Chereads / Isekai: The Eight Soul Fragments / Chapter 292 - Little Preparation Time

Chapter 292 - Little Preparation Time

Remuel went to his office immediately and contacted his fiancés to his office to gather up.

Victorina arrived first, and immediately asked Remuel on the reason why they are being called. She had somewhat predicted that Remuel is going off on a mission. "Did you get assigned a mission?" "Yeah, this time it's bolstering the national power of each member of the alliance." Victorina was slightly surprised by the mission handed to him. "The time limit hurts a lot though. Deadline is end of November." "That's a bit rough... Considering how much of the continent are in the [Tranquil Harmony]." Victorina then brought out some documents from the reports of each country. "I do have the country summary reports here, so I know it will help out quite a bit. You sure you want to go at this alone? I feel like the you're gonna have to deal with countries that have bad army discipline records." "That's the problem I'm thinking about right now." Victorina pondered for a moment as she watched Remuel sluggishly relax himself on his seat. "How about I join you? From the records here, it seems the templars of Santuria who are still unclear about their memories, Bovoyna's early stages of rebuilding, and Polytopia soldiers being money-driven are going to be a major issue for you." Remuel was impressed, Victorina quickly suggesting to join him on the trip when it comes to some countries. "Thanks, I really needed the help there, specially when we have to finish empowering them in an average of two days." Remuel and Victorina continued to discuss for a while until the other fiancés arrived.

"So the short summary of why I want you all here is that... I'm about to be sent off to a very stressful mission, if I have to say..." Bethany, Lynx, and Noelle, started to feel concerned as Remuel does tend to have some of the more stressful work. "We're planning to bolster the armies of each country in [Tranquil Harmony]. I'll have one of you accompany me for every country I visit. Victorina has already declared taking the countries of Bovoyna, Polytopia, and Santuria. So I would like to assign the times where I would ask one of you to join me." Remuel began summarizing who would join him on which country. Since the rest of the countries aren't particularly high stress areas, they were able to easily agree to the terms.

As the meeting was dismissed quickly, Lynx and Noelle remained to serve some beverages to Remuel while Victorina and Bethany left to prepare themselves for the trips.

"Hey Victorina, I'm a little curious but..." Bethany started talking a bit more casually with Victorina as the two of them had become pretty close with each other. "Hmm?" "Would you be okay on dealing with those three countries? Considering how bad their discipline is..." "Yeah, the simple answer is to make them submit in defeat if they don't listen." "But you're less of a fighter and more of a magician right?" Bethany was showing concern as she had pretty much barely understood the combat capabilities on their circle. With Remuel being extreme in both combat and magic, Victorina being a pure magician, Lynx and Noelle learning both assassin based fighting styles in case of battle, and herself thinking that she's somewhat less of an asset in a battlefield. "I get that you're much better on support style magic. You haven't really entered the battlefield much right?" Bethany nodded on Victorina's words, which made her realize that there's a massive gap in terms of capabilities between them. "The thing is... [Do what we do best]. You don't have to force yourself to learn things you're not comfortable learning at. To me, I'll do anything to continue reaching forward without fear. This way, Remuel doesn't have to be alone in that regard. Which is why he also gave me this." Victorina revealed a necklace that was given to her by Remuel. "[Amalgam of Destiny]? He entrusted that to you?" Bethany was surprised with how Victorina now holds most of the magic that Remuel had researched before. "Yes, he's avoiding having a large arsenal since he tends to forget some of his abilities. Which is why he gave this to me, so I can handle myself better with the amount of things hidden within this necklace." Victorina and Bethany continued talking as they went to prepare for the trip.




November 10th, the day Remuel goes to the first country to deal with, he decided to start with the more troublesome countries as he didn't want to waste too much time.

"Alright... This should be more than enough." Remuel looked over the table that contained various dishes and beverages. "Not having to prepare food and just eat something while training is great and all, but if the countries have prepared food for us then that's also cool." As Remuel felt relieved by the prepared food and materials for improving them, he heard a knock on the door. "It's open." As the door opens, a familiar figure appeared which Remuel didn't really expect to come. "Drax? Thanks for cooking up all these. What's your plan here?" "Oh, I've been told by Serkyrio to help you out. Well considering that we're bolstering up armies, I may as well help them out in the equipment department or so, but we aren't synced on schedules so I'll be a little late." "I see... I plan to make every army into battlemages after all, so you're going to be enhancing their equipment later?" Draxus nodded, seemingly glad Remuel understood his intentions. "Yeah, if they master fighting both melee with magic assistance, and ranged with magic, they're going to at least be able to handle the armies the enemies send our way. However, their equipment won't catch up in that case, so I'll be upgrading their equipment after you finish with their mattle bage training." "Mattle bage..." Remuel sighed a bit, but was relieved that there's additional support on bolstering the armies. "At the very least, the discipline part is not my problem." "Guh..." Remuel folded as he felt a spike in his chest in both annoyance and exhaustion upon hearing that they have to deal with the discipline problem. "And it's not your problem either." As Remuel heard that, he looked up a bit in disbelief. "Leave it to our popular boi Arlesk to hammer discipline into them, the two of us would be moving to the strengthened countries together, so while I deal with equipment, let Arlesk's charisma handle their discipline records." Remuel sighed in relief, as he no longer had to deal with disciplining the armies. "But if there are actual annoying ones, I may as well deal with them." He made his conviction as he knew that some armies would become too troublesome and do something stupid. "Yeah, the three of us are quite unstoppable, covering each other's weaknesses." Draxus then gave his final words before looking at his watch.

"There's still time, up for some games?" Remuel then spoke as he smiled in anticipation. "Hmm... Yeah, I'm down." The two of them then brought out a deck of cards as they started shuffling. "It's time for me to beat yo ass and end your win streak!" Draxus made his declaration as Remuel set down a table and laid out a playmat and a chess clock to the side. "You'll have to work your ass off for that!" The two then played a 3-game match of TCG while waiting.