Remuel was guided by multiple guards and the king of Luventrion beside him. The two of them were talking about some political occurrences within their countries. "Progress has been pretty much improving in my fledging country. However, your country seems to have a lot of things that are just way ahead of us in terms of development." The king of Luventrion laughed at Remuel's comment, which didn't exactly bother Remuel but he narrowed his eyes a little. "Well, on the development of magic, we definitely are ahead than most countries. But the powers of the people of Preeliance hold is just something else entirely. "All people there are capable of magic right? They can even use spells that they have aptitude on, and even take advantage of the environment and the worldly cycles. And besides, the game room which you guys have is what makes me enjoy peace more than war at this point of time." The king of Luventrion smiled as if he's starting to experience more things in the world ever since the arrival of the [People of Earth] for the very first time. His country was allied with the Kitrixia kingdom and had a hostile act towards people of Quisterion. But since the appearance of Serkyrio who brought forth peace towards two nations, it has been a lot more peaceful as seven out of seven countries have entered the [Tranquil Harmony] alliance led by the sixteenth country of Preeliance. "We have our meetings on a monthly schedule correct? I have been looking forward to that more as the meetings have gotten completely interesting. Even if it's just playing around in a room to get along with other kings, we at the very least understood how we should actually be preparing for any possibility. Our countries that lost a war were still very crippled, but we're slowly recovering our manpower." Remuel felt a little guilty as he's one of the people that crippled the armies of four countries. He had to compensate somehow by assisting them out for free. "Well, have you guys found your new hero?" Remuel asked the king a question as the souls of heroes can pretty much enter anybody and move through a generation. "Apparently, not even one country had found a new hero. It's weird since a surge of power would definitely fall under an area if a new hero is found." The king and Remuel entered a room to discuss things further. The king informed the guards to stay outside and summon the scholars to the room. "I have a conjecture about the missing heroes. We have discussed about the potentially dangerous organization called the [Council of the Skies] right? It is said that they capabilities even higher than the heroes. And a hero actually looked up to them, so it's likely that the souls of the heroes were being sent back to the floating content where the council resides. We can't track them down as they have a magic disarrangement barrier." Remuel sighed as he quickly remembered the deadly fight he had with Iapetus. "I recently fought the second in command of the Council. I was fighting with Draxus and Arlesk, but we had no magic to work with. We had to make use of our perfect coordination just to corner him. But when he used an ability that allows him to take control of the world's life signs, and the will of death, we were unable to do anything against him at all." The king of Luventrion's eyes widened as he realized that even Remuel has trouble fighting against enemies that could stop them from using magic. "We're still far away from actually succeeding the goal." Remuel detected three presences along with the guards that were ordered to summon the scholars. "But let's leave that for the next monthly meeting, king of Luventrion." Remuel sat down at the sofa in front of the king. A knocking was heard on the door which the king answered by saying: "Come in."
Three people entered the room where the king and Remuel were waiting for them. The king let out a grand aura while Remuel was releasing an aura of a visitor. "Take a seat, scholars." The king offered the three scholars to sit down on the couch, to which they did abide to it. He then turned his gaze towards Remuel who was sipping on the tea that was served earlier. Remuel understood that gesture and introduced himself to the trio. "It's my first time meeting you three. I am Remuel Baphomet Phoenix, one of the three prevalent archons of the country of Preeliance. I'm here under instructions of Emperor Serkyrio Kaiser of Preeliance to investigate the Dungeon of Illusion." Remuel introduced himself while changing his aura into a pressure that won't accept any form of shitty behavior coming from the scholars. The three scholars introduced themselves stiffly due to Remuel's deadly pressure that could even make a person inexperienced to combat to pass out. Remuel then continued asking about the Dungeon of Illusion. "It was said that the scholars were having trouble solving the very first room. So I'd like to understand the reasons as to why none of you were yet to solve the puzzle." The scholars consisted of two young men and one young lady. Their ages were around the same as Remuel, except that they're younger by a solid year. That kind of behavior being displayed by a person just a little older than them set off the two men. One of them quickly stood up and yelled at him. "It's not like you'd be able to even do it yourself otherworlder!" While the other was somewhat passive aggressive in his words. "Even if you are an archon, we are scholars of magic. We