One more day elapsed, every corrupt noble in Aquila has been executed, and every noble that surrendered without resisting has been captured. The King and Queen of Aquila, who are now resting on a guest room of the Preeliance castle pondered one what might happen in the future. Since their country is already done for, they couldn't think of other possibilities aside from public execution.
Their thoughts made sense, as the one who lost the war, they could potentially be executed for their enemy to declare their victory on the war. "Dear..." The Queen was concerned as the two of them continued to speak about what will happen to them. "It's time huh...?" The Queen nodded on his words, as a knock on the door could be heard before it was opened. The person who came into the room was Andreus. "Good day, King and Queen of Aquila. I am the Prime Minister of Preeliance, I'm here today to finalize your records to end the war of Aquila." As Andreus entered, Draxus followed behind him. "Sir... Heimdal..." The King and Queen were surprised, since Draxus was showing a slightly ashamed expression, one that they couldn't recognize on their meetings with him back when he was visiting the castle in regards to the treatment of Keith and Layla.
"Good day to both of you as well..." The King responded to them as they wanted to finally end this short warring between them. "As for the results of the battles, I'm pretty sure it's concluded that Preeliance has already won this war. As for the ending of it, the King and Queen will pledge their allegiance to the [Tranquil Harmony] and act as new members of it. Your tasks include managing the non-corrupt members of your country and having them handle every town after getting dismantled. Members of the [Guardians] will be present on your towns, acting as the lead peacekeeper and advisors to your nobles until the country has stabilized itself. They have great education on how to handle various affairs along with combat experience, so they will be reliable to your remaining nobles. You may have to prepare and promote some civilians beforehand to make your workload easier. In summary, you're basically restarting the development of your country. The territory, population, and control will be the same, but you have less nobles to work with, so hire proper people who don't have a darkened heart. The [Guardians] can help with such screening." The King and Queen were shocked, as the punishment was simply cleaning up the mess. The King couldn't help but utter in disbelief. "Why...?" "This is your judgement after Draxus' determination towards the Emperor. The archon himself in front of you pleaded to keep you both alive." The King and Queen directed their gazes towards Draxus. "You see... It's actually Lily and Julie... Lilianna and Julianna who asked me to save both of you at the very least. And since you're still their family, I figured that I should still think of a possibility for a happy ending at the very least." The King and the Queen started shedding tears as it was Draxus himself who wanted to give a chance with Lilianna and Julianna's wish for him.
"Lily and Julie want to speak with both of you on private. Are you okay with the terms given by Andreus?" The King and Queen nodded, accepting the judgement given to them without complaints. The two then left the room which Lilianna and Julianna entered. Lilianna entered normally while Julianna dragged Draxus back into the room before closing it. "Quick, we can finally do this properly since it was impossible to do when they were under control of the heroes." Julianna was excited, as if doing an opportunity that they have not done.
Lilianna and Julianna stood beside the King and the Queen on their bed. Draxus stood in front of them as he seemed to be preparing his words. "We've met a few times due to the circumstances, but this is the first time we spoke in a much more serene setting where we can have a proper discussion. So once again, I would like to reintroduce myself." Draxus started speaking politely, his courtesy and public relations was something he was good at when speaking to royalty or nobility. "My name is Draxus Heimdal Kingfisher. I am one of the three Archons of Preeliance. My section focuses more on handling the covert operations organization [Order of the Crystallized Sentinels], and the head of financial control in Preeliance." The aura Draxus brought out was both gentle and calming, letting the King and Queen compose themselves as Draxus reintroduced himself. "My purpose for my visit is to speak about your two daughters. I found your two daughters to be quite charming in various regards, so I hoped to be able to take them as my wives for the future as their support has always kept me going through the days. Thus, I implore you to grant us your blessing." Lilianna and Julianna were charmed by Draxus' words and his alluring speech in regards to how important they were to him. The King and the Queen gazed towards their daughters, seeing how happy they were with Draxus, the Queen smiled while the King spoke. "Very well, I have once failed my daughters by my inability to think properly. Not only that but, seeing Lilianna and Julianna this happy. Please..." The king bowed to Draxus while still seated on the bed. "Take care of my two daughters." "As you wish." The conversation then started to shift a bit. With no longer anyone moving to interfere with them, they started talking about Lilianna and Julianna's adventure. The King and the Queen showed concerns as their two daughters have gone through so much. But as the topic finally included their adventure with Draxus, the expressions started to get a bit more relaxed. With the capabilities Draxus showed over and over again, even training both of them to become capable of fighting against extreme opponents, they were starting to feel proud and relieved.
After having caught up to date with the King and Queen of Aquila, Draxus, Lilianna, and Julianna moved towards the [Hall of Sentinels] specifically, Draxus' room.
"A lot has happened within October and November huh...?" Draxus started the conversation as they were cuddling on his bed. Lilianna laid down on his left while Julianna laid on his right side. They talked about the events that occurred within the world. "Yeah, you've been quite busy for it as well..." Lilianna placed her hand on Draxus' chest. He realized that the two of them tend to be quite inseparable. Considering that they're siblings of the same technical age, they were doing what they could on trying to survive a few years ago. "Speaking of which... Gwen and Draxus' birthday is coming soon..." Gwen's birthday is in the middle of December, and Draxus was a full week after her birthday. Julianna's words made Draxus remember something important. "Oh right, it is coming quite soon huh...?" "Back then, you were asleep on that chamber." "Yeah... Damn it's actually been nearly a year since the Santuria incident..." Draxus felt reminiscent to the events as he recalled everything that had gone through.
June last year they were summoned, and in only two weeks, Draxus got engaged with Olivia. On late August, Preeliance was created. December had the Santuria incident, then early January was when Serkyrio opened the gates back to Earth. Later that month was when Remuel visited Luventrion and Draxus being sent to Earth to get rid of the clones. Late March was Polytopia and the Mass Recall, the awakening of the Destroyer soul. Mid June, the first incident with Aquila with Keith. Mid July was when Pauleen and Juniper were in danger. Abigail and Scarlet were then introduced as Draxus' fiancés around mid August, the first year of Preeliance. Lastly, the judgement of the Heroes in September. Draxus explained the events briefly to the two of them. Since they were able to witness the most of it, they didn't really say anything. "The judgement of Josh happened just a few days ago huh...?" It was still early in November, as Josh's judgement happened around the late end of October.
Now with finishing the issue with Aquila, they have more free time to spend with each other. Draxus would optimize his schedule again due to the accumulated paperwork. With the help of Olivia and Abigail however, they could breeze through it easily. "Drax, the amount of paperwork you'll be doing starting tomorrow seemed overwhelming..." Lilianna had already seen what was going on. "We could... Help if you need..." Julianna then offered assistance for him. Seeing as his two fiancés pretty much want to help him out, Draxus decided to take their help to further speed up dealing with the paperwork.
Since most of Draxus' fiancés are royalty, they know that they have to do some paperwork from time to time. Even the only one that isn't royalty, being Wendy was working on the affairs between Earth and the world they live in. Scarlet however is still learning the paperwork since she was blinded.
Draxus held them a bit closer as he felt comfortable in between the two Princesses of Aquila.