Serkyrio summoned the entire group of Preeliance members as he began his announcement in the throne room. "Today, I will announce two things that will happen in this day. Firstly, the three Archons, Draxus, Remuel, and Arlesk, had chosen three positions that will twelve of you will be keeping for the rest of your lives to serve this country. These positions are [Executors], they are at the same level as a [Duke] and you are in a position to command armies in any situation. The twelve members who will be assigned to this position are..." Serkyrio announced the names of twelve various members in the Preeliance group.
Jaquinn Naeva
Andreus Nimrod
Charnet Kaiser
Richard Nalaar
Keith Nagual
Wesley Sirius
Harold Cynfael
Jess Palestine
Audrey Fairchild
Berkeley Dhillip
Dante Taral
Percy Jordan
"These twelve will be acting in position for the twelve executors. Each one of them is granted a special title as a benefit to their position that is also befitting of their abilities." Serkyrio stood up from his throne and brought out the ceremonial sword and scepter that is meant to bestow the best of luck to his subjects. "Keith Nagual shall be bestowed with [Outlaw], with his ability to manipulate the power of spirits, he is always able to use magic that involves even manipulation of time, space, or the mana in the surroundings. He fights in the front lines as a Sentinel to face the enemies and bring forth liberation to what he protects." Serkyrio tapped the scepter on Keith's shoulder as he was knelt down on one knee. "Next shall be Charnet Kaiser, my very own younger sister shall be bestowed with the title [Lover], with the fact that love transcends regardless of gender in a society, with her power to protect and guide the country in my absence, she continues to work her best in helping me as my only blood relation." Serkyrio continued to bestow the titles to the other [Executors] and were finally given a chance to think about what they could do later on.
"As for the second announcement, I will be giving the liberty for a vacation to all members in this castle. The Archons will remain to continue their work in the final goal but do not forget as there is an objective in this vacation. All of you will schedule a vacation for about a month off. Everyone's objective is to explore the world and attempt to make contact with countries that we haven't explored. And everyone must be able to respond on emergency summons, if unable to respond, their vacation will be cut short as punishment." Serkyrio finished his announcement and called off all the members to return to their own posts. Serkyrio brought three Executors with him, namely Andreus, Jess, and Charnet. For Arlesk, he brought off Jaquinn, Harold, and Richard, Remuel brought his three researcher friends that were summoned along with Victorina, which are Percy, Berkeley, and Dante, while Draxus went off with the three Sentinels. The announcement was merely done for appearances.
Draxus summoned all the [Sentinels] in towards the [Hall of Sentinels] for his own announcement to the vacation.
"There will be a party within the [Sentinels] for the night as there is a new position that's above the normal ministry of people in the Preeliance government. Audrey, Wesley, and Keith have taken three positions of the twelve Executors. And that's not all, each one of you can schedule a one month vacation for all your hard work during a stressful disaster. I'd like everyone to enjoy a summer break after I announce the two conditions in the party later tonight."
After preparations, the [Sentinels] held a party once more as Draxus prepared to give out their vacations.
"So you got promoted Aud, congrats." Jay congratulated Audrey for her continuous great work as a Sentinel. "Thanks Jay, honestly it still feels a little bit pressuring, but there's a vacation soon so I'm going to go off alone for a while." Jay felt slightly disappointed as he couldn't spend his vacation with Audrey. "That's unfortunate, but I do believe that the condition states for us to be ready for any emergency summon." Audrey nodded to Jay's words as she recalled something. "Yeah, I believe our vacation schedules match up, so let's set some schedules for time together, but in the meantime I found something interesting. Don't tell our leader or he might charge in there alone. I'm planning to investigate something that disappeared in the books of history for the longest time. And after my last check, I noticed something crazy." Jay felt slightly worried as Audrey said the word crazy could imply something massive. "A door to an alternate realm, I entered it once and I ended up in the fae realm. So I'm going to investigate it even further." Jay let out a sigh of relief as he immediately understood something. "The fae world you talked about is the one you felt that was connected here right?" Audrey discussed what she remembered about the Fae Realm to Jay.
On the other side of the [Sentinel Hall], Keith, Wesley, Jevil, and Viceroy were thinking about what to do for the vacation. "As expected, since Draxus will be continuing his work as an Archon, Audrey's gonna have to work it out for us." Wesley immediately made a suggestion as on what to do to for their vacation. However, Keith remembered the announcement clearly. "Well, I'm pretty sure we're told to spread out though, so everybody will go solo? Or with their girlfriends?" Jevil simply looked away as he realized that he's currently the only person without a lover in the group due to the lack of interest. "I'm probably going solo here, though I guess we'll stumble within each other from time to time." Jevil wondered about what to do with his adventures later on.
Draxus made quick preparations to the party after finishing a small pile of paperwork. With Olivia working beside him as secretary, she was curious on what kind of plans Draxus will have despite having no full vacation. "Drax, the recent announcement said that everybody is freely able to get vacation time right? But how come you guys aren't getting one?" Draxus simply smiled as he reassured Olivia from the possible pile of work he's getting. "Actually, the four of us discussed something about that a while ago. Each of us will have a two week off from our duties in here completely. So I do have plans to go on a vacation, my destination... How about I bring you all to my world? I'm sure you girls would be surprised by the things there." His suggestion was immediately accepted by her as she went off to talk with the other girls. With Draxus being left alone in the room, he could simply smile as he felt complete with their presence around. "Truly blessed to have them beside me." Draxus stood up and decided to head towards the [Hall of Sentinels] to hand over tasks to his Sentinels.