Chereads / Tales of Magus And Gods / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 : Mysterious Book

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 : Mysterious Book

The weird unreadable language written on the platform below the wolf sculpture produced a strange alluring attraction to Allen.

He couldn't resist the itching desire to investigate and check, but despite such seduction his eyes were extremely stern indicating his level headedness.

Allen could somewhat feel that something was very unusual with the way the wolf sculpture was staring at him.

There was an eerie feeling making him uncomfortable, and a faint bloodlust in the air turning him apprehensive.

But he couldn't suppress the sixth sense which kept nudging him to keep advancing and explore the sculpture.

Allen couldn't think or contemplate for long. Something magical seems to command his body and he unknowingly touched the strange words and..!


A loud snarling howl sound reminiscent of a vicious predatory wolf sounded in Allen's head stunning him.

Immediately after his eyes turned heavy and his body stopped moving.

Allen forcefully tried to gain control of his body and barely kept his eyes open. He could feel his whole body swaying like a boat in a storm.

Although his eyes were barely able to see due to being almost closed from heaviness, his eyes still shuddered in bewilderment and shock.

The third basement floor and ceiling began to shake vigorously, Allen's body remained unresponsive, but his head started to feel heavy and he started gasping showing his difficulties in breathing.

Strange muffled whimper as if an oracle were reverberating in his sea of consciousness but he couldn't make any sense of it.

Allen was thinking about how to get out of this predicament, just then he heard a long remorseful sigh in his ears as if someone was just standing beside him. Allen's heart skipped a beat he wanted to turn and look but his body refused to move!

The circled triangle inside his sea of consciousness which was constructed by the balance of battleforce, chakra and soul force was stirred frantically and it produced an unusual circumstance.

The tiny undetectable colourless force which was never noticed by Allen erupted like a volcano and swirled inside like a snake trying to slither its way through a tiny hole.

"Drshy volka pravesh v nashu rooh!"

Words, which Allen couldn't understand reverberated directly in his head. Feelings, foreign to him were flashing trying to overwhelm his psyche. Desires, He has never felt before were sprouting in his heart.

All this was happening in an extremely small frame of time as Allen couldn't even make any sense and his mind and spirit was overwhelmed.

The ominous words on the sculpture were strangely flashing in a phantom glow and slowly evaporated in the air like fireflies channelling and initiating some sort of mechanism.

Through all this strange phenomenon the only thing Allen cared about was his head which was spinning, producing intense pain.

He felt something squeezing out of him as blood boiled in his body bulging his veins threatening to melt him. Dark red lines appeared all over his body, as veins almost latching out from his skin.

The crimson pale lines circulating chakra in a systematic path inside his body were thinning rapidly and his sea of consciousness was raging as if his soul force was leaving his body.

'This feels like a deja vu! Am I dying again?' Allen thought and observed that his connection with all his emotions, feelings and sensation were slowly severing.

The headache reminded him of his first and most weird death, and the soul force leaving his body slowly was also similar to when he died last time.

He died in the shinobi life pretty instantly without feeling much, if not then the feeling of chakra evaporating would also be added to the mix.

The three forces were being drained out of Allen's body along with his consciousness. He lost all sensation, and although he was awake he couldn't feel anything ,just like a statue paralyzed.

From the overdrive and exhaustion, even his pain subsided.

Allen felt like he was being maliciously stared by a ferocious beast. He didn't feel fear and looked up by moving his eyes in his optical lobe, his eyes were the only thing still under his control.

Soon, Allen his eyes were staring into that of the stone wolf, the eyes of the wolf were ominously opened to reveal a life like predatory ruthless gaze.

Looking at those eyes, Allen weirdly felt no fear and trepidation. Allen definitely thought the wolf was scary, unusual and dangerous, but he felt no fear, only cold indifference.

Maybe so many deaths have altered his understanding of death itself and fear, or maybe he was in a hallucinating state unable to process the information and understand his predicament, whatever may be the case.

Allen stared at the Wolf and the wolf did the same. Allen wasn't feeling fear but he was vigorously cussing himself for his stupidity, but he cannot be blamed. Uncountable researchers have visited this place throughout these years carrying out numerous experiments and testing, there is no way they didn't touch and study each and every nook and cranny of this place.

And there is definitely is no way they didn't touch the most attention snatching sculpture so, he wasn't very cautious either.


Suddenly something glowed downward so, Allen looked with his eyes and noticed as a glowing orb was emitting from his hands which were touching the sculpture as the initial words were completely erased from there.

Although Allen's ability to sense was impaired, he felt that the glowing orb which was moon white in color was the cumulation of his own body's three forces.

'What is this? This stability and equilibrium, it is absolutely perfect! Before such a thing of beauty, my combination of three forces are extremely rubbish and rudimentary! Maybe I can try to understand and learn from it?' Allen was immediately mesmerized and he wanted to touch and observe the orb but sadly his body refused to move and in frustration he could only reluctantly look.


The vibration of the room increased as the orb emerged out from Allen's hand and channel straight into the sculpture and caused the wolf to move!

