Olivia returned to the castle of Quisterion as she was worried about her family. She was accompanied by Audrey from the Sentinels with a select few members with her. They were assigned by Draxus himself and were given strict orders to ensure Olivia's safety, just like how overprotective he is when it comes to protecting his loved ones.
"P-Princess Olivia? It's a surprise for you to head towards here, did something happen in Preeliance?" The first person to greet them was Ulysses himself, the hero of the country of Quisterion. "And to be accompanied by the fabled [Sentinels]... There's something major going to happen is there?" Ulysses's expression slowly turned serious as Olivia nodded. "I'm sorry Audrey but can you handle the front lines immediately? Wendy will be with me to prepare the backup for you." Audrey nodded to Olivia's idea and assigned her group to handle the front line attack by the devils.
"I'm sure that the one month training provided to you is already more than enough to fight against these enemies. However, do not be complacent! There are thousands of them and we only have a small number, work in coordination and let Jay and Maria take control of the situation. I will handle the attackers from the council coming from behind." Audrey handed over the instructions towards Jay and the rest of the sentinels she currently lead. Both sides went towards separate stations as they head for the shoreline which is by surprise, unoccupied by any city, making it a safe place to fight without any qualms.
"So the plan is truly on the go huh...?" The King of Quisterion pondered as he listened into his daughter's report. "What about the strength of their armies? You said earlier that both you and Draxus had trouble fighting against the metallic knights right?" Olivia nodded on the king's words and explained even further. "Yes, without magic, it would've posed a major threat as the strength is completely comparable to a hero. But with magic, strategy, and coordination, I believe we can handle it just fine. Audrey will most likely take over on handling the knights. Even if there are a million, she could clean them up mostly within minutes." The king only realized it today that Draxus isn't around. Thus asking the important question. "What about Draxus?" Olivia simply shook her head and made the answer quickly. "He's going to Paladia first, going to three countries with crippled armies, Paladia has mostly recovered but the fact that they received damage from an incident beforehand turned them into a priority to save. And since those countries aren't on the shoreline, the metallic knight armies will be greatly thicker. So please, we need to get our army to the shoreline and help the [Sentinels], they cannot stall the devils forever, they're mostly just fresh new recruits." Olivia bowed in hopes of asking a little too much, Wendy followed suit as she was seated beside her. Olivia's father on the other hand, simply smiled and didn't hesitate to answer. "Of course. This is why the [Tranquil Harmony] leader, Serkyrio Kaiser said to only bring a hundred men with him from each country. Because he wants the rest of the armies to help on the defense from the all-round attack." Olivia looked up to the king as he began to command Ulysses to lead his party and an army towards the shoreline.
Jay's party had already began intercepting the devil's army, as he was tasked to do extermination for once, he didn't even hesitate the slightest bit to use his tech. Metallic wings made up from blades that was conceptualized by Draxus into a piece of technology he can use was something he was grateful to him for. Thus he used it without reservation as he gave out orders to the rest of the sentinels in his party. "Remain distant from the enemy! Target the ones that are closest to you to prevent their advance! Create a wall of corpses to make it even harder for them!" He stationed each sentinel with a wide gap between each other to form a long wall as they were on top of the hill that the enemies have to cross. Jay took control of the situation clearly as if taking over the vice-chief's job flawlessly. They were being pushed back, but they were doing more damage to the devil's army then getting themselves pushed back.
Behind them though was Audrey, she witnessed multiple platforms distorting into a different color as they descended from the skies. Before they made full descent, she completely crumbled the platforms using intense wind magic combined with earth magic. She was faced with almost a million knights, thus she had to quickly wipe them out before they perform a pincer attack to her sentinel party. "The council sure has a great surplus of an army, but that doesn't mean that they'll pass through us anyway." She brought out a hakkero that Draxus made recently as a gift for her in her birthday. "Well, this is gonna be fun." With being capable of flight, a staff on her right hand and a hakkero on her left, she was fully set on unleashing chaos. "Draxus found some new game he enjoyed, so let's make use of the concepts he got there. [Malevarious]!" She pointed the hakkero towards the falling metallic knights and infused metallic, electric, and darkness elements into a gigantic charged laser she fired towards them. This effectively decimated every single metallic knight that touched the laser. While still keeping the laser active, she decided to bend the angle and change the trajectory to destroy more of them. "This is much more fun! Destroying armies like these without worrying about my mana!" Just as she started enjoying to get rid of many enemies, she felt a major chill crawl up right behind her. She flew away from her position while keeping an eye for surprise attacks. "Tsk! So that wasn't enough to faze you." Audrey's eyes snapped wide open as she saw the person behind her. With the spear on his hands imbued with both life and death, he fixed his posture mid flight and prepared to make an attack. "Iapetus!"