have more knowledge in our hands here." Remuel had already forgotten the names of the two male scholars. They didn't interest him in the slightest with their scholarships being wasted by their behavior. But he never forgot to add insult to injury towards their incompetence. "Its funny how you guys can't even solve it even as scholars. Let me, who worked on the Dimensional Laboratory, and created a gate to another world solve it for you then." Remuel turned his gaze towards the young girl which was sighing in annoyance. He first thought that the sigh was aimed at him, but she looked at the two men in irritation and only noticed Remuel's gaze. "Well, the puzzle of the first room was given to us with a key. It seems that we have to fix the arrangement on this cube here and place it back to the pedestal in the dungeon as a key." The young lady, had blond hair and golden eyes, with a stature close to Remuel's height. The two men were taller than him, but he wasn't interested in them anyways. "If I remember correctly, you are...?" Remuel ignored the wails of the two male scholars and lowered his tension on the female one. "Bethany Alviss. I'm pleased to meet an archon such as yourself." Bethany bowed down while reintroducing herself to Remuel. "Silence! Can't you see you're being rude to the visitor from Preeliance?!" The king finally had enough of the endless yapping of the two scholars, who were being ignored. But he only allowed it to prolong since he was amused at how Remuel handled people. The two men sat down and started acting proper. Bethany then showed the key which was scrambled in multiple colors. "It was said that an ancient kingdom once used these to assemble a side and unleash powerful magic with the element that resembles the color of the side. They were powerful artifacts for the backline. But we can't use these for combat as they are the keys to the next room in the dungeon." Bethany turned a side which arranged the colors differently. Remuel quickly gained an idea as to what the object in her hand was. "Oh, I see now. Has anybody in history been able to form at least two sides at the same time?" When Remuel asked that question, Bethany shook her head slowly while answering clearly. "The best we can do is solve at least three sides at the same time. Nobody else in old history was able to solve it completely yet." Remuel then prompted Bethany to hand over the key to him, she did so thinking that he'll simply examine it. But he began scrambling it in purpose, causing her to drop her jaw in shock while the two male scholars started howling. "You ru-! Did you know how long it took us to form that!?" The king was desperately holding back his laughter as Remuel continued shuffling the cube. "You see, Draxus and Harold, the archon that holds concepts of magic, and the genius that created the dimensional gate? They can solve this in less than a minute you know? It's embarrassing for a scholar to not even know how to solve something like this. Well, Draxus can only solve the three by three version so far though." Remuel then began forming a cross on a color. The cube was divided into six sides, each side had a three by three grid with at least six different kinds of colors scrambled all over the entire cube. The six colors represent an element, white being light, green being nature, blue being water, red being fire, brown being earth, and black being darkness. To Remuel, it's just a rubik's cube. "I can solve it, but I'm not as fast as them." Remuel then completed the first layer just after saying his declaration. The three scholars and the king stared at Remuel and watched him slowly complete the cube. Before they even noticed, he had already completed the second layer. "Getting pretty close now, but that part was just the simple part, here's where it gets a little rough." Remuel started fixing the last layer while checking clearly. Since the atmosphere was tense, he directed some questions for Bethany. "What do you think will happen if you use magic of all six elements when this is completely solved?" Bethany who witnessed how fast Remuel progressed in completing two-thirds of the cube was frantic on how to answer that question. "I-I believe that it might be the cause of major damage. So I think it should be kept somewhere where it doesn't go rampant." When Remuel heard her answer, he was only just three pieces away from completing the cube. "See this? How long do you think will be able to reach this part?" Remuel started acting in a way where he shouldn't be looked down upon just because the positions of the people in front of him were prominent scholars with the study of magic. He then quickly completed the cube which started glowing a powerful aura of six elements at once. "Ooh! Now that's a lot of danger!" Remuel was smiling while detecting the presence of cataclysm-class magic coming from the cube. It caused the three scholars and the king to cramp their faces from the potential damage to the castle. "Is fine guys, look." Remuel's eyes started glowing a faint red color, which slowly weakened the aura of the cube. "What did you just do?" The king was confused as to how Remuel stopped the cube from causing dangerous damage to the castle. "Well, I absorbed it, but more importantly, mind telling me where the dungeon is?" Remuel's sinister smile was visible to all the people inside the room. But Bethany, instead of staring in fear, was staring at him with awe.