Around the later parts of November, Remuel had finally finished up bolstering each army. He then remembered about Serkyrio's extra mission towards him in the case he gets leeway in his schedule.
"Investigation on Prominence..." Remuel sighed as he knew that the mission by itself is going to be tedious. However, he didn't let himself down as he rose up from his bed and quickly prepared himself for the mission.
Before setting off, he went to make reports of finishing up bolstering the power of each country that are allied with them.
"So we just simply have to wait for Draxus and Arlesk to finish up on their parts..." Remuel summarized each initial strength of the armies of each country, before finally finishing up everything with what Draxus and Arlesk were supposed to be doing as of the moment, strengthening their equipment and refining their discipline. "Good..." Serkyrio hummed... "Considering how you have extra time now, I suppose you've prepared yourself to travel to Prominence?" "Yeah, while I do want to take a break from the unholy scheduling I received, I feel like something is up that we cannot afford to miss there." Serkyrio smiled, as if he had already known. "Considering you're... Never mind." Remuel stopped himself from continuing for a second as he glanced around the room as all of the secretaries are present. "But yeah, I feel like something is up considering they haven't made major moves despite Draxus trashing their hideouts in Aquila and Wesley causing chaos in Temockria." Remuel was having hunches, which Serkyrio understood. "Remuel, yours will be coming in soon... I'll just let you know about that." Remuel did not understand what Serkyrio had meant, but he felt like something is about to return to him soon enough and simply bowed before leaving.
Serkyrio and the secretaries remained as Serkyrio let some thoughts cross over to his mind. "I wonder if he had finally realized it...?" Serkyrio simply shook his head as he continued his work as the stack of papers continued to accumulate. "Well, he'll figure it out soon enough... Principle of Balance..."
After having a bit of a rest and breakfast with his fiancés, including Tristan who had joined them, Remuel moved to look for Draxus who had finally returned from enhancing the equipment of the armies. He set off for the [Hall of Sentinels] in hopes to quickly find Draxus and ask if he's available for the mission.
As he arrived to the [Hall of Sentinels], he was greeted by a few Sentinels who are mostly recruits, showing respect to him as an Archon, despite having different departments and superiors, they show proper respect to those of higher ranking. Eventually, Remuel detected Draxus' presence within his office. With a small crack in the door being slightly open, he peeked into it and saw Draxus, Olivia, and Abigail going a bit intimate... Remuel sighed as he heard the conversation within the room. "I don't think you're fine to go out for the day mister. Considering how many countries you've worked on for their weapons and equipment, you're resting for the day and a half." He was being reprimanded, though through the door there were pretty much smooching a lot. Remuel simply snapped a photo and left before Draxus could notice.
"So, you're heading off to Prominence now?" Victorina spoke about Remuel's next task. He was drinking tea with his other fiancés for a short break before heading off to the next mission. "Yeah, this might be a rough mission considering last time we went there... We instantly get surrounded by [People of Earth] members. And considering there were no major actions after trashing both Aquila and Temockria, I'm feeling iffy with how they're not doing some sort of retaliation yet. So I have to investigate what they're doing." "The fact that you have to be the one that investigates instead of the [Overseers]..." Tristan had already been introduced to the Preeliance, she was still learning each department and is working closely with Remuel. "That means they couldn't get through huh...?" Remuel nodded to her insight, eventually telling them what is mostly going to happen. "I'll probably be out there for at least a few days, I'll get through most of their defenses and look into what they're planning." His fiancés were concerned, but they were still confident on Remuel's abilities. As he finished discussing everything with them, he left them a light kiss as his gift before setting off.
"Already Remuel, Prominence as a destination for travel isn't an easy one, because you will have to find another spot for a portal before starting your mission." Harold warned Remuel of some things before opening the portal for him. "So I need to find another safe point huh...?" "Yeah, if you don't get detected at all and pursued, it's easy to keep that safe point, but you are escaping from a chase, I'll have to cut off that connection or they'll tamper it." Remuel understood what Harold had meant, leaving a portal that they have knowledge on will help them easily invade the Preeliance, even if one side had been cut off as they could just tamper it to connect to somewhere else instead.
After handing over his supplies and equipment, he stored it in the [Interdimensional Storage]. Remuel then entered the portal which quickly closed behind him.
Remuel now found himself outside the capital city of Prominence, he quickly thought about finding a different location to mark a rift portal. After searching around the forest, he found a cave with a large enough opening. Knowing that Prominence was a seedbed for mutated species of monsters, he caught a glimpse of what was guarding the cave. "A tiger? But those are some crazy scales on its back..." What he spotted was a tiger, almost as large as a bear, with hardened scales covering its back, as if protecting itself from bladed weaponry. Remuel would consider it as a threat to most of the populace, if only he wasn't already so powerful.
Remuel brought out a large scythe, the blade having small details of red and black, a hint of extreme power coming from the handle. He swiftly moved forward and slashed the head of the beast in front of him. He wasn't able to cleanly cut off the head as part of the head was dangling down from the beast as it fell. The scales behind its head was completely keeping it on hold. "Damn, I didn't think it would be that hard, but well... It's still some materials..." Remuel took the beast and stuffed it into the [Interdimensional Storage], he entered the cave and checked if there were any more beasts inside.
After a while of clearing up the area, he considered it a great place for a portal as he marked the area.
He then left the cave after putting up a small talisman to ward off other monsters. Looking up to the giant castle in the middle of the city from outside its walls, Remuel sighed as he prepared himself and ate his lunch before setting off to investigate the inner workings of the country in front of him.