The [People of Earth] arrived to the group that was summoned into the current world that they are living on. Their representative walked up towards Florence as he immediately identified the owner of the appearance. "Brother..." Florence muttered in disbelief, as he saw his brother many times back in Earth. But he was unable to understand the situation as he looks at the splitting image of his brother. His brother, who wore adventuring clothes with a tinge of formality, smiled as he greeted Florence. "It's been a while, Florence. I didn't expect you to be summoned into this world as well." Those words that came out of his brother's mouth was something he couldn't understand. He saw his brother in Earth, but in the world that he's residing as well. "There were two of you...? But I saw you back in Earth..." His brother, named Lawrence Argentum raised his eyebrows as if immediately understanding that there was another "him" living in the Earth. "A clone was sent there huh...? I'm glad that my family was at least relieved with the clone." Lawrence had a short monologue before thinking about what to say to his younger brother. But eventually the two managed to talk it out formally as the people who were recently summoned started to group up towards them and talk about what will happen from now on.
Wendy's group felt a little suspicious but Florence immediately caught them in his eye, prompting them to come over. Wendy tried to stay away, but Florence started walking towards their position. Florence was accompanied by his brother Lawrence while the other recently summoned people were flocking the other representatives of People of Earth.
"Wendy, this person here is my brother, Lawrence. He said that we should come with them where it's safer." Florence immediately tried to grab her hand but was immediately stopped by Daniel. "Just what's your problem? Reaching out to her without permission?" Florence immediately frowned and narrowed his eyes before speaking. "What do you mean permission? Are you like her boyfriend? You should check your-" Florence was interrupted by his brother as he was immediately pulled away. Multiple 8-inch nails landed on the ground which surprised both sides and caused many of the summoned people to feel afraid of being attacked. Lawrence looked around in guard before checking the skies.
On top of the ruins behind Wendy, around ten people could be seen watching over the quarrel that ended between Florence and Daniel. One person immediately jumped down to stand in-between the two groups. After landing gracefully, he immediately let out a comment stopping the two sides. "That's enough [People from Earth], seeing your reputation in this world, I can't let you off easily with this." Standing in between them was a young man with his classic white and cerulean style clothing and jacket. With fur attached to the hood and a pair of brand new white and light blue headset. Wendy was surprised at his sudden appearance but she immediately felt a familiar presence that she had met at least once. "One of the Four Mysterious Cosplay Overseers?!" The person who was called with such a title immediately twitched his eyelids as if he remembered being called with a weird title. He turned around to check Wendy's group before smiling and reassuring them. "You'll be safe here behind me, leave the rest to us." Lawrence narrowed his eyes and quickly spoke in irritation. "So you have recovered, Draxus Heimdal." Draxus turned his gaze towards Lawrence and calmly began his negotiation. "Look here, new leader of the [People of Earth] faction, the [Preeliance] will be taking care of these newly summoned people. So I'd like you to immediately relinquish your dirty, war-instigating hands off these youngsters and fuck off? Besides, where did you hear such information that I was in stasis? Perhaps you are connected to those war freaks called the council." Draxus narrowed his eyes in response as he sent a chilling gaze towards Lawrence and Florence.
Turning back time in three days. Serkyrio had called forth a meeting between the allied countries. Each ruler came along with a set of guards that were stationed outside the meeting room. Family members were not brought along this time as Serkyrio mentioned that it was an emergency.
After the rulers gathered in full force in the Preeliance meeting room, Serkyrio had Remuel activate the monitors. All of the monitors presented the northern part of the country at the very center of the world. Many people with unusual clothing were seen in the monitors which got the rulers to widen their eyes in surprise. "Those are...?" Pope Niloufer muttered lightly as she watched the people begin to panic in the monitor. "Those are people that were summoned into this world. I encountered a group of three people from the enemy, Council of the Skies back on Earth. They must've been preparing to setup a wide-area summon back there. And they have managed to catch as many people that they will turn as our enemies." The king of Luventrion raised his hand immediately asking a question. "What should be done in this situation?" Serkyrio turned his gaze towards the king while nodding. "My group will be heading to the venue in three days time. We need some sort of preparation since the [People of Earth] can potentially invite them to their group and cause major hindrances to us. The summoned group should be best left to us Preeliance since most people here were born from the same world as them, but we won't lock them up in here. At the worst case, if the [People of Earth] and the [Council of the Skies] were truly collaborating, then it will be troublesome for us to handle. So I'll be heading there, along with the three archons. That includes Draxus who recently reawakened." Three rulers in the meeting room felt a sigh of relief as they heard of the news of Draxus recovering. Needless to say those three would be King Oscar, King Xenovitre, and Pope Niloufer, as their daughters are currently engaged with the Draxus. "Along with us, we'll bring a couple more selected people into this mission. I sense a lot of danger coming from the center of the continent."
Serkyrio closed the meeting after answering the questions of each ruler, making sure that all of them understood that they have to keep an eye to themselves as well since the higher-ups of Preeliance will be absent.
Serkyrio had a serious expression as he left the room.