"If not me, who? You? Can you get that magic arrow? You can buy it with your father's money?" Ren asked in a cold tone.
"Shit," Ozi cursed flatly. "You want to talk about money now?"
"You made me talk about it," Ren said as he slammed the bow on the ground. Ozi looked at it with an unexpected face.
"Up to you. Do whatever you want," Ozi said, then left the pitch.
Ozi flew away from the field. After hearing Ren's words that annoyed him, his mood was getting worse today. Moreover, since morning he had been annoyed because his father always brought up money problems.
"Ozi, off to archery class! I've paid for a full year. So, make sure not to miss a single day of class," Mauren ordered while wearing a shirt and tie.
"Dad, I never wanted that class," Ozi said for the umpteenth time, even though he already knew his father wouldn't cancel the class. However, he still felt compelled to express his annoyance.