Now the stranger appeared in front of Ron. Ron asked "But there is no name of Rajeswari and her family in history"
The stranger said " History has proved many times the chief weapon of Politics is conspiracy which made Ashok famous .You may be a hero with remarkable strength, courage but if you failed to lay a vast empire then there is no place for you in history. So you have to learn Conspiracy theories , which Kalinga emperor and his family didn't know. They fought the war till the last breathe but history forgot them. "
After hearing this Ron asked the stranger "Are you a historical man"
The man replied "I am the fastest in the world.I never stop.I am the present, future and the past. Guess who am I "
By saying this The stranger disappeared. By thinking about him(the stranger) Ron went to prepare his project "
(The end)
: Comment below who is the stranger????