Hey , Greeting readers , Hope You all are doing well in your life , Let us go into the world of story.
The stories of two family in the same house, are different , which was not justified at all.
The question used to arise in the minds of the children that the grandmother gives love to the children of the elder father, but why not them?
Somewhere, Kusum and her husband also wanted to know the answer to these questions. But they couldn't ask anyone, or they don't want to know.
On the one hand the children were happy even in the struggle , on the other hand the people were not happy in the monarchy as well.
The Children who had received various kinds of comfort ( luxury) since birth, they were jealous of the the struggling kids , who grew up in the absence of essential things. They used to envy them , that what are the things that make these fools, happy even in the absence of luxury.
A hotel-like house on one side, and a 6-room hut on the other.
When the power goes out on one side, there are 3-4 inverters, and on one side it is light from the lamp in total darkness.
On one hand, excess ration items. On the other hand, less food than required.
On the one hand there was complete peace and on the other , there was a festive noise every day .
(How strange is the game of nature, One is not happy even after getting everything, and one is not sad even after getting nothing.)
It was an interesting experience for the children to see the school being built, the children used to do all the work together with their parents, Which would reduce the expenses.
By employing fewer laborers, their parents used to save some money and used to work themselves in their place, In doing so the children got immense pleasure.
For the children the time spent with their parents , In those struggle was , more pleasant and golden than any picnic or trip.
The children enjoy the pleasure of doing all the work, then cleaning themselves, eat together, and so on .
Due to all these incidents good qualities were being developed in the children ,that money can't buy happiness, They were happily passing the day of the struggle, and That was the best inspiration for all of them .