rest of the day to explore the city.

Aizen was not planning on Training with Sabrina tonight and left the pink-eyed girl to meditate for the entire night.

The girls too finished chatting and went to bed early. They were quite excited to see the famous Neon City, and mostly it was because they had their shopping lists prepared for a long time.