beginning of 2020
New Year ..
We all celebrate with our family and friend.
Knowing its a good year but that's not truth
On 1th January a virus started spreading in Wuhan,China cause of bat and the name was SARS-CoV-2 good know as Covid-19 this virus causes. Fever,Headache and respiratory problems such as cough and shortness breath not only coronavirus. There is more disasters like Wild fire,Natural disaster, Indonesia flash flood, Volcanic eruption in Philippines,heat waves in the US,most girl getting rape,plane crashing,Rain and flood,and ppl dying of coronavirus. no one excepted this. We think it will be over and thought that coronavirus will go away soon. But it didn't it just started. Spreading in the US and got worst there was no cure yet. The whole world was in lockdown no one was allow to go outside and people had to wear mask can even go near others. Stores and school were close. Children had to do online class. Some president high all the groceries in the stores and people can't afford it. Some people had to work at night like fisher man they had to caught fish at night. And they can't do that because of the lockdown. Theres alot of disaster happened in the world. l heard there's a new virus called zombie mushroom. It is only on ant check it on Google.
~Thank You~