The Wolf looked at Allen with its dark eyes moving its head towards him. Allen stood still staring at the monstrosity with regret for his upcoming death.

Its head slowly crept down towards Allen and after being just a few centimeters away, its mouth opened.

Dust and stones collected on the surface of its mouth throughout the years were chipping down. The wolf sculpture slowly parted it's stony lips and showed vicious canine teeth which slowly opened to reveal its black hole like mouth.

Looking at the scene, Allen gulped. It was truly a horrifying scene but he still was feeling paralyzed as if his body lost all strength.

The Wolf opened its mouth partially and it's tongue rolled out but Allen being in an apathetic state notice something unusual which a dying man wouldn't notice normally.

The tongue rolled out but there was something present there, deep inside the mouth. Allen couldn't see it probably due to his eye level being lower than the statue wolf.

He didn't have to guess for long about it because the wolf opened its mouth more parting its ominous jaws and something rolled down hitting the inside of the wolf teeth, allowing Allen to look at the item clearly.

It was an old dusty leather book!

Allen looked at the cover but he couldn't read the name. The situation was much like when he saw the odd foreign language written at the foot of wolf sculpture which got him in this mess.

Allen couldn't read it but he felt a strange power hidden inside it.

Felt? Allen's eyes widened as he realized his control over the body was returning, feeling blood pumping through his body like a dam being opened.

Allen jumped back and it was a good thing he did, because the strange wolf sculpture was demolished as it deteriorated into fine sand and smashed on the floor.

"*Huff* What the fuck is all this?" Allen shouted in frustration as droplets of sweat poured from his head and he gulped in thirst licking his dry lips.

All the accumulation of his previously unfelt fear and tension erupted at the same time, overwhelming his mind. He shuddered uncontrollably as his teeth chattered, 'Calm down Allen! Calm down! It's over, nothing to worry abo-oh no! my powers!'

Allen didn't have much of a chance to think about his feelings. Worry fraught his mind about his battleforce, Chakra and Soul force, he checked the sea of consciousness and he observed the circled triangle was still there just a bit dim.

"Was that a hallucination or something?" Allen tried to gauge himself and also searched for the source of that white orb but he found nothing.

Left with no answer, Allen turned his attention again to the previous statue which is just a sack of sand now.

He walked closed and observed the black leather book. He didn't hesitate to immediately go over and take it.

What was there to hesitate about? He already had a near death experience and it was the only valuable thing he got.

"This book? It should be somewhat important, maybe this is my chance to get an amazing cultivation left by a random supreme magus and climb the ladder to greatness!" Allen tried to amuse himself with a bit of humor but his hands holding the book were still shaking.

Death no matter if he had been through it three times or not is still very scary! His feelings and sensation returning to him also come with a price but Allen would rather have this tension and stress than his previous unfeeling self.

Allen tried to calm himself down as he looked around the room, everything was the same as before except for the statue which is broken now.

It is quite surprising as to how amazingly endurable the construction is, even such a commotion couldn't destroy it. It's a testament to the skills of the Magi.

"The power of magi huh? maybe this is an Inheritance or something." Allen thought about this unusual setting which had a passing-the-torch like feel.

Allen drove the unnecessary thoughts away as he opened the book and looked at it, the language was obviously unreadable but the feeling of mystical power still permeated in fact it was much more violent than the cover.

The Aryana Continent was very large and humans only occupied a part of it. The rest of the uncharted territory was composed mostly of desolate plains, forests or mountain ranges.

But the many culture and history books previous Allen had browsed through had maps of the continent that were mostly similar to each other. Learning about geography was one of his subjects back at home and he just continued to mildly read about it in passing.

It is said that these maps were left over from the age of magic and had been mapped by the Magi during their travels around the continent.

The language used on the continent was known as the common bhasha language. All people on the continent spoke that language and with few alternative dialects which were developed along the way.

The script resembled alphabets and were composed of 36 characters which could be formed into words by putting two or three characters into a cursive and attractive shape.

In the books, it was said that this language had been developed by the Magi especially for the humans' use. The magi also knew several other languages of other races including that of the ancient fairies, dragons, gremlins as well as some other tongues that contained mysterious magical power especially their own Barlyon language.

"Ahh!" Allen closed the book with a snap as his brows furrowed, his eyes tearing. He started to rub his head pinching his eyebrows with his fingers massaging them.

Allen felt an intense headache just now when he tried to read and understand the text. Although Allen couldn't read it, he felt that he could understand something, maybe an intent or something but he couldn't bear to look for more than a few glances.

"Damn it! I almost got nerfed and for want? Even with my superior soul force I cant endure this spiritual burden, how many years do I have to cultivate in order to read this damn book?" Allen sighed in depression. He has no idea what this book is but it must be pretty amazing.

Even so, what's the use when he can't read it. What Allen didn't know was that only a person like him would face this problem because people with low spiritual force aren't even qualified to pry into the secrets of this book.

To common people each and every word is just diagrams and symbols.

Allen calmed himself and laid in a corner to rest and stashed the book in his clothes just close to his chest.

He then began to cultivate and complete the cycle, he has extended his limits to a total of nine cycles out of the sixteen in this one month.


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